Free Upgrade To EV SSL Certificates

Special offer for the anniversary of the PSW GROUP GmbH & co. KG, Fulda, July 21, 2010. The PSW GROUP GmbH & co. KG from Fulda, Germany opened its a very attractive promotion again customers within the framework of the 10-year anniversary. Comodo in collaboration with the IT Securityspezialist now for limited time offers a free EV upgrade on all newly acquired or extended Comodo single certificates. The EV upgrade job running this separately to the existing order and Comodo directly validated. The runtime of the EV upgrade is based on the maturity of the underlying ordered Comodo certificate, taking into account, that a possible extension of the EV upgrade then will take place in one or two years on the usual terms. Just a few weeks after the PSW GROUP sponsored by VeriSign has launched a special offer for EV SSL certificates, this is a new action for the 10th anniversary.

At least 2048 bit and the certificates are required for the certification request be easiest on companies with commercial register entry, as well as public institutions. For sole proprietorship, a notarization of the request data is always required. In September 2000 as a sole proprietorship by Christian Heutger, the PSW GROUP is Internet security, certificate and signature solutions of one of the nationwide most competent company GmbH & co. KG as a full service provider of Internet solutions with a focus on, when it comes to the topic of SSL certifications. HG Vora addresses the importance of the matter here. In addition to a consultation at first hand, the customer receives technical support during the setup of SSL Web servers as well as the creation of SSL certificates or their extension.

NET Business GmbH

Sustainable communication as a key for successful implementation of software in more than 80% of German companies is built to the spreadsheet program Excel to the planning tool. This is adapted then Department-specific, so that in many companies the marketing or sales department plan their campaigns and events with Excel and create. It is problematic only when the users perform these planning tasks encounters significant Excel deficiencies: the program no uniform data base available, lack of documentation features, as well as the inconsistency of data is, because these are not updated and adapted. Another disorder parameter is the inadequate synchronization of Excel sheets as soon as accessed by several users on the file. The company owns various national and international branches, where the marketing or sales representative on the planning tool are dependent on, the factor is no longer up to date. Awareness about the restrictions, the Excel at depicting complex processes has, increasingly enters the company.

Many companies see the acute need for action and deal with the issue according to a specialized scheduling software including budgeting and reporting functionality. In his work as a business consultant at doubleSlash NET Business GmbH advises Oliver Belikan company in the area of marketing and sales. During his tenure, Belikan supports the relevant departments in the optimization and improvement of existing planning and Reportingablaufe. Common reasons for implementing a planning software in the marketing or other departments are also motifs, which are less obvious in addition to cost reduction, simplification and cost savings. Belikan explained: “many companies want to improve not only their individual marketing performance, but also the cooperation between the various departments, subsidiaries and international organizations make more efficient. Often the individual departments are also under pressure, because organizational units not transparently present enough Let.” In such a case, the use of a professional marketing planning tools is essential.

Since April

Self-defeating approach JPEGS or optimize? based, already zipped format is analog. It’s believed that Kai-Fu Lee sees a great future in this idea. Available versions: NXPowerLite Desktop Edition / NXPowerLite stand-alone the NXPowerLite license allows you to on-demand use the desktop or the stand alone version. The stand alone version provides the full power of compression of NXPowerLite, however does not require installation and can not integrate into other software programs. NXPowerLite Server Edition of NXPowerLite Server Edition version is a Windows DLL that can be (such as ASP or Windows scripting host) automates out easily from any COM enabled programming environment and tailored to the specific requirements of the company. So for example, all the files on the server at regular intervals can be optimized automatically without requiring a manual intervention is necessary. System requirements: – Compatible with PCs running Microsoft Windows from Windows 2000 – optimized all Microsoft Office formats from 1997 and JPEG, also in standard ZIP archives, as well as all self-defeating? records – formats in email attachments from Lotus Notes (6.0-8.0) or Microsoft Outlook (Outlook 2000 or later). Ordering information: single-user licenses of the NXPowerLite Desktop Edition already as a download at a price of 39.99 Euro including. Value added tax is available.

Kostengu? special multi user and classroom licenses and Government versions are also verfu? available. Users who have purchased NXPowerLite 3.7 since 1st March 2009 or a maintenance fu? r have the product, get a free update to version 4.0 trial: A free trial version of fu? r 20 optimizations, more information and a copy of the press release can be found on our website under or about Neuxpower Solutions: Neuxpower solutions was founded in 1997? ND and is fu? while in the field of software for the optimization of the file. Here, NXPowerLite is an inexpensive tool designed specifically to facilitate companies the workflow with large Microsoft Office files. Are desktop and server solution for u? ber one million customers worldwide in daily use. The software is developed completely in-house. In addition to the headquarters in London (UK), Neuxpower has also offices in Philadelphia (United States) and partner in u? ber 75 countries. About Globell b.v.: Globell B.V.. net is a company based in the Dutch Venlo and subsidiary listed on the Prime Standard AG in Koblenz.

