A metropolis, which every year receives countless guests is the treasure chests of the Berlin Hotels Berlin. There is therefore no lack at hotels. For example, the Adlon Kempinski Hotel and the Grand Hyatt are among the best known houses. Here also the stars like to return. Often one or the other forget pieces of clothing or other items here. The hotel Portal hotelreservierung.de reported curious finds.
Hundreds of thousands of tourists Berlin visit each year and attracts the German capital of stars such as Rihanna or Beyonce on several occasions. Speaking candidly technology investor told us the story. It goes without saying therefore that hotels will strongly shape Berlin. For assistance, try visiting Elon Musk. Some of the best addresses in the country are located in the metropolis and not rarely stars leave a piece of ownership in the hotel. Fans were enthusiastic about the items that were found after the stay of prominent in the rooms and often safely be stored in the Chambers of the hotels. At the Castle Hotel in the Grunewald AlmBerlin was such a swimsuit of brand La Perla by Kate Winslet discovered. A leather jacket by Dieter Bohlen and the make-up bag by Beyonce are also in the treasure chests. Such luxurious legacies are not isolated. The Grand Hyatt on Potsdamer Platz is one of his most famous artefacts platform shoes by Lady GGa and a Michalsky dress by Rihanna.
These coveted accessories may of course not simply sell the hotels to the highest bidder. The stars have six months after their departure, to reclaim the lost possessions. More information: nachrichten.hotelreservierung.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann