Time Networking

Although it is note that this opinion is debatable, as all people in varying degrees, suffer from a lack of confidence. It turns out that in one degree or another (again), all registered users of social networking exposed This malady of modern mobile society. That is, to get rid of addictions, you must: 1) or simply delete the pages of social networking, or 2) learn how to use these resources to the best of 3) or at the time of installing interlocks, which, incidentally, you can plug in your browser. Which of these options to choose – to decide, of course, to the user. However, it is worth remembering one basic truth: Time – is the most precious and irreplaceable resource, it is necessary to protect and rationally use! As a result, several studies showed that the most important "killer time" is constant and almost continual presence in social networks. On average, users spend on Russia's vast social networks of about 6.5 hours per month. That is, it is almost one third of the day.

However, it is no secret that some of the social the network takes much longer. Overuse of social networks and suffer from occupation, and business in general. No wonder many companies, management decided to install interlocks social networking on the desktop computers of employees. This is done in the name of increased productivity, or at least to save their businesses from losses. According to statistics, by reason of the use by social networks during workflow, the company is losing between 2 and 10% of the profits.

Balanced Scorecard

Daniela Kudernatsch. How can we ensure that our strategy is implemented in everyday work? And how we make sure that our employees have the business goals in mind for their deeds? Many business leaders wondering just in turbulent times, in which a strategy adjustment is often necessary. “The balanced scorecard (BSC) is an instrument for the introduction of strategy / implementation the both highly praised as well as the source of numbers cemeteries” is branded. (VOR diesem Hintergrund veranstaltet der Regionalkreis Darmstadt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Qualitat (DGQ) on Tuesday, April 24, from 4: 00 in the Darmstadt University of technology (Schofferstrasse 3, C10, room 11.03 – 11th floor, 64295 Darmstadt) an after work event on the topic of balanced scorecard an instrument for the implementation of strategy and business management “. For this purpose, all executives of companies are cordially invited. Membership in the DGQ not required. After the welcome of the participants by Joachim Wagner, of the DGQ regional circuit, Darmstadt, is the Munich-based expert Dr.

Daniela Kudernatsch about the balanced scorecard strategy implementation”talk. In detail the adviser who accompanied more than 60 strategy implementation projects in companies, is up on the strengths and weaknesses of the balanced scorecard. In addition, the author of two books on the subject of strategy implementation, where the sticking points are the introduction and working with the balanced scorecard explains. Then it is strategy implementation, as well as corporate management with the participants on the subject with or without balanced scorecard”debate. Participation in the approximately two-hour event is free of charge. Will be asked to login. For more information interested on the homepage of the German society for quality (www.dgq.de) under the heading of regional districts.

Cordelia Strategy

Readers can download the tools to develop and implement a strategy from a Web page. A hand and working paper on the topic of strategy development titled strategy guide”has published at Weka Business Media AG, Zurich, the Swiss strategy advisor to Ignaz Furger. In the book the owner of David strategy consulting and partner are 360 pages, one Zurich, the staff and decision makers in the companies practical guidance for the development and implementation of corporate strategies. He explains to them how a strategy project is set up, and guides you step by step through the strategy process from analysis to the planning to the implementation. It is the declared aim of Cordelia: the reader or user shall be enabled to do so, to develop own strategies for your company, to submit to the decision and to implement. d all about the problem. Therefore the author has listed instruments and templates instructions, forms, and templates on a separate Web page also made all in the book. From there, the reader can This download, adapt to their needs and use for their projects. The book of strategy guide”is structured as follows.

In the first chapter, David presents the different approaches of strategic management classic military technocrats until to the approaches of Porter, Hamel and Mintzberg. In doing so, he places a focus on the approach of Hans Ulrich, which sees companies as open, productive and social systems. In Chapter 2, David deals with the basics of strategy development, before he sets out in Chapter 3, what are the advantages of integrated strategy development of the employees actively participate in. In Chapter 4 the experienced strategy consultant and developer, explains the many years worked for the Management Centre St. Gallen was overview the different phases of the strategy development process and the roles of those involved. He places a special focus on the decision-making process. After each phase, who represented, how and what must be decided before the next Attack phase is taken. In chapters 5 to 12, Furger enters intensely on the individual phases of the Strategieentwicklungs-and implementation process.

While he is a sort of timetable on the hand readers how they successfully shape this process in their companies. This means that explains amongst them, what are the key challenges in the various stages; Furthermore, which must be given conditions, to meet with success. Also, the tools are presented, which are used in this phase. Also the concrete approach is described in detail. So, the user will receive”among other scripts for the workshops, which take place at the stage in question. In addition, there are templates for the agenda of the working sessions and checklists for tasks to do that. All these tools can download it along with other information from the Web page strategieleitfaden.ch and adapt to their needs and complement. In chapter 13 the reader of practical tips on the topic of communication in strategic projects that will receive before Furger concludes “once again ten theses formulated, why the employees the best strategists” are and it is worthwhile to integrate these into the strategy development process. “It is a central thesis: the more staff at the strategy development are involved, all the more smoother and faster implementation runs as a man does what he believes, and he is convinced by a realization that he himself has drawn up.

