The Same

In the experience of pain is also the object allogeneic cathected, when by means of a given circumstance, there is a recatectizacion of that object, displeasure and a tendency arises to the download that corresponds to the experience of pain. While this experience had been defined by Freud as an excessive intrusion of charge (Q), allogeneic catectizacion object, a product of this first experience makes a repetition of the same increase is for an amount (Qn), as in the experience of satisfaction. The residues of these two processes are the emotions and wishful states have in common lead to increased tension in the system related to memory. The wishful state, produces a positive attraction towards the desired object (a), while the affect associated with the painful experience repulsion produces a mnemonic image linked to hostile, that repulsion is called the primary defense. The presence of these two processes in the system memory-related neuronal form an organization called me. "The self must be defined as all f cathexes existing at a given time, being necessary to distinguish among them a permanent portion and a variable" b) The reality far Freud describe a system dominated by the pleasure principle, where they look for the pleasant and unpleasant it is repudiated. However, as already indicated, to a new emergence of the need wishful ab complex, tends to repeat itself, but this process does not exhaust the cathexis, since the object represented by the neuron does not exist in the outside world is hallucinatory, so imposing the need for a new approach in terms of satisfaction, a sign which can distinguish a representation of a perception, since the displeasure can not be inhibited by way of repetition, which is a failure of the primary defense, that criterion is no longer taken into account only the pleasant but also what unpleasant. .

External Understanding

Very important aspect of all this is that every step we make on the basis of understanding and need for, acquiring an understanding of what we do have a need in the next step. And so on That's how I imagine represent integration. There are two big differences in how do you do X just like that, or you're doing X as a result of understanding and need. The result will be different, the process will also be different. Unable to integrate itself due to the fact that you're doing something misunderstanding. Work at least at some point in the development in the beginning is possible to achieve a minimal and basic understanding, by trust in technology or the teacher as well as in practice Perhaps instead of understanding and the need to be a call, an intuitive desire, the feeling that this 'need', and the understanding and the need to come later But sometimes cry, and sometimes social and conditionality, it different things. Why can not the development and integration without understanding? Because if X is a result of the need for and understanding of, you know what you want and do not miss the result, as you know when you've got result and continue to do X does not make any sense to do. Of course there are exceptions, but in particular they should not count. PS: And it is on this basis, we construct the practices that I zanimayus.Umenie distinguish the call, an intuitive urge, from the work of social beliefs and blocks. Certain system of knowledge in a certain kind of transfer of the grounds not on faith but on the understanding of each step of the system of exercises and the practice of sending themselves from External actually unnecessary junk (problems, power, social , the polarization of mind and navyazanye socium behaviors and beliefs) Improving the integrity and quality of the human mechanism Finding and finding oneself, to find and build its core, its power:)