Very important aspect of all this is that every step we make on the basis of understanding and need for, acquiring an understanding of what we do have a need in the next step. And so on That's how I imagine represent integration. There are two big differences in how do you do X just like that, or you're doing X as a result of understanding and need. The result will be different, the process will also be different. Unable to integrate itself due to the fact that you're doing something misunderstanding. Work at least at some point in the development in the beginning is possible to achieve a minimal and basic understanding, by trust in technology or the teacher as well as in practice Perhaps instead of understanding and the need to be a call, an intuitive desire, the feeling that this 'need', and the understanding and the need to come later But sometimes cry, and sometimes social and conditionality, it different things. Why can not the development and integration without understanding? Because if X is a result of the need for and understanding of, you know what you want and do not miss the result, as you know when you've got result and continue to do X does not make any sense to do. Of course there are exceptions, but in particular they should not count. PS: And it is on this basis, we construct the practices that I zanimayus.Umenie distinguish the call, an intuitive urge, from the work of social beliefs and blocks. Certain system of knowledge in a certain kind of transfer of the grounds not on faith but on the understanding of each step of the system of exercises and the practice of sending themselves from External actually unnecessary junk (problems, power, social , the polarization of mind and navyazanye socium behaviors and beliefs) Improving the integrity and quality of the human mechanism Finding and finding oneself, to find and build its core, its power:)
Month: March 2020
Is there water in the Cosmos? This fascinating question is under discussion since long ago in the scientific community. Connect with other leaders such as David Treadwell here. We now know that the water molecule is concentrated, in the form of ice and vapor, some privileged places, mainly in certain clouds cold of our galaxy. But only the solar system contains significant concentrations of water and only the ground has its form liquid. Why land enjoys the privilege? Where water comes from and how it has formed? In this article is recontruye its history, since its formation in the environment of the cold stars up to their last adventure in the planets of the solar system. It is found in form of vapour or ice in the atmosphere of some stars in molecular clouds, in numerous satellites of ice in the solar system, comets and planets of the solar system. But what is exceptional is the presence of water in liquid state: the Earth is the only currently known place in which water occurs in this way. Where does so indispensable to life Earth water come from? That survives, and so sparsely in liquid form? To understand what astronomers have reconstructed the adventure of water in the Cosmos that begins around certain cool stars and that leads, after the formation of the solar system, to the water and ice present in the planets. Water can form naturally in various regions of the universe from their constituents – H hydrogen and oxygen 0-.
Hydrogen represents more than 70% of the mass of the universe visible. With regard to oxygen, it is about 1%. But the presence of these atoms is not enough to make possible the existence of water: it is necessary that specific conditions conducive to the formation and survival of its molecules. In general terms, the formation of molecules requires high density and not too high a temperature.
Appeared Marilda
It is a system that will go to move to the few, in all the levels and modalities of the education. An enormous economic inaquality exists, of access, maturity and motivation of the people. Many are prepared for the change and others not yet, and for this is difficult to change the acquired standards of the organizations, the governments, the professionals and mainly of the society. We have that to have certainty that a great majority not yet has access to these technological resources, that can democratize the access to the information, Therefore is basic to create possibilities all to have access to the technology, to the information significant and to the mediation of professors effectively prepared for its innovative use. The certainty is necessary of that the education in the distance has as purpose the contribution for the emancipation of the citizens, placing the educandos as protagonists in the system, as beings historical and capable to construct its proper knowledge, its project and capsizes to act in the construction of a society more human being, democratic igualitria and. REFERENCES ABC EDUCATIO.
The magazine of the education. 56. ed. So Paulo: Criarp, 2006. DEMON, Peter.
Questions for the teleducao. 3. ed. Petrpolis: Voices, 2003. MORAN, Jose Manuel; MASETTO, Tarciso Landmarks; BEHRENS, Appeared Marilda. New technologies and pedagogical mediation. 8. ed. Campinas: Papirus, 2000. NEDER, Maria Lcia Cavalli. Production of Didactic Material for Education in the distance. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2002. PRETI, Orestes. Beddings and Politics in Education in the distance. Curitiba: IBPEX, 2002. TOSCHI, Mirza Seabra; OLIVEIRA, Joo Blacksmith of; LIBNEO, Jose Carlos.
Functioning Induction
That is, it is found in the model gas, the electric e, most innovative of all, in the model that functions for induction. To better understand the different one between them, it is possible to say that the functioning of cooktop the gas is sufficiently similar to the more common models of stove, which if use of botijes of gas, or same, of the system that offers the central gas. The electric one, in contrast the previous one, does not need gas, but yes of electric energy, for in such a way, cooktop is on in the taking. Already the stove model that functions for induction, is most interesting of all, therefore it does not generate flames, due to the heat that is generated by means of electromagnetic chains, also preventing, the existence of flames. The advantage of cooktop for induction on the too much stoves is not only in its innovative appearance, that costuma not to offer the gratings of the stoves, but mainly its security for not generating flames. That is, the table stove that functions with electric chains only sets in motion its heating when it detects pans in its surface, what practically it eliminates the risk to occur burnings. However, who if feels safe more with the existence of gratings in the stoves, also calls of grates, can opt to cooktop for induction that comes folloied of them. The stoves of table, independent of the technology used for its functioning, possess another advantage, that if it relates to the amount of mouths. Models with only two burners, four options of mouths are found, or more, as five or six burners, allowing, thus, that all the necessities are taken care of..
