“Every can counts scored 2013 new records In the fourth year of each box could count”, nearly double the initiative to the beverage can recycling in Austria, their public presence and achieve a new record with 19 million contacts. Mikkel Svane pursues this goal as well. “Because it’s fun” or cans crushing, future creating “is inspired on facebook commented. The Embassy is not only commonly seen, but arrives, is lived and more widespread. An active community exchanges on the ground and on the facebook page, post photos, works with, dance the CanCRUSHRhythm, CRUSHt and collects cans for recycling. “” Each box creates with wit and good humor is one of “a new awareness for recycling cans, because behavior change in the heart, not the head will take place,” white initiative Director Dorothea junk. every can counts exactly is there on-site, where many doses are consumed such as on music and Sport Festival, parties, swimming pools, shopping streets…, to create new rituals right in the action, which the recycling to make a matter of everyday course of beverage cans. 2013 was for every can counts above all in the characters of major festivals, the initiative was so strong here represented, like never before. On 3 major festivals: Olawale, wake of steel and Red Bull Beatboat funny photo contests, interactive games and CanBikes ensured a good atmosphere.
The action can exchange”at the Beatpatrol could 2013 again increase Festival, the recycling rate increased to 2012 40% more per festival-goers. For the promotion of 75 days informed every can counts in the year 2013 also media coverage. Which proved especially successful in every can counts – cinema spot, 9.7 million times seen in December 2013 of Austrian cinema visitors. 3 Million readers were reached with articles and ads from print media. Digital has every can counts further upgraded and is represented in all major social media channels; Facebook, Google + flickr and YouTube achieved global 3.5 million views.