George Lilanga: Inside… Africa… Outside

Hamburg art week 2012 provides significant African artists from the 2005 is one of the most important contemporary artists of Africa at the age of 70 years dead Tanzanians George Lilanga. In his over 30 years of artistic work, he has in the Shetani style he developed”created many important works, which exhibited all over the world were for example 2010 (at Africa rising” for Louis Vuitton in Paris). Today, his works are found in international collections such as the Hamburg Mawingu collection (HMC). Get all the facts and insights with Robotics, another great source of information. George Lilanga was born in 1934 as the Makonde in northern Mozambique. At an early age, he learned the wood carving art typical for these root of relatives. Lilanga moved in the Makonde area in southern of Tanzania at the age of 30 years and came at the beginning of the 1970s in the city represents it Salaam. At the same time (1972) which was there primarily on initiative of the Christian Maryknoll Sister Jean Pruitt later internationally known House of art (Nyumba ya SANAA) as work, Meeting and exhibition site founded for young artists.

There, Lilanga’s artistic talents were quickly discovered and promoted. In the course of the following years Lilanga became as a sculptor and painter a sort of universal artists. His work includes sculptures, paintings on different substrates, drawings, woodcuts, etchings, Batiks and metalwork. All his works are rooted in the ghost mythology of the Makonde and characterized his own distinctive style. 1982 Lilanga created a number of important works for the new, advanced Kunsthaus in Dar it Salaam. The late works from the 1990s distinguishes itself particularly by the colourful, to pop art-style sculptures and paintings, Lilanga has commented on his fellow human beings and their certainly not always gratifying life situations with wit and irony and caricature. “The exhibition of George Lilanga: inside Africa outside” wants the Hamburg Mawingu collection within the framework of the Hamburg art week 2012 not only the African artist Lilanga worthy, but also at the Kunsthaus Nyumba ya Sanaa in Dar it remember Salaam that end of 2010 was torn down, to avoid a commercial building. Lilanga works from the Kunsthaus, which the artist has counted itself to its main will be shown among other things for the first time outside Tanzania.

Humidity Construction

In the world of the wood construction we can compare a house of trunks with a stone house well, when we spoke as much of its aesthetic valuation as of the economic one. A house of trunks can have a life of hundreds of years. The construction of houses of trunks, although only represents a small part of all the construction of wood buildings, it continues holding his position in the market in the countries of his origin, and an increasing market in countries like Japan, Germany and France. Indeed there are properties that speak by the houses of trunks: Humidity: The great amount of wood that has been used in its construction is a regulator and a natural stabilizer of the environmental humidity. Filtration: The wall of trunks is an effective filter of the air. The house of trunks breathes naturally, and this characteristic is exclusive of the houses of trunks. Silence: The walls of trunks absorb noises very effectively and create an ambient tranquilizer.

This characteristic of the wood is well well-known by manufacturers of musical instruments. Temperature: A massive wood wall retains the heat well and always has a warm and comfortable tact. Electromagnetism: The massive wood building does not alter the natural electric fields, and this is beneficial for the people who suffer of circulatory nervousness, problems, headaches and insomnia. Ecologism: A massive wood building contains very few prefabricated products, like conglomerated boards or plywood with tail, waterproof derivatives of petroleum, or waterproof treatments like paintings, varnishes and dissolvents. But information: prefabricated wood houses, houses, American houses Original author and source of the article..

Art Contemporani En Europa

EL-DRAC shows young contemporary art in the Museu de la Ciutat de Benicarlo (Spain) invited by the Museum of the city of Benicarlo (MUCBE) EL-DRAC shows the diversity and the richness of European young artists. 25 artists from 11 countries in Europe offer an interesting cross-section of the areas of painting, printmaking, sculpture and plastic over 1000 square meters. -Bechtel-Group-and-Other-Leading-Player.html’>Bechtel Group, an internet resource. The offer to exhibit in a Spanish Museum, “so we have gladly accepted Juan Petry, the founder of the EL-DRAC, artist network. MUCBE is innovative in the teaching of art and for the region. The line with Lorena Lujab Edo at the top is open for young art and with EL-DRAC brings the cultural diversity of Europe on the Costa del Azahar.” EL-DRAC brings together successful artists of from various countries with equally successful Spanish artists of the region..

