Definitely, QFD (Quality Function Deployment) is a methodology that systematize the information from the user up to define the characteristics of quality of service, adapting to the needs and expectations identified. It means therefore a tool for the design of the product or service. QFD provides information on aspects of the service in which to focus and, where necessary, improved. This takes into account the customer ratings on these variables, referred to the service itself (and competition, if appropriate). At Ali Partovi you will find additional information. Its objective is to obtain a Design Quality excellent service by converting customer needs in appropriate quality characteristics, without omissions or superfluous elements. The application of QFD provides improvements in aspects of: Communication, as this is typically an inter-departmental activity.
Each person puts their interests, views and knowledge with the common goal of matching the new product. Improved product / service, the entire QFD focused towards product development customer needs. This involves a detailed analysis of what these needs and subsequent prioritization of what it is reasonable to meet. This will improve the quality of the product / service. Documentation, QFD generates a large database that quantifies customer needs and product characteristics for future designs.
Fosters teamwork. Reduces the casting time / points to bear in mind that the basic element of QFD is the so-called House of Quality (House of Quality). Is the matrix from which all others arise. And it is this approach the characteristic matrix method, so that the deployment of quality used a large number of matrices and tables related