Systematic theology: The Systematic Theology is, strict speaking, the systematization and defense of the express doctrines in the symbols of the church. The expression Systematic Theology came to be understood as ' ' systematic organization of teologia' ' . The objective is to present a clear and organized vision of the main subjects of the Christian faith. Thus, the systematic theology takes the material supplied for the Biblical Theology and Historical and it in sequence arranges it logical under the great headings it theological study. Charles Ryrie, explains that ' ' The systematic theology correlates the data of the Biblical revelation as a whole, systematically to show the complete image of the high-revelation of Deus' ' .
Libanio argues that ' ' systematic theology as brought up to date intelligence of the data of the faith, does not occupy mere in repeating the dogmas, but in becoming understandable and significant the immense patrimony of the life and reflection of cristos' ' . First the great manual of the theology occidental person in direction systematic was organized by the theologian and scholastic philosopher Peter Lombardo (1100-1160). Known as ' ' Four books of sentenas' ' , this workmanship was organized when Lombardo lecionava in the University of Paris for return of century XI. The workmanship is formed by a set of citations/sentences of the Parents of the Church (Patrstica) together with texts of the Sacred Holy Writs. Divided for topics, the first one of four books dealt with the Trindade; as, of the creation and the sin; third, of the incarnation and the Christian life; the room and last book, on the sacramentos and the last days. With effect, the sentences of Peter Lombardo had soon become one of basic books of the medieval philosophical culture, serving of guide for the sprouting of other theological and philosophical works until century XVI.