“Featured solutions on the CEMA IT.forum ‘ByoD’ help it companies of every size, mobile work styles of their employees of to support Citrix presented on the CEMA IT.forum ByoD” in the September / October 2012 at 9 times the next phase of his strategy for the support of mobile forms of work in companies. The next phase of the Citrix strategy: Mobile forms of work in companies. Presented on the CEMA IT.forum Sept/Oct 2012. + are registration via since the beginning of the cloud era workers increasingly mobile and are looking for ways to make their own work from anywhere and on any device they want. Citrix support this mobile forms of work with a wide range of IT solutions for the personal cloud”, which provide employees with the desired freedom and flexibility, and at the same time the security required by the company and control ensure.
“On the CEMA IT.forum ByoD” featured solutions make it easier Companies to support any size, mobile work styles of its staff, by providing an infrastructure build, about which it is possible to use data and applications across different end devices. “Will be presented the following solutions: people – Citrix GoToMeeting and GoToAssist data – Citrix ShareFile and ShareFile StorageZone technology apps Citrix remote solution-FlexCast technology, XenDesktop, CloudGateway2 devices Citrix receiver, Citrix XenClient invited to the CEMA IT.forum ByoD” are IT managers in companies. The event is free of charge. Dates, program and registration on