Until the moment, resulted of studies epidemiologists they do not supply consistent evidences of a causal relation enters the exposition to the radiofrequncia and any adverse effect to the health, however, these studies have many limitations excluding any association, what it means a subject not depleted, or free of concerns, a time that the OMS in 2012, go to carry through a formal evaluation of the risks the health of the exposition the radiofrequncia fields 4. No risk has been pointed in these last 10 years. Although the use of the cellular telephone to be quickly growing between the children and adolescents do not exist definitive studies on the risk of illnesses related to the use of the devices of mobile telephony, even so they are considered of a potentially vulnerable group, for still being sensible, in formation and citizens the biggest exposition in function of its 5 infantile dimensions . 2,2 Mobile Atelefonia.
The mobile telephony does without emitting antennas distributed in vast areas in order to establish the linkings with the mobile telephones that if they use of the stations next for the communication, and after that with the central offices and that in the process, of course they liberate the not ionizing radiation (RNI) in the 6 environment . The mobile telephony is a technology that if it uses of transmitters receivers operating in the band of microwaves, where each equipment if communicates way electromagnetic wave with a station (antenna) of low power without interferences in excessively, installed in diverse localities, next the users to the telephony services, that they share diverse frequency channels at the same time. To extend the services of communication without the loss of quality means to increase the amount of antennas, and to diminish the power. The system depends on regulating agencies that elaborate norms and recommendations techniques and that they establish levels and limits of 7 exposition, considered safe for the population and users.