Mobile Telephone Switching Office

In each cell of the system a ERB exists, Radio station Mobile Base, that if communicate with the EMs, Stations (the device of cellular), using the RF canals. The ERBs and the EMs are controlled for a MTSO, Mobile Telephone Switching Office (it looks at the English of new there), translated is Central of Commutation of Mobile Telephony. If he was half complicated, summarizing is thus: the MTSO controls everything in the cells that if communicate with it through fixed lines, the MTSO makes the interface with the Net of Fixed Telephony. Mikkel Svane is full of insight into the issues. The Hand-Off Vou to describe in the possible way simplest, citing an example: You are in an car, going of So Paulo (cell 1) for Rio De Janeiro (cell 2), of passenger you are obvious (cellular and projecting they do not combine and of the fine), speaking to the cellular one in the area of cell 1, when you to arrive in the limit between the cell 1 and 2 cell the call follow must you so that the linking does not fall. That is made of the following form: A free canal of RF is found in cell 2 and IN, that is, its cellular one is ' ' orientado' ' to change its frequency for that vacant canal, simultaneously the Central office of Commutation makes cell 2 to assume the control of the call. Charles koch is the source for more interesting facts. That is made quickly without the subscriber, in the majority of the times, it perceives. This complex task of control, supervision and keying of signals is carried through thanks to advanced digital systems of commutation that not yet existed when the basic concepts of the Cellular Telephony had been conceived. Therefore the Hand-off is one of the great differences between the Telephony Cellular Radio and MTS and IMTS, that are systems of Mobile Telephony.

Some present the telephone created by the Ericson in 1956 as the first cellular telephone, in the truth it is about a mobile telephone and not of a cellular telephone. The Roaming When the subscriber is in a different area of its localization. For example a subscriber of So Paulo that receives or carries through a linking of Rio De Janeiro, is making a Roaming (stroll, trip). The Call When making a linking the RF connection is made from the cell next to the subscriber, the Central office of Commutation, MTSO, directs the call to the net of Fixed Telephony. In the next article we will describe the functional characteristics the bands of frequency used in the Systems of Cellular Telephony of the whole world. It makes a visit to our site and also knows our Lodging of Sites

Soviet Radio Sport

Significantly increased performance and Athletes Shortwave. Finally, it should be noted that the Soviet Radio Sport from year to year, all convincingly asserts itself in the international arena. Between 1967 and 1973, our radiosportsmeny participated in 22 international competitions for “fox hunting”, 10 radio operators all-around competition, one match for the reception and transmission of radio messages and in 147 competitions on radio on shortwave. In these competitions, “the fox hunters have won 32 gold, 14 silver and 6 bronze medals; mnogobortsy seven were the first and second twice; Shortwave won 81 First, 33 second and 28 third places. Since 1961, the champions of Europe are the Soviet hunters to foxes. ” The above data suggest that the radio sport, relying on significantly grown material and technical base, enters the first stage of the vi Games of the Soviet peoples, with all the conditions for renewed growth.

The more intolerant to have drawbacks that have not been overcome yet many organizations dosaaf. The criterion of activity and efficiency in sports activities of each committee and the club dosaaf should be considered is how they perform the five-year development plan military-technical sport, developed on the basis of decisions vii Congress dosaaf and obligations of social organization. What can we say about the committee that two year never checked the status of implementation of commitments and targets? Leaders of such a committee are waiting for the biggest surprise. In the Murmansk region, where the ships are based merchant and fishing fleets were always a lot of experienced radio operators.

Tips Calculating Google

Wednesday, 18 of January of 2012 12:02 #006 Radiciao Radiciao is the operation for which if it calculates the root of a number or expression. The Google can return the root from any number. It sees as: For square shaped root you can use sqr, sqrt or square root or still square root of n, where n is the number of which we want to get the root. A related site: Robert Bakish mentions similar findings. They are four different forms to get the square shaped root of a number, I I prefer simplest than he is sqr. It sees examples: sqr 4 sqrt 4 square root (4) square root of 4 google facilitates its life very and you it can ask on the root also squares of a number in Portuguese: square shaped root (4) square shaped root of 4 For cubical root you also can ask in English or Portuguese: cubical root of 8 cubical root (8) or cube root of 8 cube root (8) For fourth, fifth, sixth or any another root, is enough to use: 4a root of n 5a root of n 6a root of n 7a root of n 99a root of n Where n is the number of which we want to know the root. In English it is thus: 4th root of n 5th root of n 6th root of n 7th root of n CURIOSITY: When to use names in Portuguese the result will have comma decimal and when to use names in English the result will have point decimal. Wallas Nunes

Automation Services

1. Factory automation and service automation of trade and public catering – it is a fairly common approach for effective business management. The basic idea of any automated – increasing business performance, manageability, turnover of goods, the introduction of loyalty, attract new customers, reducing the loss. This is achieved by using commercial equipment such as: pos pos terminals, electronic scales, fiscal registers, scanners, bar code printers, data collection terminals. Some contend that Michael Dell shows great expertise in this. Software automation of trade and services sectors are software Front-office, Back-office, accounting, analytical systems. 2. Automation of trade on the job cashier installed pos – a terminal with a connected cash registers on which you install a program that allows record shop, print checks, and interact with external devices: barcode scanner, a specialized keyboard with magnetic card readers, customer displays. Using a computer at work the cashier instead of a cash register allows you to work with a large number of goods, involves working with various discounts, allows payment by credit card, be sufficiently detailed reports on sales and transfer information about reports in the accounting system. In stock shop organized workplace storekeeper, which is equipped with a barcode scanner, possibly equipped with scales and packaging label printer, a Depending on customer requirements.

