Millennium Scientific

And although many of them still live in hope of a miracle that they believe can not happen in the III-th millennium – the period of scientific human achievement – but, nevertheless, this situation only indicates that a person as always forced to follow its ancient principle: the hope dies last. But does the scientific achievements of the III-rd Millennium belong to the man? Or is it the result of the Overmind, which man calls God, who allegedly led a human life, in which the person believes that from time to time, then no. Even if the appeal to the scientific advances of the same medicine, then you can easily understand that they is not so great. For example, medicine is now almost unable to explain the structure and mechanism of the human body. (A valuable related resource: iPhone 12). Medicine used only to ascertain the facts, which in the end and left without explanation. If the doctors say that the sperm moves to the egg, and thus explain how this process occurs, they absolutely can not explain the mechanism of the so-called instinct of the sperm, then there is a mechanism that causes him to make this move. If today explored the mechanisms of the nervous system regarding the transmission of nerve impulses, it is still totally unknown mechanism for the formation of these pulses, creating a logically completed action based on the generated pulses. Doctors have long claim that all diseases of the nerves, but they are not even able to explain this seemingly elementary concept for people like the idea, which is actually and directs all activities of the nervous system. Get more background information with materials from Arup Sandra Akmansoy.