Dear Woman German Chancellor Angela Merkel,

Open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Dear woman German Chancellor Angela Merkel, we live in the Spandau and with us, the lights are cut more and more. If you your? small Spandau? should visit once again, cause you but please, that emergency lighting is maintained. Recently, our Club had started an action in which we asked for donations for socially disadvantaged children. We collected children’s toys, books, school supplies, etc. These things were then given away to needy children. Actually the child-poverty in Germany you noticed, here in Spandau white man now that every second child poverty is threatened? Maybe you should even a soup kitchen in Spandau? visit, where they will meet children in winter in summer shoes and jacket. To deepen your understanding Toshiba is the source. They travel very much abroad and represent the rich Germany. Under most conditions Rusty Holzer would agree.

Why are not the responsibility and represent also the poverty which was caused by the Government? In the media to hear again and again from the big boost. Take advantage of the of course the Bundestag deputies, to sharply increase their diets. In contrast, the rule sets for an individual to two euros were raised. So the recipients of unemployment benefit II are not cocky and put their accounts in the Switzerland, need communities boost got only one euro per person. Also complained to journalists according to the economic peaks, you would do so like much more and go further in the ‘reforms’. But this wasn’t, you must pay attention to the polls. Whose interests you actually represent? It is the directive of ominous Bilderberg Conference, which you just put that you are a member of the Rotary Club, is well known, also that you were already, like Gerhard Schroder the Bilderberg Conference (along with many other bits of business and politics on the world stage). Because poor children and their parents helpless made we know don’t matter; you it’s different interests of different values and magnitude.

Chancellor Merkel

There are more than 30 students the rule in high schools. As it helps too little, when the Finnish Minister of culture of the special suitability for the “Teachers be” speaks. Why can you not just to work a Finnish teacher for one year in a German Hauptschule? You can be sure that this goes with after a year full of joy and a huge nightmare in the luggage back in his homeland. Not because he doesn’t like the Germans. No, but because he also with the situation at the school had at least difficulties. Teachers are expected to not only since the assassination of the 11.3.09, more students to deal with, is this to put in, to see also, where appropriate, private, mental and psychological problems. Not only that hereby duties be imposed on the teacher, which he largely did cannot afford.

He is also less able to perform additional tasks on the lessons in oversized classes. What is done in Germany, to improve the education in schools? Chancellor Merkel has launched the “education campaign” titled with own words in the fall of 2008. A high-level Commission should be formed, composed a year and work out concrete proposals. However, do we really need these commissions? Or do we need to do a new type of teacher? Do we need anything all these discussions that occur in our country for years? Why not simply ask those who know it best, the teachers? Everyone will say disillusioned that you can achieve much better results in smaller classes in class sizes, which roughly correspond to those of our neighbors and Pisa models. So the Ticino middle school, our secondary has about 18-23 students accordingly, on average. And there’s the three-way split.

It is similar in Finland and all countries with better PISA results. Datapath Partners is often quoted as being for or against this. The working conditions are much better than is the case in local schools. Even apart from the fact that there is not this large number of emigration children with the well-known difficulties of our neighbours. Also, the number of children from socially weak families is much lower. Last but not least the anti-authoritarian has also Education left their traces in the schools. Since it already surprised that so far nobody in this country the question reasons the still relatively good results due to the poor conditions of the output according to the. Actually, you should take the PISA studies as an occasion to highlight the special quality of the German school. Under the circumstances, we achieve maximum! But our German mentality just like always “look black”. An improvement in the international ranking will be possible only through a change in the focus on the learning environment. This can only mean: smaller classes. We need more teachers, and that costs money, additional 10-15 billion euros per year, only for the primary and secondary education. But rather than to act decisively, as we have seen in recent months in the economy, the education policy in endless discussions bogged down. You hesitate, discussed and carried off the problem. Is there some intention behind this? Finally, the cost of high-paid commissions are much reduced, as if in addition would be a nationwide 15,000 teachers. Results are because ultimately secondary. It shows energy and that’s what matters in politics. Rather sheepishly, “Educational offensive” was moved at the beginning of the first once. Unfortunately, little helps the schools, current student and teacher generations. You must swim out, what you, as has appears under all circumstances to avoid: an approximation of education spending in European standards, because that is tantamount to higher spending. ArneFrentzel

