Berlin Hotels

A hotel room in Berlin room for guests, always the business are in Berlin – the capital of Germany. For many business travelers starting and meeting point for meetings, presentations, business deals, merges any business interests. often also to arrange a first meeting on neutral ground. Daily travel thousands of people on and off, the hotels in Berlin have almost always high season. Especially business people place emphasis on clean and well-equipped rooms, because they must spend the night often for several days there and their want to unpack most chic clothes also. Without this fear, that you make a muffelndes and dusty piece of cloth from the wardrobe to the next morning.

Many hotels have set up special business rooms for guests from the business sector. In these rooms you stay in business, and still you can relax and have a rest during their stay. Pete Cashmore has much experience in this field. -Business Berlin – rooms are equipped with high comfort and equipped state of the art technology. More information is housed here: HG Vora Capital Management. In the average 24-32 m m large rooms have a wide range of entertainment, as well as a certain, almost luxury related additional details. Located next to the Optional Double, twin,-oder King size bed a modern and high quality furniture consisting of from a large desk, a wardrobe, a small table with leather armchairs in rooms lined with high-quality carpeting. The safety of your valuables is granted through the large, mostly with an individual numerical code safe. The technical systems consist of individually controllable air conditioning, a modern home entertainment, such as an HDTV, which can receive many (International) television as also music programmes. Also have the business rooms have a fax connection, voice mail, and often also Wi-Fi, so that important business things even from the hotel can be controlled.

For the physical well-being of a small refrigerator, as well as a coffee and tea facilities in the room is also taken care of, since are, which can be used of course free of charge. The bathroom of a business room leaves almost nothing to be desired as well as the bedroom and living room. They are equipped with the usual facilities such as toilet, sink and shower, but in addition also with a deep soaking tub. The furniture in the bathroom correspond to the well-designed living – and bedrooms and are equipped with wooden beauty furniture. Summarized the Berlin business rooms offer a high level of comfort, so that you can feel comfortable even on longer time in the capital. With these possibilities of accommodation and residence, the Berlin hotel provides a positive background for a successful business.

Edeka Customers Pay

In the new Edeka fresh market in the airport Plaza Hamburg BAD VILBEL, August 17, 2010, the new Edeka fresh market in the airport Plaza Hamburg can customers purchases up to 25 euro now easily and quickly via contactless payment settle. The innovative technology of contactless payments speeds up and simplifies denKassiervorgang significantly, eliminates the cumbersome search for change as an authorization of the transaction by PIN or signature is not required. The customer must hold for 1-2 only a Maestro equipped with a chip and special contactless technology or MasterCard card seconds before a reader and pays it almost in passing. Contactless payment at our store is not only for passengers interesting that spontaneously want to self-sufficient with a little something for their travel, but also for foreign customers who carry no cash in appropriate currency”, says fresh market operator Lars Tamme, who appreciate the advantages of contactless payment already after a short test period. (As opposed to altavista). The technology is absolutely has a promising future and I am convinced that the pilot project that we carry out together with our long-time partner TeleCash, will be a success.” In addition to the customer also the merchant benefits from the advantages of contactless payment, because he can unwind cashier operations in less time and boost to FootFall and sales. The modern method of payment does not have disadvantages, because it offers the usual payment guarantee customers the same security as traditional credit card transactions and merchants.

With the contactless payment we set up a new chapter in the history of electronic payment”, so TeleCash product development manager Jorg steel. He sees the strength of technology not only in use at the highly frequented POS, but for example also in the gastronomy: where issued fresh food, cleanliness plays an important role. Visit Ilan Ben Dov for more clarity on the issue. Here contactless paid sales staff has any contact with cash, which greatly improves the hygiene situation.

Mantis Stereo Viewing Systems

Metav tools expands its product range to the Mantis stereo viewing systems by vision engineering. The best supplement for inspection work in the laboratory and the production. Metav tools expands its product range to the Mantis stereo viewing systems by vision engineering. Koch Industries has many thoughts on the issue. The best supplement for inspection work in the laboratory and the production. At the beginning of August, 2010, Metav has tools the Mantis series of the company vision engineering included in the product portfolio and completes the range of optical inspection devices continue to.

