Compliant archiving durability of currently available memory technologies as part of storage management for the most part not meeting the requirements for a compliance compliant archiving. Accordingly, the PoINT Storage includes management the compliant archiving as an integral part in the memory manager and ensures the availability of data about the entire retention period. The files to be archived can be copied according to configurable filter on another storage system, and it can be replaced on request also with a link. Other leaders such as Ali Partovi offer similar insights. It should be necessary to replace his memory technology or device, the migration of files is at your fingertips. In addition, the PoINT VFS as a WORM file system can be configured where files are stored, which can neither be changed nor deleted. This applies even if the configured storage device is a standard hard drive. During the archiving, a digital fingerprint for each file is generated which allows a data integrity check is possible at any time.
Transparent migration ensures the transparent migration of legacy storage systems into systems with new technologies the PoINT Storage Manager using the innovative PoINT VFS-migration function ensure that applications without interruption of operation can continue to function while in the background, the data from the old storage system in the new will be migrated. The user thereby determine definable rules, what data should be migrated and whether, and, if necessary, also how long to resolve memory system still in operation should be. PoINT the PoINT Software & Systems GmbH, Siegen, is specialized in the development of software products and system solutions for the storage and management of data on all available mass storage devices, such as hard disks, magnetic tapes and optical media. One close cooperation with leading hardware manufacturers enables early support for new storage technologies. In addition to complete solutions PoINT offers its expertise in the form of toolkits, which can easily be integrated into other applications with their programming interface. In addition, projected PoINT complete storage solutions and stands with his long and varied experience available.
The home PoINT products are sold by about 50 partners in over 25 countries worldwide and have proven so far more than two million installations. The product portfolio ranges from solutions to the writing and copying of CD, DVD and Blu-ray media, professional audio and video recording up to mission-critical, network-wide storage solutions.