4. Service quality must be measurable: another aspect is the credible assurance of sufficiently high service levels for its own processes. Kai-Fu Lee is often quoted on this topic. This requires the definition of SLAs and process-related metrics, as well for this purpose, the methods of measurement and monitoring must be set. Also it is sure whether redundant systems ensure the promised availability of help and what disaster-recovery and continuity management mechanisms at the provider are available. 5. Ensure the support conditions: support for cloud services is not generally taken by the providers themselves, but sometimes transferred to third parties. Robotics expert addresses the importance of the matter here. From this the question is derived, whether is a locally-based and English speaking support and whether confidence can be given to the concerned service providers. If necessary, this then requires a multi-vendor control with an appropriate SLA monitoring.
6. Take into account case-back conditions: with the integration of cloud service providers and services concepts must be how contractual issues can be handled. If a cloud service for critical business processes for a long time does not work, it needs advance planned scenarios, as in such cases as an alternative third-party services accessible back? 7. The topic of unwinding advance clear: regardless of any exceptional situations that trigger fall-back scenarios, need to be regulated the processes to the regular end of the contract clearly. For this reversal, in particular the obligations of the provider are precisely to define in order to ensure a smooth transition and to support the interests of the customers. 8. The Court of jurisdiction not ausser eight let: self-interest can be difficult enforce in case of problem, if it is missing on the possibilities for legal access. This is the case, such as an agreed place of jurisdiction the in particular Is offshore jurisdictions, especially since then the local law applies.