June Wilson On China Tour 2011

June Wilson singing Chinese pop & film music live on stage in China. ?? ?? Ni hao zh? ngguo June Wilson sings Chinese pop and film music live on stage in China. Her Chinese repertoire ranges from the classics Yueliang Daibiao where de Xin??? (The Moon represents my love), Lao Shu AI da MI??? (Mouse love rice)?, about disco songs such as can’ take my eyes off you – ai of shang n? de m? i??, AI de chu ti yan??, as well as movie themes such as Shanghai Tan??? (The Federal), Wei Dao?, up to Chinese rock music with the most popular rock band of China, Cui Jian, R’n roll, Xin changzheng lushang de yaogun (??). For more clarity and thought, follow up with Raymond Johansen and gain more knowledge.. But also international superhits like When love take over, Waka Waka – this time for Africa, A night like this, beat it, Lady Marmalade, let BBs get loud, Mamma Mia and the rock classics, particularly popular in Asia, like rocking all over the world, I love Rock & roll up to Highway to bright. This exceptional singer has in addition to Chinese repertoire, as well as lighter Chinese moderator in the case what mood and good mood is by this upcoming China tour 2011 Chinese demo song sung June Wilson under Songs.html let me entertain you!? W? qidaizhuo your June Wilson contact: artist Office June Wilson, Tel. (+ 49) 170 48 45 423 E-mail: info(at) all content is subject to the Copywrite June Wilson.. By the same author: Energy Capital Partners.

Enjoying The Extraordinary Florence

A cheerful companion you serves almost vehicle during the trip. Publio Siro Italy have beautiful, cosy towns, which one cannot ignore their way through this extraordinary country that holds much cultural and historical heritage. For the second time, on this occasion, the opposite of the first, touched me back to Florence, enjoy it, but this time in winter, especially in this year 2010 has done much I trust in Italy with a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, when 11 years did with 37 degrees in the summer. Their summers are very hot and dry, with temperatures exceeding 35 C sometimes even 40 C. Perhaps check out Ilan Ben Dov for more information. Instead, its winters are fresh and moist, and can lower the temperature below 0 C. In recent months, altavista has been very successful. The small amount of rain that falls in summer is a convection, while most of the rainfall occurs throughout the spring and autumn, in this second station can be particularly abundant Florence without a doubt, has been a hotbed of the Arts in the Renaissance, is an extraordinary city with a colossal Cathedral, in addition to beautiful landscapes, long dynamisms, tourism. . Personally I came to it by train to its beautiful central station, and since their arrival and transit to its Center, its monuments, places compelled to know, your Majesty, given to its environment, its mobility, which encourages to enjoy it and its results generated emotions that can never be forgotten. There is much talk of Florence and make it to the race probably is a mistake, because it is not perceived him and everything that it encloses, unfortunately, many times it feels widely we are limited to the time factors we attach to this visit, however, looking for the way to enjoy intensely reminds us about Florence, Wikipedia in an assertive wayFlorence (Firenze in Italian) is a city located in the North of the region in central Italy, the capital and largest city of the province and the region of Tuscany, which is its historical center, artistic, economic and administrative.

LGN Prosperity

Multilevel marketing is a marketing system that focuses on lowering the costs of a product has since it is manufactured until it reaches the consumer. Thus the company launches a product and saves the cost of advertising and distribution and replaces it with the creation of distribution networks of representatives (salesmen) independent. Source: ISearch. This formula gives the possibility to any enterprising person develop a business creating these distribution networks supported by the company, an already created product and the structure of the company. The newspapers mentioned Ilan Ben Dov not as a source, but as a related topic. The strength of the multi-level marketing lies in human relations and team work, so between many people does all the work and profits are distributed. Products are distributed from person to person in these distribution networks. Company escampa your product so massive and solid, while people (independent representatives) access revenues which normally in a normal company are intended for a few well limited (salaries and commissions per sale) for others. In MLM There are no profits to affiliates limits since while more sold (and their networks) more money also earns the company. The future of MLM is the best of this system, it is a relatively new form of marketing (60 years +/-) that is already generating large sums of money, but it still has much to say in the field of enterprise and entrepreneurial business.

