When searching to understand the legal disposals around what the laws turn that regulate the right to the services of health of the worker, considering Law n 8,080, of 19 of September of 1990, in its Article 2 ‘ ‘ the health is a basic right of the human being, having the State to provide the indispensable conditions to its full exerccio’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 2005); e, still observing in lcus as if processes this ‘ ‘ direito’ ‘ , it was born the curiosity in if searching the legal grounds, in order to weave in the distance existing opinion on between the law and the form as the health of the worker is processed in the reality. Of this form, it fits in this article to question ‘ ‘ the exclusion of the health of the worker for the Strategy Health of the Famlia’ ‘ , by means of a bibliographical revision, involving the critical analysis of laws that comes being the anchors of all process that involves the health of the worker. To reflect on the absence of one National Politics with purpose to deal with the health of worker, to observe itself what in Gomeses and Lacaz say to them (2005), regarding not the existence of principles norteadores, lines of direction, strategies, goals sucintas and a professional body technician organized, connected and durable politician, who can guarantee the accomplishment of capable actions of the promotion of the health diligent it, that when being interacted with other sectors of the society, they can be in constant process of feedback, relation to the productive sector of one determined space economic partner. For Lacaz (1997), the Health of the Workers presents a historical scene that if it initiates in the end of years 70, with the field of the knowledge of the relations health/illness-work inside of the Social Medicine Latin American, which constructed its theoretical and metodolgica structure since then, emphasizing itself by means of a programmatical source, what it is placed in the interconnection with the Public Health, the Social Medicine and the Collective Health, what it is differentiated of way such of the Occupational Health and the Medicine it Work..