Cordelia Strategy

Readers can download the tools to develop and implement a strategy from a Web page. A hand and working paper on the topic of strategy development titled strategy guide”has published at Weka Business Media AG, Zurich, the Swiss strategy advisor to Ignaz Furger. In the book the owner of David strategy consulting and partner are 360 pages, one Zurich, the staff and decision makers in the companies practical guidance for the development and implementation of corporate strategies. He explains to them how a strategy project is set up, and guides you step by step through the strategy process from analysis to the planning to the implementation. It is the declared aim of Cordelia: the reader or user shall be enabled to do so, to develop own strategies for your company, to submit to the decision and to implement. d all about the problem. Therefore the author has listed instruments and templates instructions, forms, and templates on a separate Web page also made all in the book. From there, the reader can This download, adapt to their needs and use for their projects. The book of strategy guide”is structured as follows.

In the first chapter, David presents the different approaches of strategic management classic military technocrats until to the approaches of Porter, Hamel and Mintzberg. In doing so, he places a focus on the approach of Hans Ulrich, which sees companies as open, productive and social systems. In Chapter 2, David deals with the basics of strategy development, before he sets out in Chapter 3, what are the advantages of integrated strategy development of the employees actively participate in. In Chapter 4 the experienced strategy consultant and developer, explains the many years worked for the Management Centre St. Gallen was overview the different phases of the strategy development process and the roles of those involved. He places a special focus on the decision-making process. After each phase, who represented, how and what must be decided before the next Attack phase is taken. In chapters 5 to 12, Furger enters intensely on the individual phases of the Strategieentwicklungs-and implementation process.

While he is a sort of timetable on the hand readers how they successfully shape this process in their companies. This means that explains amongst them, what are the key challenges in the various stages; Furthermore, which must be given conditions, to meet with success. Also, the tools are presented, which are used in this phase. Also the concrete approach is described in detail. So, the user will receive”among other scripts for the workshops, which take place at the stage in question. In addition, there are templates for the agenda of the working sessions and checklists for tasks to do that. All these tools can download it along with other information from the Web page and adapt to their needs and complement. In chapter 13 the reader of practical tips on the topic of communication in strategic projects that will receive before Furger concludes “once again ten theses formulated, why the employees the best strategists” are and it is worthwhile to integrate these into the strategy development process. “It is a central thesis: the more staff at the strategy development are involved, all the more smoother and faster implementation runs as a man does what he believes, and he is convinced by a realization that he himself has drawn up.