The Pregnancy

With passing of the times, they had started to charge a position of prominence of the women in the society. In summary, that left of being mere owners of house (as if this it was some demerit), educators of children, to fight for equality. It is truth well, that in many cases, the woman if detaches with more quality in the development of the professional activities, to put, created one wild competition for the collection power. Of a machista society today, we see a society divided. Values if had lost ha much time, families if they had separated and if they had isolated, that is, what before it joined the family, sacred cradle of any society, comes today it destroying gradual. Pete Cashmore usually is spot on. Talking with women between 50 and 65 years, especially next mothers and friends, I could perceive that, with a general way, them the current parents accuse to be abandoning its children in the schools, that do not clarify them on questions of sex and drugs and that they are responsible them for the cases of ' ' pregnancy indesejada' ' among others problems. However, on what then, we are speaking: 1) The pregnancy cases are recent? 2) The young ones if had moved away yesterday from the religion? 3) Our parents, who today meet with 60, 70 years, do not visit more the relatives for which reasons? Today I have little more than 40 and I do not remember at no moment, in mine infancy, called being to talk on what it would be certain wrong e. I learned with the time and the examples that it saw in house, friends of street, familiar.

However, I traced a line of action for not putting me in confusion and was successful. Then the problem is not the religiosidade lack, pssimos examples in novels, apelativos programs among others, that until they can contribute. The problem this only in the rank of limits. The absence of the paternal figure materna or in house brings to the young the sensation of that can make everything and when it places in its head the idea, the night, when the parents to arrive, already he will be determined. We have as much technology today and we do not say in them of truth. Pure irony. In this point, the existence of a mother in house serves, beyond all benesses known, as factor choke and inhibitor, without causing upheavals of any species. I wait that the reading nobleman can reflect on these consideraes.

Functioning Induction

That is, it is found in the model gas, the electric e, most innovative of all, in the model that functions for induction. To better understand the different one between them, it is possible to say that the functioning of cooktop the gas is sufficiently similar to the more common models of stove, which if use of botijes of gas, or same, of the system that offers the central gas. The electric one, in contrast the previous one, does not need gas, but yes of electric energy, for in such a way, cooktop is on in the taking. Already the stove model that functions for induction, is most interesting of all, therefore it does not generate flames, due to the heat that is generated by means of electromagnetic chains, also preventing, the existence of flames. The advantage of cooktop for induction on the too much stoves is not only in its innovative appearance, that costuma not to offer the gratings of the stoves, but mainly its security for not generating flames. That is, the table stove that functions with electric chains only sets in motion its heating when it detects pans in its surface, what practically it eliminates the risk to occur burnings. However, who if feels safe more with the existence of gratings in the stoves, also calls of grates, can opt to cooktop for induction that comes folloied of them. The stoves of table, independent of the technology used for its functioning, possess another advantage, that if it relates to the amount of mouths. Models with only two burners, four options of mouths are found, or more, as five or six burners, allowing, thus, that all the necessities are taken care of..

Technology One

When the technology if constitutes enemy of the good one Never for living in all history of the humanity, the family as divine institution suffered a so pernicious and devastador attack as in our days. The subtility of the Satan is well-known, it knows perfectly that when reaching the family, weakening it and demoralizing it, revs in the workmanship of God certainly will be very great. The family is the base of everything. To destroy it is its main objective. With astcias and attacks in all the areas go taking avante its intentions. Today, the enemy has its to make use what he has of better destroying a marriage and ruining the good familiar convivncia. The indiscriminate use of the television, the videos games and the Internet is everything that lacked to compose the maleficent plan of destruction in mass of this wonderful institution.

Not only the loss of time that the people have when passing hours daily the wire ahead of such equipment, harms, mainly the indecencies that they contemplate and the relationships that make with strangers through social nets ponographic sites so easily found for that they search them the hidden ones. The word of God in affirms in the Salmo 101:3 to them? ‘ ‘ I will not put thing me of my eyes ahead ‘ ‘ in the Salmo 119:11 says ‘ ‘ I hid your word in my heart not to sin against ti’ ‘ Thus being, what it can expect of a married person or not that loses its time delighting itself with all luck of impurities offered for the television and the Internet? It is not to toa that the people are vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy, one day are happy and in other the full ones of bitterness, depressions, frustrations and misfortune. Beyond everything this, exists the fact of the person to isolate itself inside of its proper home. How many children, completely mentally ill do not dialogue more with its parents and brothers, are as if a strange force hindered How many spouses to them who do not feel more pleasure with one another; before namoricos and interminable chats are deceived with that only lead the conjugal infidelity and the separation. Porventura, who is for backwards of these action? Of who it is this rebellious force that makes with that the people do not measure the consequences of its acts? Who is gaining with everything this? My advice is this: The television uses little. It selects well its programming. It only sees the indispensable one and that it will be useful. If income the temptation not to see what it does not build.

To have one hour of leisure using its video-game of the one to understand, but to pass hours and more hours being played, disputing and crying out, nothing more is of what vice and insanity. Internet is an opened door, as much for the one as well as for the evil. You have the free will, can decide if she makes or she does not make, if she sees or she does not see, if she has access or she does not have access. Therefore, ‘ ‘ Because it brothers, were called to the freedom. You do not use then of the freedom to give to occasion the meat, but servile you some to the others for caridade’ ‘ Gl.5: 13 Pr Valdemir Fields Junho 2011 Rock.

Argentine Agricultural Society

Origin: Argentina. Application: Argentine dogohotnichya dog in the big game. Classification FCI: Group 2. Schnauzer and Pinscher, mastiff and Swiss Mountain. Section 2.1. Mastiff dog mastiff type.

Without testing working qualities. Brief historical background: Dogo Argentino Breed has its origin from the province of Cordoba in central (inland) of the Republic of Argentina. Its author was Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, a famous doctor and representative of an ancient local family. A passion for dogs, probably hereditary, led him in 1928 to establish a basis and standard on the new breed, which he called a Dogo Argentino. His work was based on the methodical crossing several breeds with the old fighting dog of Cordoba, a dog that was very strong and energetic, but lacked psychic and genetic stability. This native breed was the product of interbreeding Old English Mastiffs, English Bulldogs and Bull Terriers and was widely known and appreciated by fervent fans of dog fighting, while the very popular sports, covering all classes of society. After careful and detailed study and selection of the characteristic signs of different generations, Dr.

Nores Martinez accomplished his purpose, obtaining the first line. In the beginning it was thought that this – a dog for fighting, but the disposition of Dr. Nores Martinez for hunting led him to take a dog in one of his usual outlets on the hunt, where a new breed demonstrated its skills, thus becoming a key figure in all the hunts a doctor. So Dogo Argentino quickly became a great dog for hunting big game. Over time, the ability to adapt has made this dog very multilateral, as regards functions, and she was a wonderful companion and a loyal and diehard defender of those he loves. Strength, durability, subtle sense of smell and bravery make it the best among dog used for hunting wild pigs, mountain lion and other native predators, which may be found in the vast expanses of heterogeneous land in Argentina. Her harmony, balance and excellent muscles of an athlete are the ideal properties for regular long trips in any weather conditions and further pursued by a ferocious battle with the victim. May 21, 1964 This breed Dogo Argentino was recognized by Canine Federation of Argentina and the Argentine Agricultural Society, who discovered the studbook to initiate registration. Only July 31, 1973 the breed was adopted FCI as the first and only Argentinean breed. This happened thanks to great enthusiasm, work and effort of Dr. Augustin Nores Martinez, his brother and successor of the founder of the breed. Read the rest of the site Dogo Argentino Gina