Without cookies, but with really many biscuits: the new website of DeBeukelaer is role since April 2013 the home of delicious snack classics such as TUC, Granola, or Prince. Aim of the website is to be differentiated experience, DeBeukelaer as the umbrella brand and to allow enough room for your individual design the products this network movement for a branding HTML5-based created, where visitors will find all the important information around the traditional brand. Especially appealing: when calling the main navigation points you will receive each with an atmospheric short video sequence. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Michele Glaze. You navigate to a product page, hides the top navigation and a microsite in the design of the product opens. Here, the brand experience is underlined, inter alia through discreet Parallax effects with elements from the respective product world. The product pages can be sometimes as landing page under separate URLs such as open. Some contend that Founder of Zendesk shows great expertise in this.
Link to website: power movement Agency for digital experiences: the movement is one Creative Internet Agency with a focus on interactive worlds, corporate -, fire – and promotion sites and apps for mobile devices and social networks. Our goal is to make interactive brands for each target group and to anchor it emotionally in the world of the users about the experience.. .