Importance affects the rigidity of gender, has a step laying the lag, the amount of timber used for the lag. The optimal distance for the office and residential space – up to 700 mm. For technical – should be regarded as the load, but by 400 mm. (A valuable related resource: Toshiba). Timber must be treated ognebiozaschitnoy impregnation. Its dimensions shall be not less than 150 * 50 mm. Sony does not necessarily agree. At what he "put" vertically (150 mm in height). Go to lag below attached sheet metal (black, thin metal, primed or painted).

Sometimes producer uses a metal medium thickness (1-2 mm.) which are hermetically welded (budget module does not apply, because his (metal) at the bottom just do not – there is the bare board). On the joists laid floorboards. It may not be edged, but without the wane (bark) and treated with a solution ognebiozaschitnym thickness from 25 to 40 mm. It fits neatly together. Above it is laid sheets DSPs (16 mm. Thickness) or water-resistant plywood.

Other materials (Thin dsp, dsp, just plywood is cheaper, but they quickly gain moisture and become unusable). At DSPs fit linoleum. Insulation sex – thick mineral wool laid in accordance with regional estimates of 100 to 250 mm. (Usually 50 mm. thicker walls) and has a polyethylene vapor barrier. As should be properly and securely? On every element of sex can save – place less often lags – the floor will be a little play, but endure, put floor board with a gap – in generally okay, but it may eventually deform the dsp, or a heavy table leg will fall, for example.

World Championships

In June in St. Petersburg, Russia ended the championship in swimming, and in August the World Championship in this unique sport. Unique because it is difficult to find a more useful classes for adults and children. "Swim like everyone, and besides – can engage in activities, even those people for whom exercise is contraindicated in the other. In addition, the ability to swim – one of the main components of security, especially taking into account that rest on the water – our tradition "- said the famous Russian swimmer Vladimir Salnikov. Meanwhile, Russia has experienced a shortage of material and technical basis for the development of the sport: as noted by one outstanding national swimmer Alexander Popov, in our country are many rivers and lakes, but swimming pools are still lacking. Last autumn, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said that physical culture and sports in our country is regularly engaged in only 15% of citizens.

According to the President, it speaks not so much indifference as a lack of opportunities, including and related to the acute shortage of swimming pools 1. For example, according Minister for Physical Culture and Sports of the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Vagenleytnera, "athletes of the Middle Urals basin provided only 12-14%, which hinders the development of junior sailing" 2. The situation in other regions do not better. In the development of navigation is interested not only the state: for business, this sphere of the market is also extremely attractive. "Experience shows that no pool in our country is not empty", – says Vladimir Salnikov. Demand on the sport and just a good time spending big. "Clearly, the instant a strong network of swimming pools can not be established. However, there are modern construction technologies, which allow to build such objects in a very short time.

For example, today the technology of the construction of sports facilities, including – pools of various sizes, from light metal ", – said Vladimir Salnikov. "As this technology construction of a fully manufactured at the plant, then it was brought to the site and collect, as a designer – says the company , the leading European provider of solutions made of metal for construction and engineering industries. – A large building with a 25-meter pool at several tracks built in less than a year, and this with all the approvals. " In the short term can be constructed and the very bowl pool. For example, the French company has developed a new jean desjyoaux design bath basin. The pool walls are plastic formwork, which, after reinforcement and concreting design gives improved stability. In this case the construction is not requires the construction of reinforced concrete foundation, and it significantly faster and cheaper project as a whole. Develop diving – not only good for the country, but also advantageous in terms of both the state and individual entrepreneurs. In the end, the state with the largest reserves of fresh water on Earth is simply a shame not to have the required number of pools. 1 2

Modern House – The Newest Plumbing

Difficult to imagine our life without plumbing, which is why people who are completely indifferent to the technology well know the names of the simplest devices, the quality and efficiency which sometimes affect the lives the whole family, prevykshey every day to wash your hands, take showers, wash, and so on. Without hesitation Ali Partovi explained all about the problem. Nowadays, plumbing – it's an impressive number of instruments of different color, price, functional categories that help us live in a more comfortable conditions. What are the faucets – knows any of us. This device allows you to adjust water flow, and in addition receive the water the correct temperature. Another function, which also operates quality faucets – is the role of the direction of flow of water to the shower or spout. Attractive appearance showers or kitchen faucets are due to the fact that outside of special coating inside as they are mostly satisfied brass. Invented by William Thomson, mixers, physicist and Alex Manoogian already finalized their faucets and become more familiar features.

