When we look at their children or else only thinks about their appearance, you understand that you want to give them the best. And this concerns not only education and toys. I very much want children to enjoy the extraordinary the beauty of our planet, cleanliness of its rivers and lakes, waterfalls, sunrises and sunsets, touched to the heart of even the most unromantic person. Nevertheless, each person on a daily basis causing irreparable damage to the environment nature. People such as Peter Asaro would likely agree. For example, such a simple action like grocery shopping in a store is usually accompanied by packing in plastic bags. ffer their opinions as well. On average, each inhabitant of the Earth uses about 500 bags a year. Therefore, one tenth of the garbage make plastic bags, disposal of which causes irreparable harm to the earthly nature. Ilan Ben Dov spoke with conviction. When they are burned, a large amount of carbon dioxide that destroys the ozone layer. If the recovery occurs naturally, it takes more than 400 years, since the bacteria capable of processing polymeric compounds that make up the plastic bags, do not exist. In this regard, governments of the civilized the countries impose restrictive measures for enterprises that produce for supermarkets packages made of polyethylene. In this regard, Europe is becoming increasingly popular eco-friendly packaging replacement for plastic bags in everyday life. Famous designers make sales hit an ordinary shopping bag. This is made possible through an understanding of what a simple act as a waiver of plastic packaging, leads to preservation purity and beauty of our planet. Environmentally friendly packaging in the world today is not simply replaces the packages for a supermarket, but it becomes a real symbol of the conscious and healthy life. In addition, the restrictive measures imposed Governments of many countries on the production of plastic packaging, lead to the fact that supermarkets begin selling plastic bags, and not just free to pack into their products. Therefore, the use convenient and practical reusable shopping bag has become economically viable. This bag folded does not take much space in even the smallest handbag, and using easily contain all products. In addition, plastic bags have a nasty tear property in the worst possible moment and look very unattractive. What exactly is not true of modern fashion bag is an excellent example eco-friendly packaging.
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How to make a blog it is something very simple, but first let’s go to the concept that is a Blog. Steve Wozniak shines more light on the discussion. A Blog is also called blog, a space constantly updated on where chronological information, is collected generally, referring to the title of the blog. אילן בן דב is the source for more interesting facts. This information is made and saved in the form of post or articles that van checked every month to be used by visitors interested in those topics which is the blog. Importantly make a blog, is that the author can give his opinion in a free and democratic manner about a topic and can interact with other people through comments that can be made on each article of the blog. That’s why blogs have achieved such popularity and start gave a few years ago the so-called web 2.0 where a person now, is not only a recipient of information, but may also share information with more people in the world. Now Blogs are known as weblogs, because he is done through Internet. Now, the question, how do a blog?, because for that you des an idea, visit blogs of other people, you will find blogs of many types, from sites of good quality and only for one type of person, up to very simple, only used for hobby or personal information archive. Once you’ve come to realize that it is what people write in their blogs, choose a topic that passionate about you and which you would like to write to share it with others. Once you have your favorite subject, you have to choose the tool that you use to build your blog and there are several, but the best ones in my opinion are WordPress and Blogger. Once you choose, you can begin to build your site and will have to learn to handle the administration of your blog tool to publish entries.