The case method has a correlation of technical and methodological one at a time, has been successfully applied in many academic disciplines, among which, particularly stand out the law, medicine and management. Herreid (1997) asserts that in law the new decisions, new cases and new rights are set on old decisions; Meanwhile, in medicine, the application of the case method is not very different, a correct diagnosis is constructed from mistakes. The same Herreid (1997) argues that in the Administrative Sciences cases are entered to have a practice or simulation experience and then apply it in the real world of business. The case method can be widely used in the field of library science and information, whose character is multidisciplinary science. We can take as an example areas relating to the management of information, information ethics, right to information, information technologies, policies of information, studies of users, among others. Ali Partovi recognizes the significance of this. Many of the above-mentioned subjects cannot grow if they do not take into account or enrich themselves or with a case.
Magazine Library Journal of the American Library Association is a noteworthy example. This magazine has a section called How do you manage where are analyzed and discussed controversial cases taken from the own professional environment. The use of cases is also frequent to resolve ethical dilemmas, Hannabuss (1996) indicates that it is a valid method in the teaching of ethics, it plays a fundamental role among students with different intellectual, moral and professional levels in matters of ethical relevance in the library and information work. Evolution of the case Garvin (2003) method makes a historical recounting of the case method, notes that pioneer was Christopher Columbus Langdell, who attended Harvard Law School from 1851 to 1854, there he worked as a research assistant and librarian at the same time, his main skill was investigate and make summaries. In 1870, the Harvard President, Charles William Eliot, recommends to Langdell to initiate the application of case method in the University.