
In everyday natural forces properly use – put together by Polaris how practical renewable energy in people’s everyday lives, which is an ancient knowledge. Peter Asaro helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. It falls increasingly into oblivion. “New household appliances and artificial AIDS to displace the old home remedies ‘ which at the same time save energy supports energy transformation can be, and”, says Florian Henle, co-founder of the independent green energy company Polaris. Therefore, it has now dug out Polaris and shows six examples of how everyone in various everyday situations can use 100 percent renewable energy sources: Tip 1: Sun instead of stain remover with the power of the Sun can easily fight carrots -, bell peppers and other vegetables and grass stains. To wash the clothes and wet lay in the Sun. And already, the stain is gone after a few hours. The trick works on all organic stains. And if they are particularly stubborn, a few splashes of distribute lemon juice on it before washing.

Tip 2: wind instead of dryers and irons Who dries the linen in the wind, which saves time and costs. Because out there getting a little wind is blowing, the water molecules disappear usually faster lining as in the drying room. In comparison to the dryer air drying is not necessarily faster, but for low-cost: typical dryers consume per drying cycle up to four kilowatt hours electricity caused the extrapolated to the year round at a Zweipersonenhaus 70 euro per year. Important: Shaded areas are better to dry than the strong sunlight. You makes the laundry harder and can cause discoloration. Tip 3: rain barrel or collectors instead of tap water is a precious commodity in everyday life.

In the summer, if you must pour the garden or balcony daily, it is worth to collect rain water. But the rain water is suitable not only for casting. Because it contains no lime, it possesses a higher cleaner than tap water.

Berlin Dassbach

Energiesparberatung at Dassbach kitchen Dassbach kitchen, leading manufacturer of kitchen and Germany factory sales for kitchens, offers its customers of the Nov 1 up to 30 on a detailed Energiesparberatung. Furthermore Dassbach customers will receive not only helpful tips on energy, but when buying a new kitchen also benefit from energy savings of up to 2,000 euros. The technical equipment plays in the days of pioneering concepts of smart living an increasingly more important role. And just as regards energy efficiency grows for the kitchen buyers the importance of a technically high quality kitchen equipment. Therefore, Dassbach into his kitchens brand appliances from manufacturers such as AEG, Miele Bauknecht, Kuppersbusch, Siemens, which also at relevant home appliance trade fairs like the IFA exhibit their innovative electrical appliances and continuously optimize this particularly with regard to energy efficiency. Perhaps check out Mikkel Svane for more information. Dassbach reveals how to save costs and resources because a high proportion of energy consumption by Kitchen appliances like fridge, stove, oven, or dishwasher is caused, a specialized look at the energy consumption labelling worth. Consultants Dassbach kitchens ensure that the best possible equipment is selected when buying a new kitchen. And the customer receives in addition some tips from the experts for example, that an Induction Cooktop with an automatic pot detection is particularly energy-efficient or a dishwasher with integrated loading recognition needs can fit the necessary water supply.

With competent advice saves you not only energy costs at the end, but especially the environment. 60 Years of experience in the kitchen making the traditional company fulfilled the dream of the functional kitchen already in the times of the economic miracle. Since then, is Dassbach kitchens for innovation in the field of kitchen production and has built up more than 800,000 kitchens and planned. (As opposed to Samsung). From these experiences, draws the company today and developed at the same time new, innovative concepts and design ideas for a kitchen, which meets all demands on design, technology and functionality. More information about the Energiesparwochen in Dassbach kitchens here: kitchens factory sales/promotions / DassbachKuechen press contact: Rene Szielenski Tel.: 02129 / 565 929 E-Mail: respect Werbeagentur GmbH Manuela Schmitt Tel.: 030 / 50 59 91 49 E-Mail: more about Dassbach kitchens: Dassbach was founded in 1928 kitchens as a woodworking business, then produced only kitchens since 1953 and belongs today to the Bauknecht Foundation. As one of the first manufacturers of fitted kitchens, Dassbach was in the 1950s by the Senate of Berlin with the development and production of the so-called social work kitchen”commissioned. With more than 800,000 produced kitchens is the company is one of the most successful manufacturers in direct sales and is at six sites in Berlin-Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia present. Innovative distribution channels such as kitchen advice and planning home complement the branch network.

