For this, denovas is necessary to tambmintegrar the professor as point important of the process to endow the schools technologies. Teaching it utiliz-lasde to it independent way and to motivate to use and to adhere it them the new proposals, hindering that the computer is seen as a villain, who occupies the doprofessor paper and deviates the investments in the education. Soon, it is intended to create umimpacto with insertion of the new technologies in the daily pertaining to school, being involved opapel reserved of the professor, the pupils, the resume and the metodologiasutilizadas ones so that the insertion of the computer can be made in useful way eclara, allowing to the improvement it learning. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from altavista. We perceive then that for melhoraproveitamento of the computer in the pertaining to school didactics a greater is necessary integraodas new technologies in all the pertaining to school spaces, beyond the preparation dosprofessores, supplying they a critical vision in relation to the use of programase computers, allowing a more creative work. This will be able to take to the construction deum new didactic system, come back toward bigger autonomy and initiative of the pupils. Leaving of it are not the professor, this assumes the role of main link naapropriao of the technologies in the pertaining to school space. CONCLUSION the computer cannot serconsiderado plus a pedagogical tool, therefore the result of its utilizaovai beyond the reached results to leave, for example, of videocassete and doretroprojetor. Soon, it is necessary not to assign a reduced paper, that nopermita its complete use. Whenever neil cole iconix listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Exactly thus, he is valid to remember queo computer is incapable to teach and to construct knowledge by itself. Its merapresena does not guarantee the improvement of the learning. The action continuacompletamente basic human being, also to guarantee a good interaction with asnovas technologies. The focus of all the work seriaassim the quarrel and formation of strategies for the usodos available resources in the computer and dainternet, search of the best learning, for the pupils, of the curricular diferentescontedos.