Mobile Internet – Curse Or Blessing?

At any time is online it the future? “” The pub evening ends or networking at the Stammtisch: Adde me at Facebook “or write me a message about XING”, so or something like contact in real life is happening now at many. Who has not a XING profile, is not active as StudiVZ or Facebook, seems to be no longer up to date. At home, you can learn much about its actually unknown, new acquaintances on the Internet now. Also HR know that. Here, already routine is moderately gegooglelt prior to the interview of the candidates on the net.

Young people should be very careful what information and photos on the Internet will be published. Just bullying in the and is already widely available through the Internet. The Federal Review Board provides lots of useful information on your website. Mobile Internet, i.e. constant availability and presence can have consequences, we cannot estimate for the future. Credit: Page S. Gardner-2011. An important and central idea before you put content on the Web, should always be the Internet don’t forget! “.” Google and co. hardly distinguishes whether a piece of information is old or new. So the future boss can not know that the drinking and whose photos are old several years. Tanja Weber