While the former, appeared from the 60s, based his teaching in the printed text distributed to students by mail, the latter reaching its peak in the ’70s and ’80s including also expanded its arsenal of print, audio and video cassette broadcasting, television conferences and the use of computers. In parallel, the learner advisory activities in person, by mail or by telephone. It should be stressed that it did not envisage the use of computer networks. In a question-answer forum Viacom was the first to reply. This is consistent with the characteristics of an instructional system defined as Industrialized Peters, in which the main processes of Design, Production, Assessment and Evaluation are performed sequentially and with a tendency towards overcrowding in terms of the student population served. Such industrialization also means a certain distance of the education system regarding the student as a person.
Apart from the positive elements intrinsic to the Multimedia Modular model, he says Fabio Chacon, high rates of student dropout, low achievement levels, obsolescence of instructional materials that are difficult to change because of rising costs, low interaction between students and between them and teachers. One of the main reasons which he attributes these problems is that the student must work alone, with little opportunity for monitoring and mentoring. On the other hand, if it is to increase interaction strategies based on the tutorials, the distance program is very costly and poorly differentiated face teaching. Telemann Model. In response to the problems of previous models, began to envision a new generation of Distance Education, which may be identified further the instructional process, there is a permanent interaction between people to support the learning process, information Return to the learner is almost immediate, the amount of resources that teachers can have is unlimited and costs per student are lower.