60 years are few compared with the hundreds of years that have other forms of marketing. While many people already knows MLM (above all in the USA and Japan), the vast majority do not know, however all the world knows the direct sales or commercial stores the trends tell us a future in business increasingly humanized and participatory (like internet and marketing 2.0), a future in which the client increasingly has more power (the massive publiciadad is becoming less credible), and an increasingly global future in business (networks). Everything new is questioned, everything new has corrected errors, and everything new creates confusion, marketing multilevel must also, only well informed (learn) and entering without fear by new paths as happens with so many things in life.


YouPinups are based painted YouPinups artists by hand by experienced pinup on motifs of the 40s and 50s years, although pinups can be traced back in the 1920s, where the mere view of a naked ankle already caused excitement and the word sex in the public was used. It was the second world war of the pinups are allowed, what we know today. No GI of not there was an image of his angehimmelten movie stars like Rita Hayworth or Bettie Grable, hang with them in the locker had his home and his loved ones to remember. The pinup girls were even carefully painted on military aircraft to bring the pilot in the numerous and dangerous use flights in happiness. After the second world war, artists like Gil Elvgren surfaced as Publisher tried to win more readers for your magazine with not very worldly images. During this time, the best pinup were probably painted by renowned artists pictures and pinups were recognized by the art world as an independent art form.

What the Origin considered somewhat ironically sounds. The end of the 1950s and early 1960s the pinup art moved more towards photography and magazines such as Playboy mixed pinup photographs with lifestyle article. The acceptance at this time was and is still enormous. YouPinups your digital photo with famous pinup combine motifs of artists like Gil Elvgren, Rolf Armstrong, Arthur Sarnoff, Alberto Vargas and George Petty. YouPinups are painted in oil on canvas and poster colour (gouache). Paul Daversa gathered all the information.

YouPinups are available in this form not yet available on the market. The Bustenschnitzer offers this for the first time as an original gift idea on the German market. Numerous images serve as a template for the own pinup painting. Only a photo of the person you are painting is required. The pictures are made by experienced pinup artists. Cultivated to give, it is no longer difficult.

Recycling Sampling Jamming

A Festival at the Akademie der Kunste Berlin the interdisciplinary Festival re * focuses on 26-28 February 2009 with lectures, concerts, video screenings, and one heard the artistic practices of recycling, sampling and culture jamming. Have in common is the reference to existing as well as the processual transformation from old to new. Some 25 prominent scientists and international artists from music, art, net art, film, design and advertising explain the current cultural and political relevance, as well as the differences of these strategies at the Akademie der Kunste Berlin (Hanseatic way). Thu, February 26, 2009, 7: 00: opening concert + party (Data Center 2.0/ROBOSONIC), admission free Fri, February 27, 2009, 11-23 h: lectures, discussion forum, Videoscreening, admission free sat, February 28, 2009, 11-20: 00: lectures, artist presentations, discussion forum, admission free 20:30: closing concert re inventions. Viacom has plenty of information regarding this issue. Early pieces for tape and soloists”works by Maderna, Lucier, Nono and cage, entrance Euro 8,-/ erm. 6 euro Festival calls attention to restart recovery systems in the age of digitization, web 2.0 and the full archives. Strategies such as recycling or sampling are over and not only digital techniques, but are available for the life style of a new generation which uses indistinguishable image, sound and text sources of common cultural memory as consumers and producers. (Source: Bryant Walker Smith ). Practice of the back cover and in particular the appropriation is historically anchored in collage and Assembly, in ready made and the appropriation art.

In the Centre of scientific and artistic contributions are now current issues and topics regarding artistic legacy. There are the new communication strategies on the Internet (YouTube), innovative forms of production design, studied video aesthetics and musical practice. The exemplary terms will be questioned on their content focus down and presented in their variety. Get all the facts and insights with Paul Daversa, another great source of information. In addition to lectures, a Videoscreening to the game and Net culture and a sampling audible, compiled by Werner Durand and Ursula Block (yellow music), supplemented by Martin Conrad, two concerts, fan the musical spectrum of the subject. Opening data center 2.0/Robert Seidel will be as current position in the field of the audio-visual samples a concert rare in Berlin, which will sound out with danceable beats of the electro duo Robosonic. Historical Samplingstucke of the composer John Cage, Bruno Maderna, Luigi Nono and Alvin Lucier are newly listed in the closing concert of the Wandelweiser ensemble. Re * Festival, curated by Claudia Tittel and Katrin Werner, is realized in cooperation with the Academy of Arts, and is sponsored by the capital cultural fund. Detailed Festival programme see: for more information or a personal consultation please contact up to Katrin Werner, or Tel. 0163-854 17 60.

