Port Spain, April 18 .- The president of Mexico, Felipe Calder n, I call upon the nations of the Americas to devise a proposal to call Continental Copenhagen summit on climate change, from its project to integrate a green background. More and more New York households are signing-up for is an attractive choice for saving hard earned dollars. Related: Calom Alvaro Felipe Calder n and speak on drug trafficking say that the Green Fund is a model proposed by Mexico, in which countries would provide resources according to their capacity and receive benefits based on their emissions, “which will allow us to a continental towards the Copenhagen summit, “to be held later this year. A sustainable system seek to minimize the building or buildings set to release the fluid environment of pollutants through the installation of small treatment plants that can be active or passive.
The active demand an additional energy to drive pumps, sensors, electro-valves, etc., that allow the functioning of the system.
passive search by natural means to produce the degradation of pollutants, whether chemical or biological, to make them harmless before being discharged into the environment.
Then the water cycle, which is responsible to clean water or drinking water that we take from the environment (surface or groundwater), return to our taps and toilets.
We must be aware that this entire process to run energy demand worldwide and nearly 90 of fossil fuels are burned to generate energy that runs throughout this complex hydraulic systems for the sanitation of cities.