A historical sketch concerning the expression of music sacra For Suelayne. the Andrade, graduated History for the UFS. This article presents an sketch concerning the history of music sacra using itself of texts that deal with the paper of music in the primitive Christian community and its evolution in the history of the church, leading in consideration the importance of such art in the Christian cults. The objective is to display to the reader one brief rank on music sacra from a historical point of view. It is necessary to point out that here it does not have an exhaustion of the sources and theories that are necessary to understand the ways covered in the history of music and the religiosidade, but, displaying the aspects of cultural history, in the search of the knowledge on the significao of music in the religious tradition. The presence of music in the religious activities is portraied in some Biblical texts (II Samuel 6:5, Mateus 26:30, I Timteo 1:17,3 – 16, Isaiah 6:3, etc.) since the Old Will until the first Christian communities, music always was related the party, and this in its religious direction also has its celebrativa form in homage to the Creative and Triumphant God. The spirit of the musicalidade exaltado in the human being possesss the characteristic to express the feelings and desires of the soul human being, being led to perscrutar the ways of its interior being approached the being of the divine things. However, before walking for the history of music sacra it is necessary to understand it from its concept, in such a way arduous task one, since certain complexity exists. However, defining it ' ' in a more restricted direction Jewish-Christian can be appraised as the proper erudite music of the religious tradition and in felt ampler he is used as synonymous of religious music, that is music in the cults of any traditions religiosas.' ' A historical briefing the Christian church absorbed elements and musical characteristics of the entire world, the measure that went if spreading for the different societies. For assistance, try visiting isearch.