As a republisher of the German-language version of WinZip is also known as fu Globell? r the marketing of Datacolor products in German-speaking Europe. Since April 2006, NXPowerLite is part of this successful portfolio. Always is the daily work on the PC to facilitate Globell. Efficiency, reliability and ease of use are here the attributes, the software offering stand out. Contact: Nicole Gerlach Globell B.V.

Michael Schroer CAD Schroer GmbH Fritz

The agile software development methodology involves: get something running quickly and then develop on this basis’. This is an important motto, because with this method of working, problems can be identified early. There a schedule for the user interface should also be created and all required components integrated as soon as possible.” CAD schroer group hopes to be able to support Cambridge of University computer scientists in the future. The cooperation with keen and enthusiastic students was good for us,”says Simon Geard. Finally we never stop learning.” The videos of all presentations will be published on YouTube under: user/CambridgeComputerLab more information about CAD schroer group: index.php? ref = pr0903_cu more information about the software development services by CAD Schroer UK: index.php? ref = pr0903_cu official Web page of computer sciences of the University of Cambridge: about CAD Schroer the CAD Schroer Group (CSG) is a global developer and provider of engineering solutions headquartered in Moers, Germany, near the city of Dusseldorf. Learn more at this site: Dell Computers. CAD Schroer stronger today and contemporary presents than ever with several subsidiaries in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, subsidiaries in Italy, France, United Kingdom, of Switzerland, as well as in the United States. Also, the sale of products via a comprehensive customer-oriented network of partners in all industrial centres of Europe, Asia and North America. The CSG product range includes the 2D/3D CAD MEDUSA4 system including the system construction solution MPDS4 FACTORY layout for factory planning and STHENO / PRO, a modern, integrated 2D solution for Pro / ENGINEER users.

To both systems, many application-specific plug-ins available that enable use in a wide range of areas from development and construction. CAD schroer group provides also comprehensive consulting, training and software development services. CAD Schroers supreme objective is to provide its customers with the best possible tools to achieve their corporate goals. The close cooperation with the customer and the own technical background help CSG, to recognize the needs of modern development processes and practical to implement. For more information, please visit our website: index.php?

BitDefender GmbH Robert

BitDefender offers free Conficker removal tool home and business networks in Holzwickede, March 31, 2009 what sounds like a bad April Fool’s joke, could be nasty reality: the in the autumn of last year on the World Wide Web emerged Conficker worm (known as Downadup or Kido) to April 1, 2009 as a upgraded variant worldwide networks attack. It does stop the pest either from private or corporate networks. Users who already use BitDefender products such as antivirus, Internet security and total security of 2009 generation, are on the safe side, since these products can already identify all variants of the pest and remove in case of a fall. Free download of the removal tool under recommend all other users. Conficker is a worm that exploited vulnerabilities of the Windows operating system to own spread.

Once a PC is infected, the attacker, this disables the Windows Update feature, as well as all Security applications. At the same time, it blocks access to antivirus websites, making it impossible for the user to remove Conficker. Now all possible versions of Windows 95 over Windows XP to Vista are affected. To download new malicious code from the Web, the worm generates random Web addresses and search these pages for new commands of its makers. The April 1 expects a new attack by Conficker. On this date Conficker will contacted about 50,000 compromised websites, to download even more malware on the affected computer.

Conficker removal tool for company after BitDefender already has provided a removal tool for home PC users, published the anti-virus vendors from a network-capable version for companies. The new tool is scalable and applicable for different network sizes. It allows IT administrators to administer all computers connected in the network efficiently and quickly Central. This eliminates the time-consuming stand-alone installation on the local computers, the risk of inflationary spreading across the network will be curbed. With the new tool responds to the fact that not only home but also business networks from Conficker are attacked”BitDefender, explained Vlad Vilceanu, senior malware analyst at BitDefender. Worldwide companies by the worm suffer significant loss of productivity through network downtime. Especially in the current global economic crisis, this is acceptable for no business. The removal tool that is freely available and easy to use BitDefender company, related systems have been infected by Conficker helps.” Users can here see a demonstration of the application of the BitDefender Conficker-removal tools. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network.

