
Monteria is a form of hunting very rooted in Spain, the most classical and traditional, is governed by norms and laws that prevent shootings on protected animals and their offspring are committed. It is based on the use of hounds (dogs for hunting) for outputting the Monte animals subject to hunting and guide them towards the lines of hunters. Species object of hunting are regulated, as well as the period in which the monteria, can perform on it fold down usually wild boar and deer, but also other species such as the fallow deer and the Mouflon. A mountain of hundreds of acres provides a series of armed, or lines of posts with hunters, that surround and cover the ground. According to its particular location in la mancha the armed receive different names (rope is the highest; the lowest sopi; sleeper which passes through or is usually found in the middle of the stain). How many posts I have put in this spot? If the Organizer is responsible and straight be placed as many jobs as they mark the natural instincts of carcasses and the real possibilities that los monteros have in them. From a certain end, or more than one, it is releasing the hounds who, driven by their respective dogmen, they will beat the stain in different directions with the object last parts of hunting in their flight try to break through the lines of monteros or be seen by them. Key to organize hunting of bushmeat know well the farm.

If this is the first time, you will have to go many times as needed to know the boundaries, extent and orography. If you already know, check changes, new clean, recent results, possible deforestations and any other action that could undermine previous results. Conditions of the Monteria. As any other negotiation is necessary to know the real expectations that there is, guarantees if them, the reputation of the estate, the number of posts and the cost that is going to have an impact on each of them.