Humidity Construction

In the world of the wood construction we can compare a house of trunks with a stone house well, when we spoke as much of its aesthetic valuation as of the economic one. A house of trunks can have a life of hundreds of years. The construction of houses of trunks, although only represents a small part of all the construction of wood buildings, it continues holding his position in the market in the countries of his origin, and an increasing market in countries like Japan, Germany and France. Indeed there are properties that speak by the houses of trunks: Humidity: The great amount of wood that has been used in its construction is a regulator and a natural stabilizer of the environmental humidity. Filtration: The wall of trunks is an effective filter of the air. The house of trunks breathes naturally, and this characteristic is exclusive of the houses of trunks. Silence: The walls of trunks absorb noises very effectively and create an ambient tranquilizer.

This characteristic of the wood is well well-known by manufacturers of musical instruments. Temperature: A massive wood wall retains the heat well and always has a warm and comfortable tact. Electromagnetism: The massive wood building does not alter the natural electric fields, and this is beneficial for the people who suffer of circulatory nervousness, problems, headaches and insomnia. Ecologism: A massive wood building contains very few prefabricated products, like conglomerated boards or plywood with tail, waterproof derivatives of petroleum, or waterproof treatments like paintings, varnishes and dissolvents. But information: prefabricated wood houses, houses, American houses Original author and source of the article..

Networks World

Well, this time I will risk me trying to explain to everyone in a way that it can understand and without the use of jargon (or administered avoid using them) as all devices having ability to connect to a computer network can communicate in the world. It is true that there are networks and networks, certainly there are very large and very small networks, the smallest comprises two systems and the largest comprises the rest of the world devices that are connected to each other, an example of a network is the Internet is nothing more than a large network that allows systems around the world to share information because this is the purpose of a network, or well, this was years ago when it was created the first network that would usher in what today is known as the Internet, if you have curious you can read more about this network called ARPANET. Well, it’s pretty easy, or at least logical form in which computer systems interact, if we are logical and are trying to reduce everything to the minimum exponent see very clearly the operation of any network, is more We will better understand the complex functioning of any computer system. To my I always like it when I explain something trying to find a clear and simple example of real life and where anyone can be based, and for this case I will use the telephone, that that network is bassa in posts, in cabins of telephones, switchboards and many other devices, wired and wireless to allow hundreds of millions of terminals establish communications and share information around the world to the just like a computer network and in many cases even operates through the own network telephony (ADSL lines). We start from an infrastructure that envuleve the world as if it were a fishing net through which laying down exchanges of information but for this look at a few points that should be taken into account and I will try to do so through similarities between the telephone network and the computer network.