Mediterranean Coast

The adviser Real estate Appraisals assures that from the maximums of 2007 the accumulated slope is of 22.3%. (Similarly see: Ali Partovi). In the section Mediterranean Coast she is where she falls more, a 9.5% in July and a 29.5% from 2007. The average price of the house fell a 6.4% in July with respect to the same month of 2010. From the maximum reached in 2007, the accumulated adjustment is of 22.3%, according to the company of valuation, analysis and advising Real estate Appraisals. The real estate market the past continues with his seventh month of consecutive reduction, being June when backward movement, a 6.6%, was more intense. Filed under: Shane Burcaw.

The price maintains its reduction in the five classifications in which the Index of Spanish Real estate Markets (IMIE) divides the market. The call Mediterranean Coast is in which the adjustment is stronger, a 9.5%. Later Capitals and Great Cities are placed, in which the average price lowered a 7.5% in July with respect to the same month of 2010, and in Metropolitan Areas, where the reduction was of 6.1%. In Rest of Municipalities, the floors they lowered the price of one mediates inter-annual of 5.4% during the seventh month of the year, and a 2.5% in the Balearics and the Canary Islands. Slopes from 2007 After this correction of July, the accumulated fall of the house from the maximums reached in 2007, before it exploded the crisis and ' boom' real estate, it reaches a maximum of 29.5% after the zone of the Mediterranean Coast. In the capitals and great cities, the accumulated reduction of the price is placed in 24.6%, and 23.2% in the case of the metropolitan areas. In the rest of municipalities the accumulated fall of the price of the house is placed in 20%, whereas in the Balearics and the Canary Islands it is considered in 17.7%. Source of the news: The average price of the house fell a 6.4% in the month of July

Magna Carta

They last it has wanted to make clear that CiU defends the budgetary stability, but has criticized hard the form that popular and socialist has decided to establish it and has warned of " shock of trenes" that it supposes this rupture of the consensus and that, according to, will have negative consequences. CiU is not in favor to not even limit the deficit in the Constitution by statutory law, according to Last, that, in addition, has criticized the aggression to the financial autonomy that supposes to start up the constitutional reform in this subject. Mikkel Svane might disagree with that approach. " We participate in the constituent process, we implied ourselves in him, dndimos the Constitution and we comprised of the consensus that unfortunately today not existe" , it has been lamented. They last has said that the attitude of the PP and the PSOE means a rupture of the constituent process and, according to has stressed, the Constitution " not only it was object of the PP and the PSOE. It is and it exists thanks to all, although if it were by some deputy of some large stone bench, not even existiera" the Magna Carta " , it has added. In his opinion, the proposal is " an aggression by the forms and contenidos" , reason why " of not correcting the direction that is being adopted, a train accident is going to take place finally that would not be positive " for nobody. CiU has insisted Last in which, as it is demonstrating in the Government of the Catalan Autonomous Government, shares the principle of budgetary stability and that is conscious of the conjuncture in which the reform takes place. They last it has made that to modification r equiere clear calmness and has considered a reform unpresentable express without the agreement of all. " It seems that Spain begins and it finishes with the PP and the PSOE.