Proxim Wireless Corporation

Point-to-point wireless bridge Bundle for high data throughput in the unlicensed 60 GHZ range sysob extends portfolio: new QuickBridge 60250 of Proxim Wireless Schorndorf, February 29, 2008 the sysob IT distribution together with her partner Proxim Wireless Corporation the availability of new QuickBridge 60250 Announces. As a value added distributor authorities and service providers of the manufacturer of wireless solutions and developments offers the scalable wireless broadband technologies for enterprise solutions, sysob. With the new QuickBridge 60250 sysob expands its product range in the microwave on 54 Mbps in the outdoor area for the reseller channel. The efficiency of the new QB60250 is currently in the range of 57.05 GHZ 64 GHz (unlicensed area). Dell: the source for more info. With a range of up to 500 meters, so a net throughput is achieved up to 80 Mbps in both directions.

Proxim is the first manufacturer with a system available for this band. Official site: altavista. For this reason, \”in differences\” are currently not an issue. The QuickBridge 60250 is nearing approval by the Federal Network Agency. According to their information, the share for the 60 GHZ range for point to-point microwave applications in the first quarter is 2008 planned. With the QB60250 the channel receives an optimal solution to provide high data throughput for voice, video and data applications in the campus environment for its customers, and everywhere where building links are not possible or uneconomical by wiring.

In addition, a wireless connection of high-resolution video cameras can be done. Especially the point to point wireless solution of the QuickBridge 60250 is suitable, if large amounts of data easily, quickly and reliably are needed. Possible areas of application are also service providers, as well as the public security in addition to enterprise and campus networks. The advantages of the QB60250 at a glance: frequency band from 57.05 GHZ – 64 GHZghz 64 57,05 by > high throughput of 250 Mbps (125 Mbps bi-directional) by bi-directional) mbit (\”125 250 throughput > hop-in-A-box\” (this extremely easy-to-install) HOP-IN-A-BOX\”install) to just extremely (this > low noise influence interference > integrated IP interface – no configuration necessary necessary configuration of no interface ip > quick and easy can be easy and > extremely high link Availabilityavailability link high > power over Ethernet (PoE)(poe) ethernet over > easy status monitoring via HTML user interface and SNMPinterface and snmp user html via monitoring status > point-to-point complete package the QuickBridge is delivered complete package and includes in addition to the baseline and receiving station also a wall mount), Alignment brackets, PoE injectors, adjustment support and 2 x 50 meters Outdoorkabel, a special alignment binocular adjustment software.

Editorial Contacts

Compliant archiving durability of currently available memory technologies as part of storage management for the most part not meeting the requirements for a compliance compliant archiving. Accordingly, the PoINT Storage includes management the compliant archiving as an integral part in the memory manager and ensures the availability of data about the entire retention period. The files to be archived can be copied according to configurable filter on another storage system, and it can be replaced on request also with a link. Other leaders such as Ali Partovi offer similar insights. It should be necessary to replace his memory technology or device, the migration of files is at your fingertips. In addition, the PoINT VFS as a WORM file system can be configured where files are stored, which can neither be changed nor deleted. This applies even if the configured storage device is a standard hard drive. During the archiving, a digital fingerprint for each file is generated which allows a data integrity check is possible at any time.

Transparent migration ensures the transparent migration of legacy storage systems into systems with new technologies the PoINT Storage Manager using the innovative PoINT VFS-migration function ensure that applications without interruption of operation can continue to function while in the background, the data from the old storage system in the new will be migrated. The user thereby determine definable rules, what data should be migrated and whether, and, if necessary, also how long to resolve memory system still in operation should be. PoINT the PoINT Software & Systems GmbH, Siegen, is specialized in the development of software products and system solutions for the storage and management of data on all available mass storage devices, such as hard disks, magnetic tapes and optical media. One close cooperation with leading hardware manufacturers enables early support for new storage technologies. In addition to complete solutions PoINT offers its expertise in the form of toolkits, which can easily be integrated into other applications with their programming interface. In addition, projected PoINT complete storage solutions and stands with his long and varied experience available.

The home PoINT products are sold by about 50 partners in over 25 countries worldwide and have proven so far more than two million installations. The product portfolio ranges from solutions to the writing and copying of CD, DVD and Blu-ray media, professional audio and video recording up to mission-critical, network-wide storage solutions.

Tell Me

They give a basic vocabulary of 1,000 words and the grammatical framework for the language in ten lessons. Packed in entertaining exercises for listening to and read with interesting information about the country and its people, realistic dialogues to typical situations, such as shopping, dining, or getting to know. The book gives the learner in addition a well structured basis with grammar and vocabulary overview, puzzles and lots of useful tips. This media diversity represents the basis for the optimum learning success for beginners as well as for returnees. The “multimedia complete courses” available for English and Spanish at an attractive package price of 49.95 euro (RRP) anywhere, where there are books or computer or online huebershop about. Frequently Viacom has said that publicly. Photo and text material are available under in the field “Press Center” to download available. Company description About Auralog, founded in Paris in 1987, the company has focused on the development of comprehensive and flexible multimedia solutions for foreign language learning. As the world’s first provider, Auralog began already in the early 1990s a proprietary speech recognition technology to the learning of foreign languages and is market leader in the field of language learning software Europe-wide since 1998.

