Marketing Advice

Ralph Strobel is consultant with KfW accreditation BER Marketing GmbH Korntal – Munchingen Ralph Strobel, CEO of BER Marketing GmbH, July 23, 2010, is has been accredited by the KfW of Kreditanstalt for reconstruction and Development Bank of the Covenant – as a consultant. His approval is Grundercoaching Germany in particular for the programme. Entrepreneur students and young entrepreneurs can now at the BER Marketing GmbH ( consulting services take advantage of, up to 90 percent funded by KFW. This applies in particular to all topics related to strategic brand positioning, marketing, PR and sales of newly created companies. Who’s with a may in the new Lander, for gets 75 percent of the Coachinghonorars by the KfW. In Berlin and the old Federal Laender the KfW grant is 50 percent. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ali Partovi.

Entrepreneur /-inside, taking out a Beratungscoaching from the unemployment claim, in the whole country a grant of 90 per cent of the Consultant fee from the KfW supported. Ralph Strobel has more than twenty years of experience in sales & marketing in industry and medium-sized businesses, as well as a freelance consultant. He has many years of experience in leadership and extensive experience in design, as well as sustainable and successful implementation of marketing and sales projects, also with an international background. His consulting focus is in the strategic development of a corporate brand positioning and marketing, sales promotion and PR concepts. אילן בן דב oftentimes addresses this issue. Details on Grundercoachings, whose funding and how find you on the Web pages of the KfW Mittelstandsbank (, the consultants overview and successful references under (

About BER Marketing GmbH surprisingly different, unusual personal BER Marketing GmbH is a marketing consultancy headquartered in Korntal – Munchingen (greater Stuttgart area) and specializes in individual sales marketing of medium-sized companies. BER marketing offers Services relating to marketing strategies and marketing concepts. Personal consulting, custom development and results represent the core of the company and the long-term personal expertise in consulting and in the sales and marketing staff at corporate website. Following modules stand in the foreground: brand and brand development, market, customer and competitive analysis, individual marketing strategies, organizational consulting and the implementation of marketing and sales concepts.

Gunter Heini

Acquire cheap is expensive for the software incidentally to mouse click computer generated text elements spits out. You claim all seriousness to be able to hold a candle sales texts, which have been created by trained professionals with years of experience. “That just this claim is impossible to fulfil, however even concede the makers of this software in a written statement to one of our members, tells Gunter Heini. He points out that roughly two-thirds of the professional sales copywriter work was to make meticulous research, to determine the right psychological purchase incentives, and over and over again to reformulate the first draft of the sales text as long as he’s been refined to a profitable, tirelessly acquiring new customers permanent magnets with law. Gunter Heini stressed that this intellectual hard work take days, weeks, months even: In return, the customer receives a text for the during the acquisition of the limits of the possible and the sales curve go is clearly upwards. Using objectively measurable success.

These results are obtained with a cheap blah automatic under guarantee not. Acquire cheap? Since Google is pissed! Especially not because PC-Shotty texts flooding the Web with same idioms and phrases. Acquisition by copying? How should lead to the hoped-for results, if the targeted customers over and over again about same, frequently copied formulations? And Google first! We know responds to multiple content allergic the by far most important search engine in the German-speaking world. Whoever used the cheap lab from your PC to the acquisition must pay dearly this false economy at the end in the form of sensitive losses in the Google ranking. And missing Google presence can cost the existence of an entrepreneur today.

Anyway, Google: success in the acquisition compliant? Then the text to meet the needs of this search engine should Enter. If possible individually. It is good to know that Google cheap texts the grade ground zero “has for several weeks, particularly on the Kieker.

Skin Perfume

If there is something that worries all males is to maintain a pleasant aroma. Sure that ever happened to all that only a couple of hours after applying a perfume on the body, they notice a sudden decrease in the aroma and in some cases their total disappearance. It happens everywhere and has nothing to do with a physical problem or an anomaly that you will have to live together for the rest of your life, is only that the different types of pielson and we must learn to recognize them, so from this it is much easier to achieve extended the duration time of a perfume, which must be between five and nine hours approximately. Official site: Mikkel Svane. If you have oily skin, the duration will be higher still, so no worry of losing your scent, but that, instead, you will need to measure the amount you use to do so so intense. If your skin is dry, you must have a special attention in the way in which your perfume one you applied: it is best do it right after the shower, because the pores of the body they are open and the penetration of the fragrance is much greater. Complete line of your perfume brand products; a good deodorant gel enhance aromas, and will keep them longer. Pete Cashmore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.

