Industrial Products Sales

Of the wool to the can how to sell year after year services specifically / for more than 10 years, studies show that their sales and income increasing industrial companies through the marketing of services. And these studies have shown year after year that between the desired 25 50% of service revenue in the total turnover of the company still large gaps gape, so for example the current study marketing of services in the industrial goods industry of the University of Mannheim in co-operation with PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER. What measures and concepts help to make the desire to become reality? Certainly, there are industries that have it easier when selling their services as certain services provided by law are required: for example, in medical technology or in the elevator industry. This support is however not necessary condition for successful selling of services. The current study marketing of services in the Industrial goods industry”of the University of Mannheim in collaboration with PETER SCHREIBER & PARTNER has investigated several possible success factors of organizational structure and process in the service area and was able to scientifically demonstrate a clear relationship: companies that specifically in writing fixing a sophisticated marketing concept for their services and communicate to all stakeholders and interested parties, actually reach a significantly higher percentage of the total profit of the company with their service sales. Are here to illuminate the six key issues, when establishing a marketing concept for services: the strategic importance of the service area within the company companies successful in the service sector have realized that their services are strategically important for the differentiation in the customer acquisition through customer satisfaction, as well as for the innovation and optimization process of their solutions by the orientation of the user. These business lines causing the service area as a stand-alone business and the service not as a necessary evil is requested by the market to Bob. .