Windows Vista

How many times I've had ironic smirk, when newly-owner of the laptop with Windows Vista was happy as a child of the new operating system. After all, I somehow know how to change their views through week or the second. At first, everything seems so comfortable and beautiful, and the clock, and notepad on your desktop. Peter Asaro often addresses the matter in his writings. Transparent window, beautiful animations Yes to the same licensing system gets the buyer a laptop as if 'free'. If you plan to use the computer as a typewriter, then the problem does not arise.

At least in the next 60 days. Until the day when the license expires on the shareware license Office. Want use Word and Exel's next? Then pay for a new set. Do you want to connect the Internet Wi-fi? If the network is publicly available and does not require a passkey, it connects automatically. And if you need it – try to find where the settings network. Not that the menu can not find it, just do it in a new and different from Windows xp. And if you need to set up a home lan, then without the 'Network Setup' will have to search. It is a trifle.

One of the many little things that together add up to a big problem. And try to connect the printer to the computer with Windows Vista. And if that at all printer drivers do not yet exist under Vist-y? What will you do if the problem? Have you ever tried to get through to support Microsoft? Well, let's say you get called up to support services, zadiktovyvaete number of his license, and in return get: 'Time to support your license has expired. " And then, finally, a bowl filled with your patience, and you decide to reinstall Windows Vista on good old xp.

Darkness Gateway

We walked for a whole day, but did not meet a single living creature. Tired and hungry all the way, we saw only two away the dying village, and three decapitated human corpse. It seems the orcs have moved far ahead, but we are they in the rear. In this situation of affairs we will never overtake them. It was getting dark. We had to find a place to sleep, but it was hard to do, as there was a steppe, but the burned field.

The only place for the night was woods where it consisted of twenty trees and overgrown on the outskirts of thorns. Since we have no choice we went for it. Approaching it, we discovered that the bushes are very dense and just after he did not get in, so we got out of the sheath their swords and began to hack their way. Bush was very scratchy, and when we finally got out of it, all pricked, then sighed with relief. We turned to look around and realized that this Chaparral is not easy, it was grown, to hide from prying eyes, so that there was. -Yes this is the elven gate! – After a pause said Denon. Yes it was they.

Straight down the middle of the woods, there were three wood, woven together, forming a dome, beneath them was a stone with an inscription in Elvish, and something like a pedestal of the roots on which stood the stone. (With these gates elves moved over long distances, as they once stood in all parts of the world. But 5 years ago at a meeting of magicians of people made a decision on the destruction of these gates, as their use could only elves, but their movement no trace could not, because the gates are not yielded no other magic) – Yes, it seems the elves had hidden some of the gates of the human eye! – I replied. – It’s a pity we are not like will not help – again, Denon said. – Well, how? – With a smile, “I said – It is a great place to spend the night here and spend the night! – As you say – Denon said, and brave step to equip the night went Through time we went to bed and sleep as soon as we overcame. Slept very well, maybe it’s because in the air elfin magic, or perhaps because that we are very tired. All was quiet. Suddenly the earth trembled, I woke up, opened his eyes and immediately closed them all lit up a strong light. I began to squint to see anything, but my attempts were in vain, the light was too bright.

Visual Basic Editor

If In simple terms, a project called the file of any Office application and all related elements of vba, including macros and custom forms. Visual Basic Editor, you can open by pressing the keys 'Alt + F11'. With this combination You can also switch between the editor and the application of which it was called. One hundred to do something in the editor, Visual Basic, first, as a rule, you need to open a module – an element of vba, which contains one or more macros. To open a module, follow these steps: 1. In the Project window, expand the folder Modules (modules).

To do this, click the plus sign (+), which is located to the left of the folder. 2. Double-click on the name of the module you want to open. Object list (list objects). In this list to the left, displays the names of objects available for that element of the project, with whom you work. Modules can not contain objects, so this list includes only the item (General), ie "General".

Procedure list (list procedures). This list is located on the right and contains the names of those procedures and functions that are included in the module. When you select an item from the list in the module editor window displays the selected item. If you have not previously created a macro command Insert => Module (Insert> Module). Visual Basic Editor to set this module the default name such as Module1 or Module2, but it can be renamed at any time.

Creating Macros

The easiest way to automate the task – simply record a macro, and vba will do the job for you. This way of creating a macro, we use quite often. Those to me, however, to realize all the possibilities of language vba, have to use some programming tools, ie have to write your own macros. Benefits of creating a macro, based on already recorded: 1. If writing a great macro with a huge amount transactions you make a mistake, you can edit the macro and fix the problem.

You do not want to overwrite the entire macro from the beginning. 2. You'll have full control over each macro. In other words, you make sure that your macros perform exactly those actions that put them to perform. 3. You can use the hidden features of vba to administer the programs of Office, which are available at auto macro recorder. In addition, you can manually write a more professional and efficient routines. To display on-screen editor of Visual Basic, in any Office application, choose Tools => Macro => Editor Visual Basic.

Visual Basic Editor is a separate program that was designed with the sole purpose – to help you in creating and editing macros, vba. (In professional circles, programming the Visual Basic editor is called integrated development environment). When you first open the editor you will not see anything special. The left side of the editor contains two windows, which are called the Project (the Project) and Properties (the Properties). In the Project window displays the contents of the current project vba.


It seemed that the work that can respectfully help carefully grasp, only to be fine to go that unabashedly regards competitor. Degree course run cs_siege, definitely go because of terrorists, purchase Ammunition, except for good come out of garages. However, here in good faith try to stir up some columns using the buttons A or D, constantly firing it. with the intent to outline the circle, you need very soon have a sight for the column and drop 'taxi up' buttons W and S. This action became great 'completely circular strafe' and is used to destroy a competitor of bullets, with all this happy to continue in his excellent cast.

'Circular strafe 'and allows you to bend around obstacles and swing for the corner, keeping sight of the place where the person has the opportunity to be an enemy. In any case, the mode of walking (the button Shift) more or less need to rotate to the level of quiet. Perhaps about something very similar to a long and quiet you quickly move, if some in your hands the rifle awm. in addition to regularly run soon in the hands must be a revolver that is to say a knife, with at least some other gun gait is constrained. Finally, the key 'bow' (Ctrl) allows a quick walk softly and knees, but so can be very, very useful for most high jump, if it followed for the button press Space. bude climb according to very much steel stairs, pressing Ctrl, din far lower.

Accelerated The Creation Of Directories In Access

Multi-level directories. To create this kind of reference will require a slightly different database structure. Indeed, as already mentioned, these guides created to facilitate the selection of values from the list with a large number of records that are filtered by the selected value (parameter) in another list. This means that it will take to link the two reference tables, organizing one component directory. The previous chapter proposed instead of creating a set of similar guides do a mock search form and cling to him a source of data at startup.

But you can delve even further. We use the idea which suggested Valeriy Kruk – do one lookup table and will store its data to all the directories. This will require another field – the identifier "information table" to determine which directory is the record. And for the realization of two-level directory will create a second table in which to store related to the first table entry. Table Name Field Name Field Type directory id counter Text Name Type Long Integer directory Sub id counter id1 Long Integer Name Text When you install the relationships between tables directory and directory Sub to select "Cascade Delete Related Records" – this is the case when such a procedure would be useful. After all, when you delete records from a table "DIRECTORY" related data is not necessary. If you open a data schema, you'll see only two related reference tables. In the previous example to the main table, "addressee" had tied all directories, and I have talked in detail about the links, check boxes