"New Moon" – a successful film adaptation of the famous second novel, the saga of vampires by Stephenie Meyer. After the overwhelming success of "Twilight", it became clear that the second part will be removed by the same actors – Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Teelor Lautner, or waves of protest among the fans would not be able to avoid. Filming began in March 2009, and the premiere is just around the corner – November 20, 2009. Directed by Chris Weitz, best known for such films as "American Pie", "Golden Compass, "" my mom's boyfriend "reacted to the work seriously. At the audition for the role of Indian werewolf he allowed only those actors who really Native American roots, that certainly should have been recorded in documents. In short, the passports were checked at all. New Moon movie plot more interesting than the story of its creation: Bella Swan Edward Cullen with her boyfriend celebrating its age. The problem is that of Edward, and all its surroundings – the vampires.
Although the breed of these "children of darkness", of course, an aristocratic, but the animal instincts to restrain them sometimes can not. So, Jasper, one of the guests, attacked the Isabella when he saw blood on her hand (Birthday girl cut his hand on the gift paper). To this never happens again, Edward decides to leave his beloved, assuring her that to continue communication with her, he simply does not want. Of course, this was not true, and when Bella started search for her ex-boyfriend, he does his best to avoid meeting her. At this time, Bella Swan befriends a boy-Indian, Jacob Black. He is trying to surround it with care and protection, but even then not all glory to God – so happened that broke up with a vampire, and has made friends with a werewolf …. Among other things, it opens the season of hunting the vampire Victoria, whose fiance was killed by James Cullen in the early history of "Twilight." In general, Victoria wants Justice – Bella's life for the life of James. Werewolves intervene in the conflict and take the side of Bella. And even on that note of passion are just beginning to flare up. The most interesting thing is still to come …