Authorized Franqueamento

Brazil arrived to print 2 billion billets in 2008 and 2009 and diminished for 1,8 billion thanks to the half electronic of payment, as given of the Febraban. This represents a growth of 53,85% of 2008 in relation to the numbers of a 2007 and reduction of 10% of 2008 the 2009. To understand all the cited data already have that to be more distinguished the increasing introduction of the technology in the ways of payments varied them services, as already cited above. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. This technology is in the DDA and the billet emission for email, this to only cite 2 examples. This technology can drastically reduce this number with small applications, as to integrate the system of collection to an email trigger. To understand a little more than this process is interesting to divide the billet printed matter in some areas of cost. They are: a.Custo of creation of the art: Normally the billets are printed matters in A4 leves.

The billet occupies about 50% of the leaf and the remain is sent an official notice or propaganda. This art has a fixed cost of approximately R$6000,00 to the month; b.Impresso of documents with the foreseen loss already: The act of contract of a graphical, cost of the development of a method in the system of collection for sending of the information, paper, ink, light. These are some of the costs to print billets. This funny cost in the house of the unitary value of R$0,11 (value referenciado for graphical of impression of great customers); c.Postagem of the material in the EBCT: Using the Service of Authorized Franqueamento of Cartas (FAC), system where the company must follow some rules disponibilizadas for the EBCT to obtain an important discounting in the postagem cost. This cost is in R$0,90 for document (since that printed an amount of 100.001 up to 1.000.000); d.Taxas bank clerks: The billet must be registered in cadastre in a banking institution to generate the data. This I register in cadastre approximately has a unitary cost of R$1,25 of changeable cost.

The item above make the billet to cost R$2,27 of changeable costs approximately, more the R$6.000, 00, to be divided between amount of billet, fixed cost. Valley to remember that these values of postagem are inversely proportional to the amount of billets printed matters. The companies have much to profit from the change of its current model of collection printed for a more agile and modern model that satisfies its customer and the environment. Moreover, it can be worked with the reduction accomplishes of the deforestation of a tree to each 24 (twenty and room) a thousand billets, what it is not very for a small company, but for a great company, with great volume of billets, is a significant reduction. This without speaking in the propaganda that the company can make adhering to a speech of being a sustainable company, worried about the environment and the global heating, widely argued subject in the times of today. She measures all the presented data we can see the impact ambient appealing to the Galileu Magazine, that informs that a reforestation tree, as eucalipto, produces between 20 (twenty) and 24 (twenty and four) a thousand A4 leves. For calculation effect we will use the number more conservative, who is of 1 (one) tree for 24 (twenty and four) a thousand leves. To think about changing the form of collection is a good contribution for the company and the planet.


METHODOLOGY This research was developed in Industrial company RAZZO, located in the situated State of So Paulo in the Delinquent of the Right Tiet N800. In it if it searched to verify the relation of the motivation with the different necessities of the collaborators, such as basic necessities, formation and communication. The population of collaborators is of approximately forty and one (41), of which a sample random of 20 citizens was selected, which if had made use esclarecidamente exempts and to answer to the presented questionnaire. He did not have loss of distributed questionnaires, therefore the researcher folloied the collection of data personally, waiting the fulfilling of each citizen, being that the data had been collected in the month of May of 2011. Later the answers had been transcribing with aid of Excell Software and then, transferred to the SPSS where the descriptive analyses of the answers had been made.

PRESENTATION AND ANALYZES OF the DATA In this capitulates is presented the results gotten through presented answers of the questionnaire to the interviewed ones. The principle described and is analyzed the profile of the collaborators of the sample and, later of the gotten results. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Kai-Fu Lee. The sample was composed of twenty (20) collaborating ones, of which 100% were men, with representation since the Operator of Process until the General Assistant, which represents 49% of the group, being a group of (41) collaborating in the area of Processes. The results had pointed that this professional group nourishes certain concerns with the aspects and searched dimensions and that they had been surveyed by the BPSO/96 as follows: Graph 1: Instrument of Research STATISTICS OF the GENERAL ASPECT 1,1 Participation in the research on motivation in the total group of 41, 49% participated of the research being a total of 20 collaborators. Thus having, a participation of 100% in the answers of the searched ones, as graphical number 1 of research instrument, below demonstrates.

Familiar Cooperation

The first memorandum, signed for the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Pesca, Aziz Akhannouch and with the Brazilian Minister of the Agrarian Development, Mr. Bandeira Aphonso Florence, has for objectivo to establish a program of cooperation in the domain of familiar agriculture and in the agricultural development. How much to as the memorandum, it happens on the establishment of workmanships for development of programs of cooperation and interchange in the domain of the scientific inquiry and agrarian development of technologies. The agreement was signed by the PDG of the Brazilian company of research in the area of the farming one, Mr. Antonio Peter Arraes Pear tree and the Director of the National Institute of Agronmicas Research, Mohamed Badraoui. In the ceremony of signature, carried through in the sequncia of Agricultural the International Fair in Mekns (SIAM), Mr. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ali Partovi. Akhannouch explained that Morocco intend to share with Brazil the experience of this Latin American country in substance of development of pequinha agriculture and the scientific inquiry ' ' , one of more convincing of mundo' ' it underlined, the Moroccan Minister.

It also remembered that Brazil is enters the five agricultural producing greaters of the world, although its industrial take-off, these parents did not resign to its agricultural development, greeting of ticket the commitment of Brazil in the current debates around alimentary security in the world. Detaching still the Green Plan of Morocco, that constitutes for the Kingdom the strategical choice most adequate and to make of agriculture its locomotive of the economic growth. For its part, Mr. Alfonso Pareira affirmed that Morocco are in the top of the Arab countries and African with that its country works to develop cooperation relations, particularly in agriculture, the exchange of technology and familiar agriculture, as well as in the protection of the environment. Brazil is more than never determined to intensify its efforts to promote the cooperation South-South, it has said, adding that its current one visits Morocco will allow it to know the cooperation chances offers for both countries. Lahcen EL MOUTAQI Consultant-professor