The Mantis family of products is a comprehensive program of patented optical stereo viewing systems without eyepieces for both simple and sophisticated control and inspection tasks, such as a quick check of the surface, detecting inclusions, burrs, etc. Mantis is used successfully worldwide and has established itself in the growth segment up 10 x as the industry standard. With the new generation of the Mantis, a product family with modern optical layout and material developments, is demanding users and balanced LED lighting available. The optical viewing system offers a nearly endless number of applications and is particularly suitable for applications in mechanics, precision mechanics, electronics, plastics, medical components and much more. The compact system available with optional magnification up to Max x 20, a high-performance LED lighting unit, with long working distances, large crops and as usual the selection between the flexible universal swing stand or a table-top tripod. You convince yourself of the incalculable benefits of this okularlosen microscope on…

Europe Participation

The basis for girogo is in Ratingen, February 2012. Contact information is here: Dell. Ratinger payment easycash, a company of the Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING), the latest release of its electronic cash operator computer in productive operation took over after successful acceptance and approval by the German credit industry. As the first network operator in Germany the easycash GmbH has created, thus including the base, to be able to offer the contactless payment feature in future girogo. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. The authorization center VoB ZVD of the German banking industry has tested the electronic cash operator calculator of the easycash with the new release of the operator software according to the specifications of the German banking sector. The test result was announced last Tuesday, the 21.02.2012.

The computer has passed the function test and receives the approval of the German banking sector. easycash is German as a first payment provider able to handle the contactless payment procedures via its systems girogo and soon offers the new payment procedure of the GeldKarte his customers. The first Ingenico terminals are already approved for girogo in easycash mains operation. girogo: Advantages for customers and dealers the further development of the function of charge card, which is included on many bank cards is girogo. Girogo in the contactless payment procedures keep customers your giro card equipped with an NFC chip only shortly before the reader and the payment is made immediately. A PIN entry nor a signature of the customer are necessary. Payment amounts of up to 20 euros are can – be paid in the future with girogo smaller amounts so that previously usually paid with cash.

Customers such as retailers benefit from the new process: the faster payment process leads to shorter checkout lines and happier and therefore more revenue for the retailer. Because girogo is to a prepaid payment method, the merchant receives a payment guarantee and the money will be credited within a few days. Showcase at the EuroCIS who learn more about the new process girogo or contactless payment yourself want to try out chance finds in these days: presented from February 28 to March 1, 2012 easycash at the EuroCIS 2012 in Dusseldorf products and solutions for cashless payment transfers. In Hall 9 stand C51, the company in addition to interesting solutions around the issues of payment and customer loyalty is the contactless payment procedures. Further information: easycash GmbH marketing/communications Nicole Ohagen Tel. + 49-2102/973-314 fax + 49-2102/973-226 E-Mail: grintsch communications GmbH & co. KG Arne Trapp Tel. 70 63-54 fax 70 63-50 E-Mail: Internet about easycash and easycash loyalty solutions easycash and easycash loyalty solutions are part of the international Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING), the world’s leading provider of payment solutions. As a payment institution (“payment institution”) the easycash GmbH provides its customers throughout Europe Participation in electronic payments. At locations in Ratingen, Eschborn and Hamburg comprehensive with a total of 420 employees trade, gastronomy and financial industry payment services including many innovative value creation opportunities offer. easycash is Germany’s leading card payment provider and serves 92,000 dealers with 275,000 terminals. The settled payment transactions in Germany 2010 amounted to over 1 billion transactions. easycash loyalty solutions GmbH is the German market leader for card-based customer loyalty and gift voucher solutions, which are equipped also with payment and credit card functions. The sister company of easycash GmbH maintains a variety of diverse programs and processed 2010 35 million payment and bonus transactions throughout Europe. The Hamburg company’s 75 employees serve more than 26 million customer accounts.

Software Strategy Maps

Many companies see the strategy map as a very useful tool. The software provided can be used to simplify the design of the strategy map. Every company wants to be successful – at best it comes with a unique Gerschaftsstrategie that is adapted to all company goals and vice versa. Today, business people with the help of a balanced scorecard can make correct decisions on the strategic level and thereby significantly strengthening its position in the respective Markstsegment. It is possible to determine how well run the business and to develop at the same time, guidelines, rules and methods as the targets set in the company can be reached through the use of a strategy map. But before you choose an application for the strategy map, among many, it is important to know what is the purpose of such a strategy card. In General, a strategy map or a strategy chart as a tool used by corporate management and works with the help of key performance indicators and Key figures of the company.

The strategy map provides a summary of what the company plans to do to increase his power and to develop further. This card can not work are, if the company has no clear objectives and no clear mission, which should be set before the decision for a software to the strategy map. Certainly it is no trouble to make an own map for business operations, however, you can simplify this task by using a program that has been specifically designed individually for each company to produce a perfect strategy card. One is to set up a strategy map, you need a software to make his work easier. Such programs are especially useful if they are tried first for a certain time in the framework of a free trial, so you can judge the usefulness of this for the company prior to final purchase.