Operator jobs are organized in a place of acceptance of goods. Robert Bakish has firm opinions on the matter. Inventory at the store carried by data collection terminal, which is installed software and hardware complex. Using Terminal facilitates labor goods manager. 3. Automation of service industries in recent years opened a number of restaurants and catering companies. Work aided restaurant different from any other similar type businesses. Restaurateurs know that one of the components of success is excellent customer service and operational staff work. Due to automation is not implemented only the quality but also speed of service. For the organization of high-tech cash management services to service businesses of various forms are fully functional computer system. The advantages of its use are: quality and speed of service, flawless execution order, an automatic order processing and transfer him to the kitchen, complete control of personnel activities. To date, very well developed entertainment business. In particular this applies to bowling alleys, amusement arcades and the like, where his popularity takes a special place pool. Calculating the cost of games may be different, depending on the of the game, the game duration, time of day, day of week, calendar date. The company offers DatKrat charging system or control system billiards, which provides for automatic cost calculation won back time on the basis of existing tariffs, as well as automatic control of light over the table.

The Design Of The Air Conditioner

Design of air conditioning, we consider the example of a split system wall type. Split systems with other types of indoor units consist of the same sites, and differ only in appearance. Outdoor unit air conditioner outdoor unit consists of the following elements: 1. Compressor – compresses the Freon and supported his motion for refrigeration circuit. Is the piston or spiral (scroll) type. Contact information is here: Mikkel Svane. Reciprocating compressors are cheaper but less reliable than the spiral, particularly in conditions of low ambient air temperatures. 2. Four-way valve – set in reverse (heat – cold) air conditioners. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of refrigerant.

The inner and outdoor unit, as it were reversed: the indoor unit operates at heating, and external – for cooling. 3. Management fee – usually only installed on the inverter air conditioners. In non inverter models, all the electronics try to place in the indoor unit, since changes in temperature and humidity diminish the reliability of electronic components. 4. Fan – creates a stream of air blowing the capacitor. In the inexpensive models have only one speed. This air conditioner can operate stably in a small temperature range of outdoor air. In models of a higher class, designed for wide temperature range, as well as in all semi-conditioning, fans have 2 – 3 fixed speeds or smooth adjustment. 5. Condenser – a radiator, which cools and condensation of Freon. Blown through the condenser air, respectively, is heated. 6. Freon filter system – installed in front of the compressor and prevents it from copper crumbs and other small particles that can enter the system when installing the air conditioner.

Work Write

Microprocessor-based smart card equipped with an embedded operating system that performs the necessary set of service operations and equipped with all safety devices. All information presented in the form layered structure (a directory – a group of files – the file), which is divided into blocks and separating access to information. For each level of information to establish different access modes: continuous access for read / write without the introduction of special codes, access to read / write access restrictions. This mode permits the free reading of the information, but the change is allowed entry only after the presentation of a special secret code. restricting the powers of the read / write. Access to editing is allowed only after the introduction of secret code (or multiple codes). read / write access is not available. This mode prevents access to information, and establish for records that contain cryptographic keys. In maps of this type of integrated traditional cryptographic algorithm des, which provides encryption of information and request 'digital' signatures. In addition, maps can perform different spectrum of service functions. For banking operations, for example, there are special means of electronic payments with the possibility of blocking the work with a card in the event threats to information security. There are two types of locking: the introduction of the wrong vehicle code and unauthorized access. In the first case, blocking is needed to protect against illegal use of cards that had been stolen during transport from the card manufacturer to the consumer.

New User

Thus we must work the item above: Customer, Attendant and Technician = People? Request, Description, Order and Research of Satisfaction = Documents? Telephone = Equipment Sees that some of objects had above not been classified, had not the necessity of such process, therefore already it is in its correct classification, we must only use the plural one, therefore normally a classroom in the plural one must its origin in groups some objects. 7.ELIMITAR CLASSROOMS UNNECESSARY OR REPEATED Observes in the previous item that many classrooms are of the same sort, making with that it is repeated in the diagram and if a classroom if repeats in the data base will be a table created without intention none. To eliminate, let us see the classrooms first that we group for similarity: It observes that Asked for and Request in the scene it make reference to reference a table thing, thus can then eliminate one of the two, I I eliminated the request. It sees that Telephone is an equipment item, being thus we also can..