Mass production began in the 20 th century. Other leaders such as Sinovation Ventures offer similar insights. Faucets can be broken if we start from their appointment to the types: kitchen faucets, shower mixer, bidet mixer, basin mixer, bath taps and t.d.Esli considered way of mixing fluids, these devices are divided, with separate taps, e and single lever. Also, single-lever faucets are divided into ceramic and sharovye.No most popular are electric models. Because they are made using the latest technology, and offer much more possibilities. Now, to open water, do not need to open the taps for showers. The process of the water supply starts automatically as soon as a signal sent to an optical or capacitive sensor. And even more, shower faucet, for example, are equipped with memory on certain dimensions of temperature and pressure. And one more important detail of this additional decorative features. New shower units can be jet, illuminated in different colors, and in addition is, and musical accompaniment. But, and these mixers also have their disadvantages: the dependence on electricity as well as dorogovizna.Ostalnye Damixa single lever kitchen or double wishbone more reliable and easy to use, for this reason they are actively sold worldwide, as well as in .I keep in mind that quality faucets – a guarantee of comfort and cleanliness in your home, in addition to peace of mind all family members.

Russian History

In our country, robots are not yet "won" the farm permanently, but on many farms they are already close to that. For example, in November 2008 in the company "Rus" Perm region was opened dairy complex at 1.5 thousand head of cattle. The milking parlor is a rotating platform with a concrete coating – Carousel Global-90" German company "Westphalia" – where are the cows. Operator carries out its work operations in one place, as moving platform itself to animals. After the end of the milking machine is automatically disabled. Under most conditions Ali Partovi would agree.

According to experts, the process of milking, not to worry about the cows, because the equipment works very delicately. Another new approach to the care of animals used in this farm – milking is the music. Already noticed that the cows prefer the classics. The new approach has at times increase productivity: in particular, the operator no longer need to walk from one animal to another. Modern technology allows more careful with the final product.

For example, the milk is always stay fresh, used milk coolers: here it goes through pipes directly from Burenok, accumulates in a thermos and cools in seconds to 4 degrees. In fact, today we can mechanize virtually all processes. On Many Russian pig units have already implemented automated systems kormorazdachi. The operator should press of a button, and the food starts coming in the trough-feeders. Manually filled only trough for the piglets, because they need individualized care. Watering system of animals can also be automated. In this case, in every cell of low pressure troughs are installed. Their work reminds the tap off water on the train: the animal's nose presses, and moisture is supplied in the right quantity. This advanced approach not only improves productivity and provides good results, he radically changed the notion of work in the countryside. After all, whatever you say, but work on the computer much more pleasant and more prestigious, especially for young people. "People in the village are used to work on the farm – it's like that link. It always has been. But now the idea of farming is changing. And it work the same milkmaid is perceived as a prestigious job ", – says Olga Katasonova, main livestock farms in the village Nekrasovo Beloyarsk urban district (Sverdlovsk region), which also uses the latest technology 2. Thus, construction of modern agricultural decides not just economic but also social problems, restoring people's interest to work on village. And without this, a country like Russia, simply can not exist and develop. 1 2

The Roof

One of the most common multilayer structures – sandwich wall panels. This is reinforced shell filled with various insulators, such as mineral wool, cellular concrete, gas or foam concrete, penokeramzit, Styrofoam. The service life of such walls is calculated in decades. roof roof is called an upper membrane roof which protects the house from negative outside influences. The materials used for roofing slate, roofing, tiles, decking, etc. It should be remembered that in the case of roof damage from external penetrating impacts may be affected and other elements of the building. Therefore, when choosing material for the roof should pay special attention to the parameters of longevity. For example, manufacturers warranty on materials for pitched roofs are as follows: for metal – 5-15 years old, on a soft shingles – 15-25 years, natural tile – 20-50 years.