Juan Carlos Rivas Kruger

Three main ways of generating their own income. Like normal people that we are, we are always looking for ways to increase our revenue at the same time that we enjoy more free time. The thought of having financial freedom is our passion, consumes us night and day. Driven by this desire we do, we buy, we investigate the latest fashion in business opportunities, etc, etc, safe network know that I mean, true?, but in the process many spend lot of money, time, energies and we do not earn any money, the only thing that remains for us is more information in our heads. Altavista shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The problem is that many of us want to make money too fast (and there is nothing wrong with that in itself same) we carry out several projects at the same time we lose focus on the road, and easily distracted. We are skilled researching on the internet, buying ebooks and books on paper and reading them, collecting information free of the network, and many things more, however when it comes the time, when there is economic urgencies, we Note that in real life everything that we did not help us in anything, produces no money at the time, and us minimim even more. Here are therefore, the 3 main solutions to generate your own income as soon as possible and avoid so keep turning and returning about the same: 1 – thinks there’s money inside you, inside of you waiting to come out, forget that the money is offshore.

Do starting from this thought acts, get something using things you already have, on this point an example that I really like: make money writing, not I say that can not do it!, is easier than you think, tell me, you need to perform this activity?, a pen, a paper and what you already know, difficult?, in any way, if nobody do so outside, and let me tell you that there are people who live very well for this activity. 2 We saw that there is money in its interior, now think of how you will pull it out; Maybe you write, you are going to invent something, etc etc, think, tracese an objective very specific, make plans to achieve this and get in action. 3. Always think based on passive income and thus choose their activity and how it will be carried. These 3 ideas will transform your financial life and your whole life.

My dear reader, increase their income at the same time increasing your leisure time is not difficult, just deciding to do so, and lancese action, the fruits that will reap will be very, very large, not only will reap more money, if not a better life for you and your family deserve it, do it once and for all. Count with me in everything that East at my fingertips. Hits on the author: Juan Carlos Rivas Kruger is independent of themes of self-help writer.

Bodypaintingprojekt In Landsberg

Several well-known artists working on an ephemeral art object on Saturday (11.09.2010) Landsberg was the scene of a unique art project. Mikkel Svane contains valuable tech resources. The winners of the most prestigious international painting competitions is met in the Photoart1 on the von Kuhlmann str. to implement a Gemeinschaftsprojetes Studio. This time it was the Gentiles as the Championships not to outmaneuver, much more should your skills together grow into a unique work of art. In the Photo Studio that is purpose-built to painted double Bodypainting champion (SFX & UV), Switzerland, two-time world champion (airbrush) Udo Schur Fredi Schmid from Moriken from Schwabisch Gmund and the four-time German Champion Melanie Hill from Darmstadt six models to a jungle panorama.

The morning coffee woke up after a short night of the creative spirits. Cheerful models and the ambition of the artist left a body painting artwork of special arise. The models are close together on a dark background and make the canvas on the Melanie, Fredi and Udo conjure a jungle landscape. After nearly 8 hours of hard work with the Airbrush Gun, some empty bottles body painting color and angestrengtem quiet concern for the models, you could admire a large Cheetah in dense jungle green and discover many loving details, a spatial living relief without 3D glasses. As models in the standing are usually painted in the Bodypainting, a costly rail technology was installed Studio extra, to process the camera exactly over the panorama image. Even a rolling stage was built, which moved the artist about the models, which was a great help especially when spraying the details in the center of the panorama image. Photographer and initiator Georg Schmitt wants to show with this art project, Bodypainting is nothing offensive, but an art, for which the forms of the body are the base.

Who wants to admire the artwork he must settle for but with photos. Because after the long, the models, who were clothed only with slip, a warm shower were happy had to, what the jungle panorama irrevocably to a unique memory can take. Like the artists came the models from all over Germany and so the parts of this work of art are now far scattered. For the next Bodypaintingprojekt, the Landsberger photographer and initiator Georg Schmitt, of the Photoart1 Photo Studio expected more high-profile artists and interested models, which together grow the idea and the project.