For the author, in the future, long-distance education will have as characteristic: the decentralization; interactive and it will be individualizado; it will be adapted the different styles of learning; it will be operated by the multimedia, of form to stimulate some directions; it will facilitate the access to the information for an approach in hipertexto; it will be accessible in the houses, the specific centers of qualification and the workstation; it will use the telecommunication nets; it will be folloied of an evaluation continuous and integral and supported by the development of software of automatized formation and support of intelligent systems. FINAL CONSIDERAES the long-distance education are pointed as one it saw capable to take care of to a demand each more increasing time of the population to the search of basic, superior and professional education and of update courses. On the other hand, it has a concern generalized with the future of the State, that is, of the impossibility to take care of essential the social services: education, health and providence, indispensable to the convivncia to salutar and productive of the population. Thus, through the massive job of the technology, the governments have searched ways to make front to the basic necessities of the people, at the same time where they carry through experiences with intention to get solutions for the bigger and more constant challenges each time, in a world where the mutations are quick and present complexity and contradictions. Beyond this economic aspect, it is necessity to consider that it parcels out significant of the world-wide population is dismissed, needing with premncia if to recycle to have some possibility more than to reingressar in the work market practically saturated in all the areas of the knowledge and that it demands creative human resources, brought up to date with the new technologies of tip. The long-distance education is a resource that, immediately, short-term and the reduced cost, is capable to recycle these individuals to the side of the exclusion and to reintegrate them as productive agents in a competitive system.