In addition, some kinds of software for strategy maps, which are completely free to acquire. What gets you so by using such a software? First you will enable the, to impose its own strategy card automatically and without complications. Next, this enables an automated formatting. This feature allows the user, to add certain ingredients or to remove the software repositions itself all affected items and vote each other. This can provide more professional and better designed charts your strategy map, among other things. The software may include several templates that accompany every new user with the help of guides to the desired result. The possibility to find such templates about appearing similar to the own project under construction, so that this template is used and thus facilitates the installation of the card. But also create your own custom maps can be built up of course, the best for the respective companies are suitable. In addition, the provider of such programs make all questions available usually provide technical support so that you can contact on every question quickly and easily and get the needed support for the introduction of the new product. Strategy cards used today by many companies, because these useful proven over several years across right. With the right software for strategy maps, you can increase your sales performance and strengthen the business operations at all levels of the Organization, and consolidate. Sam Miller, if you are interested in the software for strategy maps, learn more about this topic on our Web page.

Bizerba Software Revolutionized

The first intelligent cutting machine cuts, weighs, regulates and saves Balingen, February 10, 2010 the technology manufacturer Bizerba presents the first intelligent cutter on the leading international trade fair for the meat industry, IFFA 2010 in Frankfurt, from May 8th to 13th: A 510 (Hall 6.0, booth C60). Their integrated scales is unique in the world: meat, sausage, cheese are serving accurately weigh according to the given weight and cut. The Bizerba software continuously compares the target weight cut weight and regulated the thickness during the cutting process, so that the target weight is reached exactly. Even natural-grown products such as ham can be cut to exactly the fixed weight. Thus, the requirements of different customers can be met for fixed weight packaging in unkalibrierter goods at minimum give-away. The very short loop by cutting and weighing significantly reduces the give away and the user has some huge savings. Uncalibrated products extrapolating with on average which in addition and free with 10 percent blend, is packed. Through the use of the scales directly with the cutting will this give away, how Andreas Gmelin, Director food processing at Bizerba: products with a kilo price of 11 euros and revenues of 10 tonnes per month, the user saves every month up to 11,000 euros.

Extrapolated to the year approx. 130,000 euro arise saving up penetrate directly on winning.\” As is known from the computer world, Bizerba delivers the intelligent weighing software initially as a free demo version with the cutting machine. If the user chooses after this trial period for the software he can continue to use these a license fee. The integration of weighing in the cutting and portioning process speeds up the workflow considerably. The 510 is interesting thanks to the combination of cutting and weighing and the resulting time profit especially for larger enterprises of meat and sausages – cheese trade.

Networks To The Neighbours Make

Portal project: Euregional network event in Wonderland Kalkar the portal project, turn on the finish line and is an opportunity to celebrate the successful history. In a huge Euregional network event on Thursday, April 17, the organizers take stock and give a preview of possible follow-up projects. Of course, even it again abundant cross-border contacts may be attached. Beginning is at 16:30 in Wonderland Kalkar. The participation is free of charge, is asked only to registration on the site. The portal project has helped small and medium-sized companies in the Euregio Rhine-Waal, to take the first step in the neighbouring country. For, the project partners have organized a 17 accessible free of charge information events.

On the other hand were funding for concrete measures for market entrance available. For the various events more than 1,000 interested parties could be registered, 30 companies have for the accompanying promotion logged in. The Euregional network event in Wonderland Kalkar, entrepreneurs, politicians, as well as representatives of associations and organizations from both countries come together. Prerequisites to establishing first contacts in the neighbouring country and to expand existing networks. Freddy Heinzel, Chairman of the german Dutch Business Club in Kleve, moderated a discussion with the project partners. Furthermore, it reported the business consultant Carla Seifert about cultural differences between German and Dutch business partners. The programme is rounded off by a large buffet and musical contributions. The portal project is an initiative of the Kamer van Koophandel Centraal Gelderland, the industry and lower Rhine in Duisburg, as well as the Handwerkskammer Dusseldorf Chamber of Commerce. The project is co-financed by the EU program INTERREG IIIA of the Euregio Rhine-Waal, the ministries of economy of the Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia and the province of Gelderland. Contact for the media: Mediamixx Frank Wobbeking and Maike Gustorf Tiergarten road 64 47533 Kleve Tel: 02821 711 56 10 fax: 02821 711 56 39 E-Mail: Web:

Balanced Scorecard

Daniela Kudernatsch. How can we ensure that our strategy is implemented in everyday work? And how we make sure that our employees have the business goals in mind for their deeds? Many business leaders wondering just in turbulent times, in which a strategy adjustment is often necessary. “The balanced scorecard (BSC) is an instrument for the introduction of strategy / implementation the both highly praised as well as the source of numbers cemeteries” is branded. (VOR diesem Hintergrund veranstaltet der Regionalkreis Darmstadt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Qualitat (DGQ) on Tuesday, April 24, from 4: 00 in the Darmstadt University of technology (Schofferstrasse 3, C10, room 11.03 – 11th floor, 64295 Darmstadt) an after work event on the topic of balanced scorecard an instrument for the implementation of strategy and business management “. For this purpose, all executives of companies are cordially invited. Membership in the DGQ not required. After the welcome of the participants by Joachim Wagner, of the DGQ regional circuit, Darmstadt, is the Munich-based expert Dr.

