1. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Pete Cashmore. Definition of the object of study 1.1. Subject: The Education has passed for an evolution process technique ' ' technology as facilitador in processos' '. We, professors, recognize the distant quo practical ours in the School we are in relation to the evolution of the technology. This imbalance of inclusion of technological resources has left to improve new mathematical methodologies for learning in the virtual spaces.
In the field of the virtual reality, a technology that foresees the creation of an imaginary world in the computer screen. The project in question aims at to search and to use Dynamic programs in the WWW (World Wide Web), as the Skecthpad (geometry), Gnuplot (graphical), Proglin (linear programming), Matgraph (graphical), Derives (manipulating symbolic, graphical, etc.) Ace2000 (oscilloscope), Rurci (algebra and trigonometry), Eukeprop (geometry). The use of one or more than these resources represents a way to facilitate the learning mathematics promoting the exploration and the inquiry of properties of one forms interactive and constructive. To use technological resources collaborates with the construction of a significant knowledge, therefore it explores the inquiry and curiosity of the pupil in visible a logical process. It is what Hadamard says (1945): ' ' In fact, he is obvious that any discovered invention or, in Mathematics or any another area, happens for the combination of ideas some of which they can be fertile Is necessary to construct numerous possibilities of combinations, and to find amongst them the ones that are beneficial ' ' Therefore this project aims at to search, as the dynamic programs ' ' software' ' it facilitates a significant learning of mathematical contents 1.2. Problem: The mathematical education has currently not developed surrounding highly motivador, therefore if it has materialized mechanically, taking the pupil to have a very great imbalance in contents that could be developed digitally with resources highly differentiated, ' ' environment motivador' '.