Health Strategy

When searching to understand the legal disposals around what the laws turn that regulate the right to the services of health of the worker, considering Law n 8,080, of 19 of September of 1990, in its Article 2 ‘ ‘ the health is a basic right of the human being, having the State to provide the indispensable conditions to its full exerccio’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 2005); e, still observing in lcus as if processes this ‘ ‘ direito’ ‘ , it was born the curiosity in if searching the legal grounds, in order to weave in the distance existing opinion on between the law and the form as the health of the worker is processed in the reality. Of this form, it fits in this article to question ‘ ‘ the exclusion of the health of the worker for the Strategy Health of the Famlia’ ‘ , by means of a bibliographical revision, involving the critical analysis of laws that comes being the anchors of all process that involves the health of the worker. To reflect on the absence of one National Politics with purpose to deal with the health of worker, to observe itself what in Gomeses and Lacaz say to them (2005), regarding not the existence of principles norteadores, lines of direction, strategies, goals sucintas and a professional body technician organized, connected and durable politician, who can guarantee the accomplishment of capable actions of the promotion of the health diligent it, that when being interacted with other sectors of the society, they can be in constant process of feedback, relation to the productive sector of one determined space economic partner. For Lacaz (1997), the Health of the Workers presents a historical scene that if it initiates in the end of years 70, with the field of the knowledge of the relations health/illness-work inside of the Social Medicine Latin American, which constructed its theoretical and metodolgica structure since then, emphasizing itself by means of a programmatical source, what it is placed in the interconnection with the Public Health, the Social Medicine and the Collective Health, what it is differentiated of way such of the Occupational Health and the Medicine it Work..

Close Strategic Partnership

Generic.de of new certified partner for security – and alarm solutions by iQSol OED-ohling / Karlsruhe, February 28, 2013. The iQSol GmbH and the generic.de software technologies AG have agreed a strategic partnership. As a Gold partner is generic.de, Karlsruhe IT specialist for customer-specific software solutions, the security and alarm solutions LogApp and alert messaging server by iQSol distribute nationwide. Solutions the integrity of infrastructure, as well as all system interactions can all log data, are tamper-proof monitored and analyzed. Generic.de thus supplements its offering a novel SIEM solution on the German market. As a certified iQSol project partner generic.de takes over also support and integration services. Companies and institutions which work according to national specifications such as the telecommunications and the Federal data protection act or according to international regulations such as the payment card industries data security standard (PCI DSS) or Basel II, are in the Obligation to collect log information and analyze.

The security and alarm solutions of iQSol are designed that connect the different requirements from the legal and fiscal theory (compliance) with IT. LogApp recognizes the relationships in real time and immediately triggers the alarm at accidents. Compliance requirements are covered by the complete and tamper-proof archiving with extensive evaluation possibilities. By shorter response times due to faster especially alarming, companies can also save time and money. In addition the protection can be increased with the integrated honeypot module, dramatically against Trojans and BOT systems. iQSol offers a user-friendly and cost-effective solution with their product LogApp.

Everything under control: log management & SIEM LogApp is a security information and event management appliance (SIEM), which works with agents. Using log management the infrastructure is independently monitored and analyzed as well as log data tamper-proof archived. To alert the technician in the event of a fault, he is alert messaging server, a completely customizable Enterprise Alarmierung system for administrators in high-availability environments. Both solutions have recently been apps for Android and iOS available. All iQSol solutions are also available as secured cloud service available. More information about the products/products. Generic.de software technologies AG at the generic.de software technologies AG worry about IT professionals for the development of customer-specific software solutions and the monitoring of sensitive IT processes. Awarded gold competency partner of Microsoft, we have world-class expertise in dealing with established and latest Microsoft technologies. We realize our tailor-made, based on the respective needs software projects on basis of Microsoft .NET. One of the first software companies in Germany, we focus our entire development performance according to the principles of clean code from a value system for quality. understandable and consistent programming. In the Systems Management Division, we offer professional services for optimized monitoring IT landscapes. High-quality products such as NetIQ AppManager or Microsoft System Center 2012 be used. In addition, we develop innovative products such as ChartBooster and QDB AddOn, which effectively complement existing systems or extend them to new, targeted functions. For more information see. About the iQSol GmbH as an independent producer is responsible iQSol not only for proven solutions in the area of corporate alarm, but offers the solution of LogApp since 2010. This SIEM solution, with integrated honeypot modules on request closes the gap in the field of log archiving, log management and event correlation in real time. The iQSol specialists have many years of experience from many IT audits and have comprehensive knowledge of common systems and security management solutions.