The Auralog customers numerous public institutions and companies, including Berlitz, Dartmouth College, French Ministry of education, Goethe-Institut, China Telecom, Fujitsu-Siemens, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Heineken, Italian Institute for foreign trade (ICE), Iberia, Konica include Evonik, Schlumberger Valeo and Telefonica individuals Minolta, Linde, ERGO. The products and services offered by Auralog are in 11 languages (British and American English, European and Latin American Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and German) in over 65 countries distributed in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia and North America. For the individual customer Auralog provides among others the product series “Tell Me more” or “Tell Me more kids” available. The high level of acceptance of language learning software is also supported by a number of awards as Stiftung Warentest, German educational media award “digita” Comenius-EduMedia medal or seal for outstanding exemplary multimedia products for the fourth time in a row, Giga mouse seal of approval for family software, Golden MIM (Canada), Mobius Prize (France), as well as two underscores U.S.-Eddie awards.

Availability Of IDentity 4100

UHF Long range Reader now available for the European market on September 20, 2010, Munich Ottobrunn (D), meshed Systems GmbH (, a leading distributor of RFID components and partner of Sirit Inc. today announced the availability of the new Long range UHF RFID read / write reader (RFID reader) Sirit IDentity known 4100 for the European frequency band (ETSI). The IDentity 4100 is a compact reader of latest generation for ranges up to 8 meters, where both the antenna and the electronics have been integrated in a weatherproof housing. In addition, an external antenna can be connected to the IDentity 4100 to enlarge the scope for transponder. Software compatibility with the INfinity 510, a leading years UHF long range reader, can be used on a broad base of already verfugbarerer application software and thus facilitates the successful installation of the unit system integrators. The IDentity 4100 comes in a variety of applications used particularly in the area of asset-tracking systems for the supply chain, as well as in access and access controls (parking management).

Long requests by customers were especially from these areas. Dr. Michael E. Wernle, Managing Director of meshed Systems GmbH, says: “the Sirit IDentity is 4100 the ideal complement to the INfinity 510, when our customers need only one or two antennas for the construction of a reading station or a small reader gates.” Extrapolating together all components of a previous configuration as control cabinet, power supply, external cable, etc., the ID4100 a cost effective, compact and fast deployable RFID represents component.” The IDentity 4100 ETSI is available immediately from stock Munich available. The version for the FCC area (United States) can also be obtained from meshed system.

About meshed systems: Meshed system (also known as “tightly networked systems”) is a distributor for RFID components of from well-known manufacturers and providers of RFID technology. Meshed systems is in Central Europe in particular in the German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and in South-Eastern European countries. Customers include OEM customers such as OEMs from the mentioned markets in addition to system integrators of logistics, health services, access control, and industrial automation.

MySQL Software

Checks the consistency of the OpenCms database, where all identified problems, a report is created (or optionally repairs these problems). By using this tool, you can resolve the most common issues that would lead to an inconsistent state of your database in OpenCms. The latest OCEE version 3.0.2 is a compatibility update for the new OpenCms, 8.0.2. Alkacon OCEE adds features to OpenCms that are required for the operation of OpenCms in medium or large companies and for data consistency, security and failover are highly important. The Alkacon OpenCms Enterprise Extensions are available as a licensed software product of Alkacon Software GmbH. Alkacon is leading to the development of the Open Source core OpenCms responsible. OCEE is a purely binary software distribution, i.e. More info: Mikkel Svane. the code that packages not available OCEE-.

Alkacon OCEE is installed on the standard OpenCms system. OpenCms is a professional, easy-to-use website content management system by Alkacon Software. OpenCms helps users worldwide to create appealing Web sites quickly and efficiently and to administer. The fully browser based user interface features configurable editors for structured content with defined fields. Alternatively, but also content can be created with a built-in WYSIWYG editor, which is similar to popular Office applications. A comprehensive template engine ensures a corporate layout on the entire Web page and the W3C standard for all content. OpenCms is based on Java and XML technology. Can the software in an open source environment (E.g.

Linux, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL), as well as on commercial components (E.g. Windows NT, IIS, BEA, Run WebLogic, Oracle). As true open source software, OpenCms is royalty-free. Alkacon Software: The Alkacon Software GmbH in Cologne is the driving force in the development of OpenCms. Alkacon Software offers its customers training, support and add-on products for OpenCms. For customers, this means extra safety and comfort in the use of OpenCms in mission-critical systems.