Daniela Kudernatsch about the balanced scorecard strategy implementation”talk. In detail the adviser who accompanied more than 60 strategy implementation projects in companies, is up on the strengths and weaknesses of the balanced scorecard. In addition, the author of two books on the subject of strategy implementation, where the sticking points are the introduction and working with the balanced scorecard explains. Then it is strategy implementation, as well as corporate management with the participants on the subject with or without balanced scorecard”debate. Participation in the approximately two-hour event is free of charge. Will be asked to login. For more information interested on the homepage of the German society for quality ( under the heading of regional districts.

Talent Management Index Of Transformation ManagementAG International

Is the professionalism in talent management measurable? St. Gallen, in July 2011 – is the professionalism in talent management to measure? And can the various practiced today talent management concepts in companies be compared meaningfully understand each other? Definite yes! “This proves the transformation Management AG with the talent management index, which they in their international research project talent policy on the test” as meter has developed and now internationally protect. The index includes a total of 15 individual criteria and forms as a normative framework, with the four maturity levels of professionalism in the talent management (ad hoc/situational standardized managed/integrated future-oriented/strategic) of each company captured and evaluated can be. With our index we admit a highly effective and at the same time pragmatic tool, the quality of their talent company for the first time management with their industry and partly also their direct competitors compare. At the same time it is possible to put the finger on the wounds of the different concepts of the company and to determine the areas that offer the greatest benefit in the development of their talent management us”, Martin Sonnert, Member of the Board of Directors of TMAG makes it clear. More than 110 companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, including large corporations and medium-sized companies, have already management index to review their concepts with the help of the talent. Due to the high level of acceptance and success in the application of the index in the world of business, the TMAG has moved over, to compare now the talent concepts of sports organisations, to analyse countries, such as the German Football Federation or the D/A/CH ski associations and with the results of economic enterprises.

The first very interesting findings of this comparison will be posted shortly. Short portrait transformation management Aktiengesellschaft ( the joint-stock company headquartered in St. Gallen, Switzerland, was created in the year 2009 from the German-Swiss transformation consulting group GmbH. She advises companies in dealing with highly complex and difficult processes of change. Based on long-term consulting and management experience, coupled with in-depth specialist and methodological competence in change management, the TMAG accents again remarkable; such as through future mind, the behavior-based business Simulator to determine of the leadership competence, or through the new research focus of neuro-science and change management”. A further focus the task complex includes professionalization of the talent management”.

On the basis of the newly developed talent management index examined the transformation Management AG in cooperation with the Institute for organization and learning of the University of Innsbruck in their current international research project talent policy to the test”methods and professional talent management practices. The study includes currently has approximately 110 companies from Austria, Germany and of Switzerland, of which 70% of the DAX30, 80% the ATX and 50% SMI listed publicly traded companies. The customers include top companies in energy, transport, IT & telecommunications, chemistry, trade, education, health/medicine, services and contracting. Transformation Management AG business impact in change

Digital Cave

Successful Akquisekonzepte after almost forgotten recipe at the 3rd annual cultural and creative industry Ruhr for creative people it is still a difficult process: to bring creativity, profitability and growth under a hat. Particularly troublesome, Hunt and the access to the customers. Ecce and the economic development wanted to offer therefore a support and Platform for the exchange of Ruhr metropolis. So took the Deputy Director of ecce, Bernd Fesel, experts in communication, design and marketing for four different panels on the stage. In the Panel Ralph led to sales questions Rubel, Director of the Agency for moving image and PR communications I DEAR GmbH on a simple formula: customers have clear problems.

“In other words: you want to buy holes in the wall, but no drill.” New digital channels replacing what has proven itself for millennia: understand the position and the language of the person. Recognize added value, deliver value. There are the direct contacts that count.” So discussed representatives from industry and research under the topic of creative economy as innovation driver”at the 3rd annual cultural and creative industries in the Dortmunder U on the 20.10.2011. agencies including Dentsu Dusseldorf, the online marketplace DWanda, but also universities, such as the HU Berlin and TU Dortmund sent experts to the Ruhr town. For the first time, the meeting of ecce and the economic development was aligned Ruhr metropolis together and thus an emphasis on operational and economic aspects.

Organizers and participants of the events were generally very satisfied with the results and Outlook, which shows the culture and creative industries. The first featured trend barometer trend and cultural industries”by Prof. Dr. Julia Frohne, ISM Dortmund, showed as much positive growth prospects and a strong bond of the creative industries with their region. The ideas are the economic expertise and the technical requirements, also combined with the communicative principles out of the cave they can also to the customer be brought.