It is also possible to appear a warning about the use of the computer in mode Insurance, to which you must give click where it says if. Once started in safe mode, what remains now is to reveal hidden files. Before doing so with this quick guide, you must pay attention because you must reverse the process, since when finished cleaning, the hidden files should be hidden as well. The path is: click Start > my computer > tools > folder options. The path is in Windows 7 and Windows Vista: start > Control Panel > folder options. Henceforth, in any operating system Windows is equal. In the Options window’s folder, click the view tab. In the advanced settings box, we look for the option that says show hidden files and folders, mark it with the mouse and must stay with the green dot in the bubble.
In the same box on advanced settings, you must go below and look for the following two options: Hide protected files from the operating system (recommended), and – hide file extension for known file types. Both options will be marked with a green hook, which you must uncheck and leave the boxes blank. Here also should get a warning window, which you must confirm. Ready, click on apply and OK and close that window. They are already hidden operating system completely to expose all the files and folders.
You can corroborate it into my computer, where you will see a number of files or folders as in State of shadows, indicating that they belong to the hidden system files. Now yes, cleaning has been said. In this state of your computer, you must take advantage and scanner your computer not only with anti-virus software, but with the antispyware, antitroyan and if you have CCleaner also you must pass, as well as the cleaner registry cleaner. The result is impressive.After cleaning, must reverse the process of hidden files, marking what had cleared, by unchecking what you had marked and restart the computer in normal mode. If you browse on the Internet several hours daily, it is highly recommended to do this cleaning on a weekly basis, because many web sites send cookies from tracking computers that visit them and they are also stored in the hidden operating system files.