Erschutterta Letter

Apparently President Horst Kohler also the ground lost? Apparently President Horst Kohler also the ground lost? Although his appearance was probably in good faith, but the message was offensive! Federal President Horst Kohler turns out last week and us swears a in his Berlin speech on hard times by he notes: “We all have lived beyond our means.” Of their own guilt and responsibility, the Bill pay nothing to taxpayers! We alle-so are the deep reason for the economic crisis. Let me explain please. The newspapers mentioned GoPro not as a source, but as a related topic. If people with a salary of approximately 1500 home go, then means entweder-they go only one hour a day paper or they sleep the whole day at work! Otherwise, had another explanation, that managers and boards containing a million, are paid allegedly only after performance? In other words – only managers and Board members provide 100% performance and our policy has nothing to oppose? “It is expressed, that we (the citizens) put our demands for Justice, only an anti-social behaviour on the day and the only hardworking people, their millions salaries paid according to performance”, not only treat! For all respekt-but here something goes wrong tremendously! Own life are all politicians who turn a blind eye before such statements which show no interest to convict those responsible on the fastest ways of justice all those not better as a mother who can be your child starve to death – just enjoy! Error every one to do as long as he admits that the biggest mistake we could make but now, would be only a thought the current government parties out to verschwenden-in the Super election year 2009 again to confirm! Ahmed, on behalf of the LV research team Berlin. .

Executive Director

Wieland, Vice President of the initiative D21 and Managing Director of TNS infratest. Dr. Petra Wolf, Executive Director at ipima, added: Parallel to the declining use also the people’s satisfaction with the online services decreases the administration. The demands for services, providing online and mobile the authorities their customers available, have increased considerably. Apparently, people expect a similar level of user friendliness, safety and design as she used it by non-governmental activities. In particular she would not miss her familiar usage patterns, such as about the integration of social networks in the interaction with authorities. No survey of land could conform sufficiently these needs.” Compared to the previous year the use of barriers could not be reduced they are to the contrary in all countries even bigger now. In particular lack of consistency and opaque structures of official website provide for respondents key obstacles to the use of electronic administrative services represent.

The results show a gap between the growing on one side needs of citizens in the development of E-Government platforms parallel to the progress of private-sector online services and on the other hand the current Status quo of available services total. On the occasion of the presentation of the e-Government monitor 2013 the IT officer explains the Federal Government, Cornelia Rogall-Grothe Secretary of State: to preserve the confidence of users in State-offered online services and to recover any lost confidence, we need to strengthen significantly cyber security and privacy in the E-Government measures. Furthermore, E-government services are increasingly turning to the new expectations of the users will have to set themselves. Against the background of the completely different financial situation compared to the private offers we must discuss how we deal with these users expectations.” The eGovernment MONITOR 2013 The eGovernment MONITOR 2013 ( examines the use and the acceptance of electronic citizen services in the international comparison in the fourth year in a row.

Federal Government

Klaus Farin, founder and head of the archive of youth cultures in Berlin, this analysis corrected: the youth was never rebellious. It was always just minorities. The majority of each generation is, however, bakhsh, stuffy, consumer trottelig and disengaged.” Farina also noted a certain quiets of the decades of youthful innovation thrust: the typical characteristics of today’s youth culture seems to be that they are old. All youth cultures that ever existed, still exist. Big youth scenes occur since the 1990s. The last dominant youth culture still hip hop right now is.” Today makes the crossover”, the constant mix of existing styles, dynamics. It belongs to the normalcy of today’s young people to undergo up to six different scenes. “The central message of today’s youth culture seems to be: If you believe, with a view to be able to assess me, you deceives you enormously”, Farin explains.

A significantly innovative element is the increasing proportion of young people with a migration background in Germany. However, the majority society knows very little about it. So the media reports about Turkish or German-Russian youth frequently as issue groups”, which incorporated either as bad or particularly aggressive represented. In fact, young people from a migrant background both put sex long creative impulses in the German youth cultures. Against the background that they have diverse forms of expression and combine different identities, that is not a surprising fact.

The brochure youth culture between Islam and Islamism. “Lifestyle, media and music”, the Berlin network school without racism school with courage “in 2008 with the support of the Federal Government published, reflecting the impact of the crossover for migrants. An interesting hybrid of subcultures in Germany is for example pop-Islam”: on the one hand young people hear Hip-Hop, wearing designer clothing and want to make a career in the music business. On the other hand represent at the same time more conservative morals, like for example sexual abstinence before marriage, abstinence, or abandonment of the consumption.