It is assumed that the real life of a soft metal and at least 2-3 times greater than the warranty, and durability natural tile may reach 100 years. However, despite the fact that the roof is an essential element of the building are often faced with the fact that even during the construction process there are leakages, as, for example, flat roof made of asphalt and bitumen-polymeric materials may be unsuitable for use for only 3-5 years. Meanwhile, practice shows that the roll of bitumen-polymer materials with negniyuschey basis able to provide real life of the roof up to 20-30 years. Cause the same rapid failure of the soft roll roofing are errors encountered in the design solutions, as well as poor quality of roofing work builders.

Chinese Equipment

He visited three Chinese production of ceramic bricks, became acquainted with production technology and equipment. Upon returning from a trip Sergei Stepanovich Reshetov met with a reporter edition of the Northwest Economic Bulletin ". – What was the purpose of travel? – Our company plans to launch construction of ceramic blocks. To do this you must purchase production equipment. In recent years interesting proposals from China, so we decided to live to see the that the Chinese offer and how they are made. – Which city was able to visit during the trip? – First, we flew to Shanghai. Stayed there for long. Move on the car and drove to the provinces.

For one week we visited three provincial cities. Each lives of 5-6 million people. According to Chinese standards, it is quite a bit. – What is striking in China most of all? -The pace of development. China, with each passing hour is becoming more and more. In Shanghai, for example, is almost finished construction of the 500-meter skyscraper – one of the highest in Asia.

If I'm not mistaken, they have built it up to one year. In China, besides the skyscrapers being built and ordinary housing. Its built very much. Entire neighborhoods and cities. Most likely, in the xxi century, China is a country number 1. This has all the prerequisites. In the first place – rapidly developing industries. Dynamics of growth affects everyone. And in China, while rising almost all sectors of the economy. – How things work in the brick industry? – We visited three factories for the production of ceramic bricks. They stand apart in a 20 km radius. and for the year produce 700 million pieces of conventional brick. This is 6% of annual total Russian brick! Such plants in China are vast. – Where does the Chinese brick? – Wholly and completely, it is used in the construction of the national economy of China. From this made houses, factories, schools, hospitals and kindergartens. – It is believed that once the Chinese equipment is several times cheaper than Western Europe, the brick and it turns out not enough quality? I am convinced that it is not. By Chinese technology is identical to the most modern equipment imported analogues. Bricks, made in Chinese equipment receives an excellent appearance, and its characteristics corresponds to the Russian standards. The equipment allows to produce a full-bodied and hollow bricks of different shapes and sizes. – On what the Chinese produce a brick? – They have their own lines, extruders. I have carefully examined these extruders and was delighted with some of the engineering decisions and notions. They are in the manufacturing process involved in half of hydraulics than the Germans! Although the working principle is the same. – So you liked the Chinese equipment? – Loved it. – How many Chinese are working on the manufacture of bricks? – The plant, which produces 50 million bricks per year, the change consists of 60 people. They serve extruders, watching the feeding of raw materials, the work technology. – What will eventually affect your decision to opt for Chinese equipment? -Of course, its price. Rather, it quality-price ratio. My opinion is that modern Chinese equipment Today, the best option for the Russian manufacturers of brick. According to our estimates the payback period of this equipment is less than 2 years. This is very good and we are satisfied. And the high quality of this equipment of a brick, I have already spoken. Interview by Stanislav Sechenkov material prepared by the regional director of consulting company "Golden Bridge" Akopian A.