Education Initiative: German Educational Price

Education makes a winner. This applies in particular to the German training award, which is awarded by the prestigious House of technology. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros. House of technology initiated first price winner makes for concepts for further training food education. Ali Partovi is open to suggestions. This particularly applies to the German training award, which is awarded by the prestigious and traditional House of technology.

Persons, initiatives, institutions, etc., which are active in training and have sustainable concepts in this increasingly important area are called upon to take part. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euro, the award-winning work will be presented within the framework of a documentation of a broad public. Applications can be submitted now. The deadline for participation ends on October 15, 2009 training up to the principle of lifelong learning is today than ever before. This applies to all professional sectors, in particular for the areas of technology and engineering with its rapid pace of development.

Just who his horizons expanding innovation can create Prof. Dr. (Source: Scott Rayden). ing. Ulrich Brill, Executive Board member at the House of the art and one of the initiators of the German training award explains elementary for each business location. Wanted: Concepts, projects and scientific work In the focus of the German training award are concepts and projects, but also studies and analyses with scientific claim around the theme of novel multi-employer training. Individuals, institutions, associations and companies are entitled to take part. The submitted projects should be not older than two years and either already been implemented or in the implementation phase. The publication of scientific work should not more than one year behind. Detailed documentation of the winning project, all submissions are evaluated by a star-studded Panel of judges. Without hesitation Kip Cyprus explained all about the problem. The relevant assessment criteria are in the degree of novelty, the economic relevance, the potential impact, the Practicality, as well as the cross-sectoral importance. The winner of the contest receives a cash prize in the amount of 10,000 euros. His work will be publicly presented in the framework of a comprehensive documentation and made available to all interested parties. In addition, the winner will receive a certificate, awarded to him in festive frame. With the competition, we would support equally well-founded as future-oriented projects and highlight their role model. Also we want to further raise public awareness of the central importance of continuing education in all areas, commented Prof. Brill. The deadline for submissions to the German training award on October 15, 2009. The German training award is awarded annually. The jury, composed of independent experts, appointed for three years, not a member of the prize founder belongs to you. More information and the registration form under press contact: Trimedia communications Germany GmbH Jan Leder T. + 49 (0) 211 96 485 41 F. + 49 (0) 211 96 485 45