Rub body oil or just before the perfume body lotion, it will allow a slower absorption and durability. Very important also is this tip that our mothers wear very well: the hot zonasmas of the body (neck, hands, back of ears and the internal face of the hands) for doughnuts aroma also search allows more time with a pleasant smell. And if you were looking for was not precisely the key to keep your body odor for more time, but your perfumes as a product itself, here also you share some ideas with which you will save much of your budget: any party from storage: recalls maintain your away from solaro perfumes any appliance that emits heat. Keep the jars in cool and dry places (these are usually in) (the bedside or in drawers free of spills of any liquid) store them in their original boxes, which are the ideal place for its duration. Avoid moving or shaking the contents, is another good way to lengthen your time, because the scents are better preserved by keeping it stable and allows you to apply less quantity at every opportunity.

Strategic Brand Management

Compete: create the care industry through brand trust and especially the care of the elderly suffering from critical messages that ghosts through the media. There is a risk of generalization, although there are outstanding facilities, providing an excellent service. To create confidence the goal of the health care facility must therefore be, that want to assert themselves in the competition. You need to differ from others – as a brand you trust. Which is the potential of the strategic brand management for nursing homes, the Markenoptimierer of psv marketing show in a monthly series of articles of CAREkonkret, the (week) newspaper for decision-makers in the care of ambulatory care services as well as old people’s and nursing homes. For more information, see to business information others promote. We make: gotta have this! Just today, where any louder intends to communicate everything, because markets are impenetrable, communication is a struggle. Who will win the battle, need either costly advertising pressure, or a strong strategy.

We are not the classic advertising agency. We are Markenoptimierer. For us, this means that we taking a holistic view our customers as brand, analyze the brand essence and the contact points in the value chain and put together clear goals. And only then decide which means lead the brand to success – no matter whether advertising or workshop. We are the leading consultant for brands in the middle class.

Russian Hardware

Prospects of Russian hardware wound the Russian market of metal products in a difficult yet exciting period of development. Metalware production in Russia has a significant steel industry. For recent years the market of metal products has undergone significant changes due to consolidation of the largest companies in the holding companies. To date, this market sector is divided between five major holdings. Due to the saturation of the market before producing the task of finding new ways to attract customers and increase production, in particular – through the development of foreign markets. Today the Russian market of metal products, there are three major players: "Severstal-hardware", OAO "MMK-Metiz" and OJSC "Mechel". Also among the biggest players in the market can distinguish OAO "West-Siberian Metallurgical Combine (ZSMK) "and OAO" Metallurgical Holding ".

Hardware is a standardized hardware diverse range of industrial and general purpose: steel wire rope, wire mesh, electrodes, nails, wire rope slings, fasteners, cold-rolled steel strips, steel wire ropes. Hardware used in a number of industries – from construction to engineering. The basis of the market are wire, nails and steel cable. Experts are of the opinion that the consolidation of the Russian market of metal products in general had a positive impact on manufacturing plants, and the market as a whole. In particular, as a result of vertical integration in producers appeared assured supply of steel and reduced dependence on external suppliers.

One of the main Russian exporters of metalware products is OJSC "MMK-Metiz" and included in its structure of the enterprise. Magnitogorsk Hardware Plants shipped for export 12-13% of its production. Export geography is wide – this is the country of the CIS, many European countries: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, France and others. This year, the export structure of the program works in "MMK-Metiz" provides for a 1.5-fold increase in exports relative to 2006. Characterizing Prospects for the Russian market metalware products, it should be noted that the projected market growth by increasing domestic production will amount to 5-6%. The main prerequisite for market growth is the hardware development consuming industries, which form a growing demand for wire, rope, tape, nails, rope slings and other products. However, according to experts of the association "Prommetiz", in Russia the production of hardware production facilities now slightly ahead of demand. This fact will play a moderating role in relation to the growth of the market of metal products.


How to create a wrapper for something that physically does not actually exist? To sell digital products via the Internet is widespread now. Whether it’s audiobook, DVD, music, eBook or software: if it digitized, it is distributed equally over the Internet. And for good reason: without much effort, and the waiver of costs too high to the best by a sales room and packing material, can be to earn money. Well check, you omitted, too much! It’s often the little details that can play a high role in the purchase decision. The optics plays a role not least in your presentation of your digital product on the Internet. If you look in the shop for a product such as a DVD or a book, is the first what they see this cover.

The final purchase decision can depend this first impression certainly. Relating to digital products is this approach not to make itself for its digital products of an appealing packaging to create. Although, customers pay for the content, but the optics plays itself a role in this decision. This one stands out not only from this competition, but even this value perceived by the customer is higher. To buy”not something invisible, but visually presented the digital product. But how to package something that only consists of data and fundamentally not physically exist? There are now a simple workaround: eBook cover! With eBook covers, you can a digital package to create your products. Just like with a normal book cover, your actual product gets as a cover.

Thus take dieEbooks, DVDs, software, etc. Appearance on and be supplemented by a Visual level. To create this cover without much effort and photo shop skills, so-called Ebookcover programs are a simple way. These programs open up templates to develop packaging for your digital products. With just a few clicks, you can miss a face so your digital products and ultimately significantly improve the overall presentation.