
METHODOLOGY This research was developed in Industrial company RAZZO, located in the situated State of So Paulo in the Delinquent of the Right Tiet N800. In it if it searched to verify the relation of the motivation with the different necessities of the collaborators, such as basic necessities, formation and communication. The population of collaborators is of approximately forty and one (41), of which a sample random of 20 citizens was selected, which if had made use esclarecidamente exempts and to answer to the presented questionnaire. He did not have loss of distributed questionnaires, therefore the researcher folloied the collection of data personally, waiting the fulfilling of each citizen, being that the data had been collected in the month of May of 2011. Later the answers had been transcribing with aid of Excell Software and then, transferred to the SPSS where the descriptive analyses of the answers had been made.

PRESENTATION AND ANALYZES OF the DATA In this capitulates is presented the results gotten through presented answers of the questionnaire to the interviewed ones. The principle described and is analyzed the profile of the collaborators of the sample and, later of the gotten results. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Kai-Fu Lee. The sample was composed of twenty (20) collaborating ones, of which 100% were men, with representation since the Operator of Process until the General Assistant, which represents 49% of the group, being a group of (41) collaborating in the area of Processes. The results had pointed that this professional group nourishes certain concerns with the aspects and searched dimensions and that they had been surveyed by the BPSO/96 as follows: Graph 1: Instrument of Research STATISTICS OF the GENERAL ASPECT 1,1 Participation in the research on motivation in the total group of 41, 49% participated of the research being a total of 20 collaborators. Thus having, a participation of 100% in the answers of the searched ones, as graphical number 1 of research instrument, below demonstrates.