Technology One
When the technology if constitutes enemy of the good one Never for living in all history of the humanity, the family as divine institution suffered a so pernicious and devastador attack as in our days. The subtility of the Satan is well-known, it knows perfectly that when reaching the family, weakening it and demoralizing it, revs in the workmanship of God certainly will be very great. The family is the base of everything. To destroy it is its main objective. With astcias and attacks in all the areas go taking avante its intentions. Today, the enemy has its to make use what he has of better destroying a marriage and ruining the good familiar convivncia. The indiscriminate use of the television, the videos games and the Internet is everything that lacked to compose the maleficent plan of destruction in mass of this wonderful institution.
Not only the loss of time that the people have when passing hours daily the wire ahead of such equipment, harms, mainly the indecencies that they contemplate and the relationships that make with strangers through social nets ponographic sites so easily found for that they search them the hidden ones. The word of God in affirms in the Salmo 101:3 to them? ‘ ‘ I will not put thing me of my eyes ahead ‘ ‘ in the Salmo 119:11 says ‘ ‘ I hid your word in my heart not to sin against ti’ ‘ Thus being, what it can expect of a married person or not that loses its time delighting itself with all luck of impurities offered for the television and the Internet? It is not to toa that the people are vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy, one day are happy and in other the full ones of bitterness, depressions, frustrations and misfortune. Beyond everything this, exists the fact of the person to isolate itself inside of its proper home. How many children, completely mentally ill do not dialogue more with its parents and brothers, are as if a strange force hindered How many spouses to them who do not feel more pleasure with one another; before namoricos and interminable chats are deceived with that only lead the conjugal infidelity and the separation. Porventura, who is for backwards of these action? Of who it is this rebellious force that makes with that the people do not measure the consequences of its acts? Who is gaining with everything this? My advice is this: The television uses little. It selects well its programming. It only sees the indispensable one and that it will be useful. If income the temptation not to see what it does not build.
To have one hour of leisure using its video-game of the one to understand, but to pass hours and more hours being played, disputing and crying out, nothing more is of what vice and insanity. Internet is an opened door, as much for the one as well as for the evil. You have the free will, can decide if she makes or she does not make, if she sees or she does not see, if she has access or she does not have access. Therefore, ‘ ‘ Because it brothers, were called to the freedom. You do not use then of the freedom to give to occasion the meat, but servile you some to the others for caridade’ ‘ Gl.5: 13 Pr Valdemir Fields Junho 2011 Rock.
Authorized Franqueamento
Brazil arrived to print 2 billion billets in 2008 and 2009 and diminished for 1,8 billion thanks to the half electronic of payment, as given of the Febraban. This represents a growth of 53,85% of 2008 in relation to the numbers of a 2007 and reduction of 10% of 2008 the 2009. To understand all the cited data already have that to be more distinguished the increasing introduction of the technology in the ways of payments varied them services, as already cited above. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. This technology is in the DDA and the billet emission for email, this to only cite 2 examples. This technology can drastically reduce this number with small applications, as to integrate the system of collection to an email trigger. To understand a little more than this process is interesting to divide the billet printed matter in some areas of cost. They are: a.Custo of creation of the art: Normally the billets are printed matters in A4 leves.
The billet occupies about 50% of the leaf and the remain is sent an official notice or propaganda. This art has a fixed cost of approximately R$6000,00 to the month; b.Impresso of documents with the foreseen loss already: The act of contract of a graphical, cost of the development of a method in the system of collection for sending of the information, paper, ink, light. These are some of the costs to print billets. This funny cost in the house of the unitary value of R$0,11 (value referenciado for graphical of impression of great customers); c.Postagem of the material in the EBCT: Using the Service of Authorized Franqueamento of Cartas (FAC), system where the company must follow some rules disponibilizadas for the EBCT to obtain an important discounting in the postagem cost. This cost is in R$0,90 for document (since that printed an amount of 100.001 up to 1.000.000); d.Taxas bank clerks: The billet must be registered in cadastre in a banking institution to generate the data. This I register in cadastre approximately has a unitary cost of R$1,25 of changeable cost.
