Includes advice on design integration with third-party software production. Work on the design (as well as on the site) begins with the preparation and approval of the prototype that allows us to understand the structure and ergonomics of the future system. The beginning of any creative concept – a fundamental examination of all components of your advertising campaign from the study of the target audience and positioning to the current shares. The creative potential of our company's offer to evaluate our "Site". Technical design and programming of complex Web projects are often created in sections. To implement the different stages may be involved Various performers. For example, an advertising agency it is able to prepare the design of future project for your customer, but skilled programming alone will not do. Our company has experience in As a subcontractor, and can professionally perform fragments of web-based systems.
For example, to implement high-quality and fully meets the standards of W3C, as well as trends of Web 2.0, desktop publishing. Or do programming project subsequent integration of design and layout of the production side. In any case, qualification and experience of our staff will ensure ease of integration of individual components of the system and satisfaction from the relationship. On such work is also covered by the warranty. Can be prepared in any accompanying documentation and technical details.
Promotion and support site even if your products and services are unique and presented on the web at the best site – this is not enough for success. Do not believe me? Try typing in the popular search engines any word and get at least thousands of search results. If you do not put a special effort to promotion of a site on the Internet, it can be in the search results by number, for example, 34 807 potential clients about it and do not know.