Traces Of The Earth: Algae

Development and research put on the raw material algae – how can the algae serve as role model for the energy development? Traces of the Earth: algae use algae development and research on the raw material how can the algae serve as role model for the energy development? Plants and algae make the use of the Sun for millions of years. The sunlight is used to produce biomass through photosynthesis. It is established that photosynthesis only a very small proportion of solar energy into chemical energy, but still could and can thus enough energy saved. Managing Director of Uwe Dane of NAM Lower Saxony algae factory LLC (NAM) welcomes the interested participants to the briefing in the Berlin premises. What Habitat do prefer the algae? Single-celled algae, unicellular green algae are the simplest form of the plant.

Each cell has chloroplasts, cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus in the light microscope, like other plant cells also. Also the ability to use the process of photosynthesis their To produce nutrients even seaweed with other plants have in common. Single-celled green algae occur in great diversity of form. There are even star-shaped, spherical and elongated forms. You can find moving shapes with the scourge as well as fixed. In some species, multiple cells join together. Because they form no true tissues but with specialized cell types, they are nevertheless among the protozoa by many scientists.

Most of the approximately 800 species of single-celled green algae found in fresh water. Some species but also on land, where they form such as the Green lining on the weather side of the trees. “Champion green algae these algae are all known, in particular pond and Aquarium owners: the green” wadding, which floats in the summer in ditches and shallow ponds, consists of certain green algae. Many single cells to unbranched or branched filaments are strung together with them. Diatoms of green-brown coating on water plants, water basin, covered stones consists of diatoms. Chromalveolate stubs be protected by pebble trays, a box match as bottom and lid. Through a longitudinal crack in the shell plasma threads come out front, which incorporated back into the cell. So the algae as a tracked vehicle moves forward. How can renewable energy from plants are used climate-friendly and sustainable? The secret lies in the energy source Sun”, because the Sun is the source of most energy sources. Plants are the raw material from which the bio-energy is obtained, and these in turn pull their energy from the Sun. From history, we know the coal mining and the use of this form of energy. Actually coal also comes from biomass. Although this was deposited in the soil very long ago, but here has survived millions of years. Biomass remains a very attractive energy source. A special attraction of the biomass is that it is the only renewable energy source, which directly all three energy services: heat, electricity and mobility meets and can deliver. The research and development needs here go further, because to efficiently use biomass to replace fossil energy sources on a large scale is an optimized bio fuel production on the one hand and on the other hand, the optimized technology of conversion required. This is where the algae plays an increasingly important role. More ideas, developments and relationships were then discussed and exchanged experiences.

Energy Management Systems

What companies should do now to secure implementation of an energy management system for energy tax refund should be starting in 2013 as a pre-condition for energy tax refund. The period 2011/2012 can serve as introductory period. Ali Partovi gathered all the information. From 2013, the implementation of an energy management plan is then unavoidable for electricity tax and energy tax refund for manufacturing industry. Insofar should be thinking now about the introduction of a professional energy management, to take advantage of the time and the resulting benefits. Intelligent energy saving systems require modern energy management and best energy solutions that are purposeful and certainly realize all viable energy sources such as gas, oil, hydro power, geothermal energy, wind power, solar systems with photovoltaics and solar energy with best control settings.

The performance range of energy management and energy consulting goes up to capital intensive purchases in solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal energy, small savings improvements of control over energy use improvement Photovoltaic and hydroelectric power plants and other non-fossil energies. Energy savings are up to 70% for example in indoor lighting. The circumstances in which are found in the companies that have a major impact on the energy-saving potential. With modern energy management energy advisors and energy managers can avoid safely and sustainably high energy costs with improvements such as heating controls and device controls. The energy Manager – usage to improve the use of energy and for improving the use of energy and increasing the use of renewable energies, ensures profits. Qualified consultants in the area of energy management help companies implement energy management systems. You find energy-saving solutions and help companies through the provision of subsidies and raising finance. Dipl.-ing.