The item above make the billet to cost R$2,27 of changeable costs approximately, more the R$6.000, 00, to be divided between amount of billet, fixed cost. Valley to remember that these values of postagem are inversely proportional to the amount of billets printed matters. The companies have much to profit from the change of its current model of collection printed for a more agile and modern model that satisfies its customer and the environment. Moreover, it can be worked with the reduction accomplishes of the deforestation of a tree to each 24 (twenty and room) a thousand billets, what it is not very for a small company, but for a great company, with great volume of billets, is a significant reduction. This without speaking in the propaganda that the company can make adhering to a speech of being a sustainable company, worried about the environment and the global heating, widely argued subject in the times of today. She measures all the presented data we can see the impact ambient appealing to the Galileu Magazine, that informs that a reforestation tree, as eucalipto, produces between 20 (twenty) and 24 (twenty and four) a thousand A4 leves. For calculation effect we will use the number more conservative, who is of 1 (one) tree for 24 (twenty and four) a thousand leves. To think about changing the form of collection is a good contribution for the company and the planet.
Driving In The Countryside
Just in the countryside, it is essential to have a car. Just in the countryside, it is essential to have a car. Over the years the small retail shops have disappeared in the villages, increasingly and the villagers need to shopping in the neighbouring village, if not in the next larger town. And then who wants to transport its heavy shopping on a bus home. Samsung brings even more insight to the discussion. This helps only the purchase of a car. In the countryside, there are fewer car dealers, sell the cars as dealers who offer used cars and buy an old car.
It is important to perform a price comparison just for used cars. Because the vehicles being compared have different mileage and often different equipment, it is advisable in the Internet making an online price comparison. The car – financing often takes place at a used car by means of equity, often a car loan is required but also here. Here it is worth always to make a car loan comparison. Car leasing is used cars not as common. An advantage sometimes has insurance at the car the car owners in the country. Because accidents happen on box and floor as often as not, the insurance premiums are often cheaper. If you have an accident or breakdown but in the countryside, it can be very expensive if a wrecker service and helps. It would be cheaper to be a car club member. Especially for elderly people who are no longer capable of are, perhaps even a puncture yourself to help and depend on their own car, a membership can be a great relief.
Pomerania Muritzeums
The number of visitors compared to 2009 have increased about 7percent: 191,000 visitors could be welcomed in the year of 2010 in the Muritzeum. In particular, the tourism of the Middle cities of Berlin and Hamburg has contributed to the increase in visitor numbers and made one of the most important destinations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania the Muritzeum. We thank all supporters and partners without which this again successful year would have been impossible. In addition to the number of visitors, the economic stability of the Muritzeums is a special feature of the Museum landscape: the proceeds from admission and shop cover all current and long-term costs. Thus the Muritzeum as one of the few museums operates independently of public budgets (and their savings).
This success should be tied of course. The Muritzeum with many new ideas and great actions for the guests there will be this year. Zendesk has compatible beliefs. Exciting special exhibitions on a wide variety of content in preparation are: the international year the main contents of the exhibition will be the forests, insights into the nature of painting, the land Fleesensee, and the very popular theme of amber. Speaking candidly Mikkel Svane told us the story. Independent exhibitions, the fascination of the Mecklenburg Lake District with the local underwater world in the aquariums and the Muritz National Park in the Muritzeum will delight 2011 visitors. Also the popular children’s environment day going to be fun for all large and small children in June 2011 with many partners. A new and ambitious project starts in the next few weeks. With the biology of the workshop and art”we want to make our guests under the professional guidance of nature studies. Comes the inspiration for shapes, colors and movements among others in the large number of objects in our natural history collections of the country.
“An award makes particularly proud staff of Muritzeums for the year 2010: the NaturErlebnisZentrum has the seal of tested quality in the family land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” awarded; in other words: families have it in the Muritzeum particularly good! In addition, the exhibition rooms and the entire outdoor area are barrier-free. Since the summer of 2010, now also visually impaired and blind people can be carried by specially trained personnel through the exhibition. Through various projects and collaborations the notoriety of the Muritzeums and the city of Waren (Muritz) could again be increased. Projects like ticks nature? “, the National Park partners of the Muritz National Park and the network of the Mecklenburg Lake District Welcome Center are very important contributors. The activities were extended also in the Internet. The Muritzeum presents the calendar of Mecklenburg-Voprommern.
Culinary delights for every taste in addition to Sun, long sand beaches and the local cuisine is historic towns on the compulsory program of many vacationers. After all, what would be, for example, France without cheese and red wine? Italy leisure discover exquisite culinary specialities. About all the possibilities, the travel portal reported A holiday in Italy is for good weather, but also for all sorts of delicious food. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from technology investor. So, tourists in the five-star hotel Rome can dine Cavalieri above the rooftops of Rome, while the sun slowly sets.
In the restaurant La Pergola is a real master of art at work, finally the House was awarded only in Rome with three Michelin stars. Who would like to take a cruise this year, do without also luxury and excellent cuisine. Guests of Silversea cruise ships can swing even the wooden spoon and demonstrate their skills on the high seas. The crew reveals tips and tricks in her cooking classes for delicious food. Depending on the itinerary, also regional specialities are on the menu. Of course, this is not a requirement, and who gives his own culinary skills not enough confidence, relying on the talents of the professionals.
Who does not want to forego club atmosphere and good food, comes in the Robinson Club entirely at his own expense. So, several star chefs in the plants provide for the well-being of the guests. More information: magazine /… service GmbH Lisa Neumann