For the author, in the future, long-distance education will have as characteristic: the decentralization; interactive and it will be individualizado; it will be adapted the different styles of learning; it will be operated by the multimedia, of form to stimulate some directions; it will facilitate the access to the information for an approach in hipertexto; it will be accessible in the houses, the specific centers of qualification and the workstation; it will use the telecommunication nets; it will be folloied of an evaluation continuous and integral and supported by the development of software of automatized formation and support of intelligent systems. FINAL CONSIDERAES the long-distance education are pointed as one it saw capable to take care of to a demand each more increasing time of the population to the search of basic, superior and professional education and of update courses. On the other hand, it has a concern generalized with the future of the State, that is, of the impossibility to take care of essential the social services: education, health and providence, indispensable to the convivncia to salutar and productive of the population. Thus, through the massive job of the technology, the governments have searched ways to make front to the basic necessities of the people, at the same time where they carry through experiences with intention to get solutions for the bigger and more constant challenges each time, in a world where the mutations are quick and present complexity and contradictions. Beyond this economic aspect, it is necessity to consider that it parcels out significant of the world-wide population is dismissed, needing with premncia if to recycle to have some possibility more than to reingressar in the work market practically saturated in all the areas of the knowledge and that it demands creative human resources, brought up to date with the new technologies of tip. The long-distance education is a resource that, immediately, short-term and the reduced cost, is capable to recycle these individuals to the side of the exclusion and to reintegrate them as productive agents in a competitive system.
Month: November 2019
Which causes some fear of reactions to projects increase in utilities that imply reduction of budgets of expenses, simplification of processes and in your case reacomodo of personnel, without taking into account that a reduction in staff could present as a last alternative.So it cannot be successful in a project that cannot be clearly described and which can be understood by all involved. Integrate and align the organization in the reduction of costs and expenses project, comprehensive vision which convey senior management will allow to eliminate discouragement that may cause persons or groups within the organization that either hinder or overstate the results obtained by them individually or their Department with partial improvements in short-term y7. Participation of the entire organization, the strategy of reduction of costs and expenses, has guaranteed its success when it is considered as a work of the entire organization, in which the contributions of each of the participants is not limited to a particular benefit as it is a very important part of the strategy of the organization. It seeks the cooperation of the entire organization not to highlight the failures of others. Improvement continues, the adoption of this strategy by the organization is to promote the culture and fashion of reduction of costs and expenses, is not important learning which took the organization in the development of the project to lay the foundations of effective processes and with a motivated and trained personnel, which will undoubtedly result in better service customer. The benefits of hiring a firm of public accountants who support the Organization to translate strategy into a successful and measurable action of reduction of costs and expenses, little question whether the firm has enough experience in this type of projects and has procedures to interpret and measure results.
Partner network launches for target group-specific online marketing as of April 1, 2010 presents ALPSTEIN tourism the world of online, a network of high quality websites to the themes of outdoor, sports, and travel. With the world creates a range-strong network of partners to common, topic-specific market of the Internet pages. Currently, the world consists of 16 strong partner sites with a range of over two million page views a month. The roof portal of the network is, the online platform of ALPSTEIN tourism. The network to other partners should be added within the next few months. Thanks to the special-interest audience the advertiser world allows you to target group-specific online marketing.
It also offers a comprehensive portfolio for a variety of marketing activities: in addition to the integration of standard advertising formats, various special advertising forms available are available to customers. The partners of online world: Freeskiers.NET Holiday resin Spessart Eiffel climbing corporate information / short profile: the tourism GmbH & co. stone of Alpine KG tourist concepts from a single source are offered, ranging from the signpost on the maps to the Internet portal. In the fall of 2008 the portal went online an outdoor-online platform with several thousand free, quality-tested tours from the areas of hiking, cycling, mountain biking, Nordic walking, canoeing, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, mountain climbing, skiing and many other sports.
According to Bail (2002, P. 24) ' ' Allied to the escolaridade, it is the necessity of the appropriation to know relative to the organization of the work and production, since the repetitive and extenuantes functions are being transferred to mquina' '. In this direction, for being in an institution whose pertaining to school activities are come back toward Ensino Technological Technician and acting in the PROEJA in Agroindstria, Maintenance and Support in Computers and Administration, some knowledge must be on. We need to explore the several you discipline, techniques or not, its relations with the Mathematics. We observe the pupils during the lessons of excessively you discipline of the course and we start to visualize possibilities of integration of them you discipline with projects interdisciplinares. The pupils brought proposals that could be transformed into small projects, becoming the learning most significant, since such projects could be associates to its experiences and experiences of work of them. We have as example the projects suggested and executed for the pupils: Cycling and Environment: A health question, the influence of the Associativismo and Cooperativismo in the Agricultural Extension, the mason and the mathematical modeling, the mechanic and the mathematical modeling, the Home of Aged of Ceres and its histories and Cassava: root of roots. These projects had been presented in XI the Fair of Sciences and V Sample of Sciences and Technology of the IFGoiano-Ceres, in October of 2009, of which 3 had been awardees. Some subjects and contents had been argued and presented for the pupils through these projects showing the community what they are capable to produce. This type of activity searched and executed for the pupils is the reply given for them when considered the education of the mathematics that privileged the knowledge brought for them? a continued education, come back toward workers, who already possess a rich experience? making with that they were felt stimulated actively to participate of the lessons and activities proposals.