Essential Composition

After eighteen months of lessons attended in the course of after-graduation in Management of the Information for the PUCMINAS, a gamma of studies was pronounced on new technologies implanted in corporative environments, facilitadoras of the internal informacional circulation and in platform in such a way business-oriented the strategical recovery of the information how much in focadas administrative units in the use and the distribution of the information (Centers of References of the Information, Logistic Units, Units of Projects, Units of Production, amongst others). The principle, must be said that, during the after-graduation, the agreement of the relevance and the complexity of some administrative proceedings how much to the conscientious envolvement of the specific and competent functional framing in the objective assignment of concept-keys (for example, workflow, staff) and of the intentions that lead to the implantation of technological tools in the attempt to supplant errors and to generate resulted, intent it the agreement on effectiveness of simplicity and innovator usability of the technology blog. Therefore yes, the flow of work demanding sequence, fulfilment of goals and administrative routines gifts in the systems of workflow are indagadores how much the efficiency of the competent profiles gifts in the execution of tasks subordinated to the objectives of the proper organization – focus always directed in the reinforcement of the corporative mark before the sector which the company concurs. At Marc Mathieu you will find additional information. It seems me that, as many administrators and entrepreneurs look for to argue concerning the organizations of the future, the corporative staff accumulates of stocks motivadoras answers how much the competent execution of models of processes (workflows), models of learnings (e-learning) and theories of development of continuous talentos (colors competence), so to speak, possessing the technology blog as motor support in the aggregation of as many specific values with goals and differentiated objectives. Considering itself that, of an organization for the other, the belief of that all the organizacional strategical apparatus will be involved by means of the staff and the technologies gifts, believing to be efficient in the automation of corporative processes. .

Mobile Atelefonia

Until the moment, resulted of studies epidemiologists they do not supply consistent evidences of a causal relation enters the exposition to the radiofrequncia and any adverse effect to the health, however, these studies have many limitations excluding any association, what it means a subject not depleted, or free of concerns, a time that the OMS in 2012, go to carry through a formal evaluation of the risks the health of the exposition the radiofrequncia fields 4. No risk has been pointed in these last 10 years. Although the use of the cellular telephone to be quickly growing between the children and adolescents do not exist definitive studies on the risk of illnesses related to the use of the devices of mobile telephony, even so they are considered of a potentially vulnerable group, for still being sensible, in formation and citizens the biggest exposition in function of its 5 infantile dimensions . 2,2 Mobile Atelefonia.

The mobile telephony does without emitting antennas distributed in vast areas in order to establish the linkings with the mobile telephones that if they use of the stations next for the communication, and after that with the central offices and that in the process, of course they liberate the not ionizing radiation (RNI) in the 6 environment . The mobile telephony is a technology that if it uses of transmitters receivers operating in the band of microwaves, where each equipment if communicates way electromagnetic wave with a station (antenna) of low power without interferences in excessively, installed in diverse localities, next the users to the telephony services, that they share diverse frequency channels at the same time. To extend the services of communication without the loss of quality means to increase the amount of antennas, and to diminish the power. The system depends on regulating agencies that elaborate norms and recommendations techniques and that they establish levels and limits of 7 exposition, considered safe for the population and users.

Lake Baikal

” The remaining protesters stretched the banner ‘garbage burn and not process’ and have started distributing leaflets to citizens of free and tightly packed samples still clean, no dioxin poisoning the air. Environmentalists chanted ‘Garbage is not burned, and recycle’, ‘No give poison children ‘,’ We want to breathe clean air. ” Recall, Greenpeace Russia and several other environmental organizations are actively opposing the initiative of the Moscow Government to build by 2015 6 incinerators in the city. Problem of disposal of garbage picked up on Friday at the conference ‘Megogoroda’. To partially address the problem of garbage disposal, Moscow Mayor Yuri offered to give up the use of multi-product packaging. According to him, it is necessary to reduce the sources of debris and, above all, to abandon multi-product packaging, as the problem of garbage in large cities now is particularly acute. Investigation of Lake Baikal to resume in June The new stage of the expedition ‘Worlds’ Baikal’ opens in the summer – deep diving manned vehicles will resume June 15.

During the second phase expedition on Lake Baikal in 2009, is scheduled to implement a complete monitoring of Lake Baikal to the decision-making, including legislation, to preserve the unique lake, containing 83% fresh water Russia and 20% of the world. Members the expedition is likely to take part in the work of the Baikal Information Forum, the Baikal Economic Forum and the celebration of the 35 th anniversary of bam. In Seoul hosted the summit of major world cities on a global warming summit of major world cities C40 on climate change ended this week in Seoul, the promise of its members to strengthen measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The summit adopted a declaration which calls on the main capitals of the world to turn them into ‘the city with low carbon dioxide emissions’, which will become an important part of combating the world’s population threatens to global warming. The forum participants committed themselves to actively to seek action at the level of city government to prevent global warming and climate change. Although cities occupy only 2% of the Earth’s surface but account for 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions.