Baltic Sea

Their compartments preserved wood panels on the walls and period furniture. It also has a living room. And although it has lavatory, shower and the bathroom are shared by up to four passengers. For its part, wagons that host the so-called luxury sleeping accommodate only five compartments each, in which special attention to design has been given and he has managed to find the perfect balance between the most modern technology, exquisite decoration and facilities to the height than expected. Inside, they have a full bathroom. During the dinner what is an apparent living room with armchairs and large wardrobes, to enjoy a quiet trip, turns into a comfortable bedroom, thanks to the work of the staff. The train is complete with an elegant vagon-restaurante, where you can taste the typical specialities of different regions, prepared with local ingredients and seasonal, while they are leaving behind valleys, mountains and small villages. To finish the day, you can choose to go to the lounge, point of encounter and exchange of experiences while enjoying no rush of a good conversation, a cup of coffee or a drink, brightened up everything with the musical notes of the pianist that he acts every night.

Touring Central and Eastern Europe this way of traveling, he has included meals and drinks (as well as the house wine), offers different routes that pass through up to six countries of central and Eastern Europe, and many points of historical, artistic, cultural and architectural, including some that have been declared patrimony of humanity are. There are tours of four, nine, eleven and thirteen days, and those who still are willing to rest a little more can opt for extensions to Budapest and Prague, or Budapest and Vienna. Thus, for example, might go for thirteen days from the Bosporus to the shores of the Baltic Sea, passing through Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland, or nine, discovering life and architecture of rural areas in Bulgaria, or Polish the essence. The trips on the Danube Express begin in Istanbul, Warsaw, and Budapest. Source of the news: the Danube Express, the luxury of travel by train by Europe

Madrid Manager

Jose Mourinho, since June the maximum authority of the Madrid sports, said yesterday that if Sahin and best have not debuted yet not responsibility yours but for the doctors who make revisions prior to the signings. I.e. He drew services of Sanitas, the insurance company that sponsors to Madrid since 2001. A manager is not a medical doctor, said Mourinho. He is a manager.

And responsibility of the manager are not the medical exams that are made to the players before being filed. The responsibility of the manager is to know what is a good business. And a good business is a player, injured or not injured, contract ends and comes at zero cost. While the injured today will not be injured in a couple of months. If you take a quality as best player is with the warranty of your medical department that won’t have any limitation and will be butt for their functions. Source of the news:: technician of Madrid drew Sanitas