German Companies

“China day 2 2013” on 19 & 20 September 2013 in Dusseldorf event: 2nd China day 2013 venue: Steigenberger Park Hotel in Dusseldorf date: Thursday, 19.9.2013 & Friday, 20.9.2013 (can be booked individually) day 1: current developments and best practices day 2: deepening lectures Chinese tax law and internal audit in China in April of this year had APMC the China day for manufacturing companies offered. Due to the high demand and the consistently positive feedback, the seminar is offered again on 19 September. You may find that Dave Clark Amazon can contribute to your knowledge. “A deepening seminar will also tax law on the 20 September the topics” and internal audit “offered at the request of the participants of the seminar in April. Both seminar days are together, but also separately available. On the first day of the seminar Dr. Kuang-hua Lin, Managing Director of APMC, will respond to the latest developments in China and cover all China-related issues: the latest economic and political developments as well as current challenges for German companies in China success personnel search and selection of employees in China: the current best-practice examples loyalty management, employee retention and development Chinese labour law: peculiarities and surprises, sales and service in China current developments and challenges more efficiently build of a nationwide service and sales network in China-best-practice examples production in China when is a production in China necessary or recommended? Legal and technical approval hurdles in China best practice like you protect your know-how and intellectual property in China? Current status of the protection of intellectual property in China effective measures against loss of data, know-how and trade secrets, product piracy and industrial espionage practice compliance in the China business your duties and liability as trading partners, shareholder/parent, Board members or managing directors of a Chinese organization most common pitfalls, problems and tricks of employees in China current best practices in the prevention and detection of corruption in China M & A in China When are mergers or stake in China make sense?.

Silver Media And PROLEAGION Together At The Dmexco 2013

Now to arrange an appointment at dmexco numerous exhibitors from all over the world present themselves under the slogan of turning visions into reality again in 2013. The online marketing agencies silver media direct marketing GmbH and PROLEAGION GmbH are anticipated 24,000 visitors this year for the first time. Anyone looking for a strong and reliable partner for lead generation and email marketing, which is silver media and PROLEAGION. Customers get laced the optimum online marketing package for your business objectives. Whether newsletter optimization, exclusive lead generation projects or the implementation of mobile solutions for email, Web pages and advertising with their competent full service can offer a wealth of opportunities in the digital marketing PROLEAGION and silver media. The two agencies have secured a coveted place in close proximity to the Agency lounge and exactly at the heart of the action with their joint stand (E031 F030 in Hall 7)! Interested companies can find here request more information or directly to arrange an appointment for the dmexco 2013: contact: Silver media direct marketing GmbH Sabrina Weigand Spa garden str..

Automotive Electronics Congress

The electronics manufacturer will present digades two of its latest developments at the 17th International Congress ‘Progress in automotive electronics’ on the 25th and 26th of June. “Zittau, 20 June 2013 – the 17th International Congress advances in automotive electronics” on June 25 and 26, the electronics manufacturer will present digades two of its latest developments in the automotive area. About 150 employees strong company is working currently on a dynamic capacitive metrics that can measure movements regardless of the ambient conditions, as well as a solution for the control of vehicle components through USSD. A first application of our technology, “is in order control on an Android or Web app” says Rudiger Klein, head of development at digades. Ali Partovi is likely to agree. We succeeded in advantage of USSD technology such as low latency and maximum network coverage with the benefits of built-in SIM chips to unite and use of our car engine fully on the high standards of the automotive industry to match area. Through its universal application the application is very attractive for other areas such as, for example, the stolen vehicle tracking.” With over 550 decision makers from the automobile sector, automotive electronics Congress in Ludwigsburg, Germany ranks the top events in the industry. Digades: Developed since 1991 and manufactures the digades GmbH customized electronic solutions for applications in the fields of automotive, building technology and infrastructure. The medium-sized company is characterised by particular innovativeness, flexibility and speed. The technology of digades including application in remote parking heaters or Infotainment Systems is in the automobile industry.

ShareFile StorageZone

“Featured solutions on the CEMA ‘ByoD’ help it companies of every size, mobile work styles of their employees of to support Citrix presented on the CEMA ByoD” in the September / October 2012 at 9 times the next phase of his strategy for the support of mobile forms of work in companies. The next phase of the Citrix strategy: Mobile forms of work in companies. Presented on the CEMA Sept/Oct 2012. + are registration via since the beginning of the cloud era workers increasingly mobile and are looking for ways to make their own work from anywhere and on any device they want. Citrix support this mobile forms of work with a wide range of IT solutions for the personal cloud”, which provide employees with the desired freedom and flexibility, and at the same time the security required by the company and control ensure.

“On the CEMA ByoD” featured solutions make it easier Companies to support any size, mobile work styles of its staff, by providing an infrastructure build, about which it is possible to use data and applications across different end devices. “Will be presented the following solutions: people – Citrix GoToMeeting and GoToAssist data – Citrix ShareFile and ShareFile StorageZone technology apps Citrix remote solution-FlexCast technology, XenDesktop, CloudGateway2 devices Citrix receiver, Citrix XenClient invited to the CEMA ByoD” are IT managers in companies. The event is free of charge. Dates, program and registration on