After some time in dry dock, discount coupons have returned successfully to the marketing. Supported by his brothers online, discount coupons have recorded a growth of 14.7% from the era that preceded the economic downturn. Discount coupons are now living a second life that promises to be even better than the first. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Andy Florance has to say. has released an infographic which collects the main milestones in the successful return of discount coupons to the arena of marketing:-in 2010, 3.3 billion coupons were Americans savings 3.7 billion dollars, an increase of 100 million coupons with respect to 2009 and 200 million dollars more in savings. -During the year 2010, 2,100 million of discount coupons for food, were exchanged in United States figure that contrasts with the 1.2 billion coupons that were not intended for the food industry. -The categories of products that more exchanges of coupons registered in 2009 were cereals, ingredients for making pastry, the Entertainment (magazines, games, DVDs, etc.), the products of nutrition and dietetics, and toilet paper. -On average, Americans only profited from 0.6% of the savings offered by the formula of the coupon. -In 2010, every American citizen received average bid 1,677 dollars in savings through coupons.
However, the real savings was only 10,57 dollars per person. -The user of coupons has an increasingly wealthy profile. In fact, families with more than $105,000 annual revenues are the most prone to use discount coupons. -Families with over $100,000 in annual income are twice as likely to use a discount coupon to those with annual incomes below $35,000. -Likewise, persons with University studies are twice as likely to redeem a coupon than those who did not finish high school.
-Discount coupons fever is also affecting more young people. Almost 60% of adolescents aged 13 to 17 used discount coupons. -Clothing (25%), entertainment (19%) and products of beauty (18%) are areas that attract more teenagers in the use of discount coupons – in 2011, one of every five owners of smartphones used discount coupons for restaurants, an increase of 117% over 2010. – in 2009, online access to discount coupons increased by 92%While swapping online coupons increased by 360%. Even so, internet represents only 1.5% of the global exchange of discount coupons. 89% Of the coupons are distributed through the traditional channels. -It is expected that in 2014 the number of discount coupons for mobile users to multiply by thirteen.