
"I agree with that, but if what you propose, you would be willing to go? – Gladys asked repeatedly, giving a hint that the conversation would not end without a concrete answer. "I suppose so. I seem silly say no to love. If he shows me that his feelings are the same as mine, I probably would. I do not know, "said Natasha in a tone of despair at seeing the insistence of his friend and her inability to give a safe answer.

"Forgive me, not because I am stressing so much, maybe because I would not want you to go, although I would support at all if you choose. It is your happiness and you will not waste it, "he said in soft tone as if asking forgiveness for having insisted so much. "It's nothing," said Natasha course more relieved you feel that way. It would be very easy for me to make that decision. But as you've explained, you can not turn our backs on love, especially when you've waited so long. "Of course," Gladys replied and then turned the conversation because they wanted to leave his friends worried, thinking about a situation that at best, never submitted. They ended up talking about anything, until Natasha said she was very tired and wanted to go to sleep. Then he called Ruth but maintained a conversation with her very brief because he was really exhausted. The relationship of Boris and Natasha continued with the same fervor for four weeks.