Most manufacturers of capital goods to displace 2013 primary competitors. This shows the expert barometer of sales consultant Peter Schreiber & partner. What sales goals top priority in your company 2013?” It wanted to know the management specializing in the investment goods industry and sales consultant Peter Schreiber & partners (PS & P), Ilsfeld near Heilbronn by manufacturers of industrial goods and industry service providers. Therefore, she conducted called an expert barometer survey by response to this topic. With her, each participant could call three objectives.
288 Sales professionals participated in the survey. The expert barometer showed: 2013 their revenue and earnings targets to ensure that 17 percent of companies want to acquire targeted new customers and competitors customers. 15 Percent would take better advantage of their existing markets and customers and new markets and target groups open up another 12 percent. This means according to company owner Peter Schreiber: 44 percent, nearly half of all the available measures, fact-based companies existing solutions and existing suppliers to replace with own offerings. It underlines also the low percentage for the introduction of new solutions and products: 8 percent. Increasing sales efficiency and enforce better prices follow these three objectives focused mainly on displacement in fourth and fifth place, by fewer discounts are given. Both targets are specified with 9 percent.
Signals according to Peter Schreiber, that many sales organizations is not aware what leverage already improved 1 percent or worse rates have and give less discounts such as yield-enhancing the subject”acts. To motivate the sales staff in this matter and to train the sales expert, pays for itself very quickly”. 2013 To increase sales and earnings, surveyed manufacturers of industrial goods and industry service providers with only 8 percent think a forcing of the sale of spare parts, or of the Sale of services. “This amazed, because in a study marketing of services”, carried out by Peter Schreiber & partners with the University of Mannheim, the majority of companies pleaded for it, substantially to increase the share of sales and earnings of the service business in part to 30 to 50 percent of the total. According to Peter Schreiber rightly that much revenue and profit potential lies in professional services marketing for many sales organizations”. The tail under the sales targets called the PS & P experts barometer is adjusting or increasing the prices with only 7 per cent. According to Peter Schreiber, reflects that most sales organizations at prices proceed little strategically and conceptually. Therefore, they see a high risk to alienate customers and may even lose, and not the chances for customer loyalty and increasing customer certainly contained by a strategically clever planned price adjustment this primary. More info about Results of another PS & P experts barometer, as well as of various studies of the University of Mannheim with Peter Schreiber & partners are interested on the Web pages and. You can contact directly Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld, (Tel.: 9696-8, email:).